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Last Updated:Mar 01, 2024

You can execute the CREATE PARTITION TABLE statement to create a partitioned table. This topic describes how to use the CREATE PARTITION TABLE statement.

Statement description

A partitioned table refers to a parent table that is partitioned into different child tables based on partition key values. Data in the child tables is publicly available. Unless otherwise stated, parent tables mentioned in this topic refer to partitioned tables.

Before you can use a partitioned table, you must create child tables in advance. You can execute the CREATE PARTITION TABLE statement to create a partitioned table. You can also enable dynamic partitioning for a table to automatically create child tables.

Child tables of a partitioned table are stored in different files. To query data in a partitioned table, you must specify a partition. This way, the system does not need to scan all the partitions in the table and can quickly locate the desired file. This improves the efficiency. In most cases, a fact table is divided into different partitions by date. A child table of a partitioned table is equivalent to a non-partitioned table in metadata storage. Therefore, a large number of partitions cause the volume of metadata to increase and result in a large number of small files and fragments.

If your data source is a database, we recommend that you do not use partitioned tables. If you use partitioned tables in this scenario, excessive partitions may waste I/O resources. To resolve this issue and implement index-based query acceleration, you can specify the commonly used partition fields to constitute the segment key.


  • Hologres allows you to import data to a child table rather than a parent table.


    Realtime Compute for Apache Flink allows you to import data to a parent table in Hologres in real time. For more information, see Write data to a partitioned result table in Hologres in real time.

  • Each partitioning rule can be used to create only one partitioned table.

  • The PARTITION BY clause supports only list partitioning. The partition key must be a single column.

  • If a partitioned table has a primary key, the partition key must be a subset of the primary key.

  • Hologres V1.3 and later support dynamic partitioning. In Hologres V2.1.11 and later, you use a column of the DATE data type as the partition key column for dynamic partitioning. You can view the version of your Hologres instance in the Hologres console. If you want to use features that are available in specific versions, manually upgrade your Hologres instance in the Hologres console or join a Hologres DingTalk group to apply for an instance upgrade. For more information about how to manually upgrade a Hologres instance, see Manual upgrade (beta). For more information about how to join a Hologres DingTalk group, see Obtain online support for Hologres.

Usage notes

  • If the number of data records in a single day is less than 100 million, we recommend that you do not use the date as a partitioning condition and do not create a partitioned table by date. Otherwise, the size of each partition is small and queries are not significantly accelerated. We recommend that you specify a coarser granularity.

  • If you need to frequently replace the data of a partition by performing TRUNCATE or DROP operations, we recommend that you use partitioned tables. If you use partitioned tables in this scenario, you can perform TRUNCATE or DROP operations in a more efficient manner, without the need to scan a large amount of data.

Create a partitioned table

  • Syntax

    You can use the following statements to create a partitioned table:

    -- Create a parent table.
    CREATE TABLE [if not exists] [<schema_name>.]<table_name>  ([
       <column_name> <column_type> [ <column_constraints>, [...]]
       | <table_constraints>
       [, ...]
    PARTITION BY LIST(<column_name>);
    -- Create child tables.
    CREATE TABLE [if not exists] [<schema_name>.]<table_name> PARTITION OF <parent_table>
      FOR VALUES IN (<string_literal>);
  • Parameter description

    The following table describes the parameters in the preceding syntax.



    if not exists

    Specifies that if a table with the same name already exists, the system does not return an error message but notifies you that the table already exists.


    The name of the schema in which the table resides. If you create a parent table and child tables in the same schema, you do not need to specify a schema name. If you create a parent table and child tables across schemas, you must specify a schema name.


    The name of the parent table or the child table that you want to create.


    The name of the column that you want to create in the new table.


    The data type of the column.


    The name of the column constraint.


    The name of the table constraint.


    The name of the parent table of the child table.


    The partition key column.

  • Columns of the TEXT, VARCHAR, and INT data types can be used as partition key columns. In Hologres V1.3.22 and later, columns of the DATE data type can be used as partition key columns.

  • Examples

    The following examples show how to create partitioned tables:

    • Example 1: Create a parent table that does not have a primary key and its child tables in the public schema.

      • Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_parent (
            a text,
            b int,
            c timestamp,
            d text
        PARTITION BY LIST (a) 
        WITH (orientation = 'column');
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child1 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN ('v1');
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child2 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN ('v2');
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child3 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN ('v3');
      • Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_parent(
          a text, 
          b int, 
          c timestamp, 
          d text
          PARTITION BY LIST(a);
        CALL set_table_property('public.hologres_parent', 'orientation', 'column');           
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child1 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN('v1');
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child2 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN('v2');
        CREATE TABLE public.hologres_child3 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent FOR VALUES IN('v3');
    • Example 2: Create a parent table that has a primary key and its child tables in the public schema.

      Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

      CREATE TABLE public.hologres_parent_2 (
          a text,
          b int,
          c timestamp,
          d text,
          ds text,
          PRIMARY KEY (ds, b)
      WITH (orientation = 'column');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_1 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN ('20201215');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_2 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN ('20201216');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN ('20201217');

      Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

      CREATE TABLE public.hologres_parent_2(
        a text , 
        b int, 
        c timestamp, 
        d text,
        ds text,
        primary key(ds,b)
        PARTITION BY LIST(ds);
      CALL set_table_property('public.hologres_parent_2', 'orientation', 'column');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_1 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN('20201215');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_2 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN('20201216');
      CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3 PARTITION OF public.hologres_parent_2 FOR VALUES IN('20201217');

Query all child tables

You can query all child tables of a parent table by using one of the following methods:

  • Query all child tables of a parent table in a visualized manner by using HoloWeb.

  • Query all child tables of a parent table by executing the following SQL statement. In the SQL statement, change parent_table_name based on your business requirements.

        nmsp_parent.nspname AS parent_schema,
        parent.relname      AS parent,
        nmsp_child.nspname  AS child_schema,
        child.relname       AS child
    FROM pg_inherits
        JOIN pg_class parent            ON pg_inherits.inhparent = parent.oid
        JOIN pg_class child             ON pg_inherits.inhrelid   = child.oid
        JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_parent   ON nmsp_parent.oid  = parent.relnamespace
        JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child    ON nmsp_child.oid   = child.relnamespace
    WHERE parent.relname='parent_table_name'; 

Rules on property settings between a parent table and its child tables

The following table describes the rules on property settings that apply when a child table is attached to a parent table. The following rules apply:

  • Must be consistent with the parent table: A property of the child table must be consistent with that of the parent table. Otherwise, an error is reported when the child table is attached to the parent table, and another child table must be created.

  • Not need to be consistent with the parent table: A property of the child table can be different from that of the parent table. If the property of the child table is not explicitly specified, the child table inherits the corresponding property setting of the parent table. If the property of the child table is explicitly specified, the property setting of the child table is retained.

  • Must include the indexed columns of the parent table: The indexed columns of the child table must include those of the parent table. Columns that are not specified as indexed columns for the parent table can be explicitly specified for the child table.


Table property


Whether a child table created by executing the CREATE TABLE PARTITION OF statement inherits the property setting from its parent table

Rule that applies when a child table is attached to a parent table

Table property


The storage format of the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The table group to which the table belongs. This property also specifies the shard count for the table group.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The time-to-live (TTL) of the data in the table.


Not need to be consistent with the parent table.

  • If this property is not specified for the child table, the child table inherits the property setting from its parent table.

  • If this property is specified for the child table, the specified property setting is retained.


primary key

The primary key of the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The distribution key of the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The clustering key of the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The event time column of the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The dictionary encoding columns of the table.


Not need to be consistent with the parent table.


The field indexes of the table.


Not need to be consistent with the parent table.


Specifies whether to enable binary logging.


Must be consistent with the parent table.


The indexes used to perform vector searches on the table.


Must be consistent with the parent table.

Column constraint


The NOT NULL constraint.


Must be consistent with the parent table.

default value

The default value constraint.


Must be consistent with the parent table.

Dynamic partitioning

Hologres V1.3 and later support dynamic partitioning in a partitioned table. This feature runs schedule tasks as configured to create partitions in advance and delete expired partitions as required. This way, you are less burdened with partition lifecycle management. Hologres V1.3.37 and later support dynamic management of tiered storage of hot and cold data. This way, data can be automatically stored in cold storage. This helps reduce storage costs. For more information, see Tiered storage of hot data and cold data.

  • Configure dynamic partitioning

    • Syntax

      You can configure dynamic partitioning for a partitioned table when you create the partitioned table. You can also configure dynamic partitioning for an existing partitioned table. The following sample code shows the syntax:

      • Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

        -- Configure dynamic partitioning for a partitioned table when you create the partitioned table.
        CREATE TABLE [if not exists] [<schema_name>.]<table_name>  ([
           <column_name> <column_type> [ <column_constraints>, [...]]
           | <table_constraints>
           [, ...]
        PARTITION BY LIST(<column_name>)
        WITH (
           auto_partitioning_enable = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_time_unit = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_time_zone = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_num_precreate = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_num_retention = 'xxx'
        -- Configure dynamic partitioning for an existing partitioned table.
        ALTER TABLE [<schema_name>.]<table_name> SET (
           auto_partitioning_enable = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_num_precreate = 'xxx',
           auto_partitioning_num_retention = 'xxx'
      • Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

        -- Configure dynamic partitioning for a partitioned table when you create the partitioned table.
        CREATE TABLE [if not exists] [<schema_name>.]<table_name>  ([
           <column_name> <column_type> [ <column_constraints>, [...]]
           | <table_constraints>
           [, ...]
        PARTITION BY LIST(<column_name>);
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.enable', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.time_unit', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.time_zone', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.num_precreate', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.num_retention', 'xxx');
        -- Configure dynamic partitioning settings for an existing partitioned table.
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.enable', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.time_unit', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.time_zone', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.num_precreate', 'xxx');
        CALL set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'auto_partitioning.num_retention', 'xxx');
    • Parameter description


      Before you execute the CREATE TABLE WITH statement to configure dynamic partitioning, change the periods (.) in parameter names to underscores (_). For example, before you execute the CREATE TABLE WITH statement to configure dynamic partitioning in Hologres V2.1, change auto_partitioning.enable to auto_partitioning_enable.







      Specifies whether to enable dynamic partitioning. Valid values:

      • true: enables dynamic partitioning.

      • false: disables dynamic partitioning. This is the default value.




      The time unit for dynamic partitioning. Valid values:

      • HOUR

      • DAY

      • MONTH

      • QUARTER

      • YEAR

      For example, if you set this parameter to DAY, the system automatically creates or deletes partitions by day.




      The time zone for dynamic partitioning. If you specify a time zone, partitions are dynamically managed based on the specified time zone. You can execute the following SQL statement to query the valid values for this parameter. Different time zones have different time offsets. The valid values for this parameter are displayed in the name column returned. Example: Asia/Shanghai.

      SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names;

      If you do not configure this parameter, the time zone in which your Hologres instance is located is used.




      The number of partitions that you want to create in advance. Valid values:

      • 0: No partitions are created in advance.

      • [1, 512]: The specified number of partitions are created based on the current point in time. We recommend that you specify a number greater than or equal to 2. Default value: 4.

      For example, time_unit = DAY,num_precreate = 3 indicates that partitions are created for January 10, January 11, and January 12 of 2022 if the current date is January 10, 2022.




      The number of historical partitions that you want to retain. Valid values:

      • 0: No historical partitions are retained.

      • -1: All historical partitions are retained. This is the default value.

      • A positive integer: The specified number of historical partitions are retained. The default value is 512. You can execute the set hg_experimental_auto_part_max_maintained_partitions=<value>; statement to change the number of historical partitions that you want to retain. The maximum value is 8760.

      For example, if the current date is January 10, 2022, <time_unit = DAY,num_retention = 3> indicates that partitions for January 9, January 8, and January 7 of 2022 are retained, and partitions for dates before January 7, 2022 are deleted.


    • Naming conventions for child tables

      The time unit for dynamic partitioning can be specified as day, month, quarter, or year. The name of a child table that is automatically created by using the dynamic partitioning feature consists of the name of its parent table and a time suffix, in the {parent_table}_{time_suffix} format. Each time suffix follows a specific format and is generated based on the scheduled time and time unit for dynamic partitioning. The following table describes the relationships between time suffixes and the scheduled time for dynamic partitioning.


      Format of the time suffix


      Scheduled time for dynamic partitioning




      The dynamic partitioning task is scheduled to run at the beginning of each hour. For example, the task is run at 01:00:01 on March 1, 2022.




      The dynamic partitioning task is scheduled to run at 00:00:01 every day. For example, the task is run at 00:00:01 on March 1, 2022.



      20221, 20222, 20223, or 20224, which indicates the first, second, third, or fourth quarter of 2022.

      The dynamic partitioning task is scheduled to run at 00:00:01 every day. For example, the task is run at 00:00:01 on March 1, 2022.



      2022 or 2023, which indicates the yearly partition for 2022 or 2023.

      The dynamic partitioning task is scheduled to run at 00:00:01 every day. For example, the task is run at 00:00:01 on March 1, 2022.

    • Examples

      The following SQL statements provide examples on how to configure dynamic partitioning. In the examples, partitions are created for the next three days and historical partitions for the previous two days are retained based on the current date in the time zone of Asia/Shanghai.

      Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later

      1. Create a partitioned table named tbl1.

        -- Create a partitioned table and configure dynamic partitioning for the table in Hologres V2.1.
        CREATE TABLE tbl1 (
            c1 text NOT NULL,
            c2 text 
        PARTITION BY LIST (c2)
        WITH (
           auto_partitioning_enable = 'true',
           auto_partitioning_time_unit = 'DAY',
           auto_partitioning_time_zone = 'Asia/Shanghai',
           auto_partitioning_num_precreate = '3',
           auto_partitioning_num_retention = '2'
      2. Insert data into partitions.

        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 1', '20231212');
        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 2', '20231213');
        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 3', '20231214');
      3. Query data.

        SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE c2='20231212';

        The following result is returned:

        c1	     c2
        Data 1   20231212

      Syntax supported in all Hologres versions

      1. Create a partitioned table named tbl1.

        -- Create a partitioned table and configure dynamic partitioning for the table.
        CREATE TABLE tbl1 (
            c1 text NOT NULL,
            c2 text 
        PARTITION BY LIST (c2);
        CALL set_table_property ('tbl1', 'auto_partitioning.enable', 'true');
        CALL set_table_property ('tbl1', 'auto_partitioning.time_unit', 'DAY');
        CALL set_table_property ('tbl1', 'auto_partitioning.time_zone', 'Asia/Shanghai');
        CALL set_table_property ('tbl1', 'auto_partitioning.num_precreate', '3');
        CALL set_table_property ('tbl1', 'auto_partitioning.num_retention', '2');
      2. Insert data into partitions.

        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 1', '20231212');
        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 2', '20231213');
        INSERT INTO tbl1 (c1, c2) VALUES ('Data 3', '20231214');
      3. Query data.

        SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE c2='20231212';

        The following result is returned:

        c1	     c2
        Data 1   20231212

      The following table describes the execution result.



      Execution result

      2023-12-12 09:00:00

      SQL statements are executed to create a parent table and its child tables.

      The parent table named tbl1 and child tables named tbl1_20231212, tbl1_20231213, and tbl1_20231214 are created.

      2023-12-13 00:00:00

      The system automatically creates a child table.

      A child table named tbl1_20231215 is created.

      2023-12-14 00:00:00

      The system automatically creates a child table.

      A child table named tbl1_20231216 is created.

      2023-12-15 00:00:00

      The system automatically creates a child table and deletes another child table.

      A child table named tbl1_20231217 is created, and the child table named tbl1_20231212 is deleted.

      2023-12-16 00:00:00

      The system automatically creates a child table and deletes another child table.

      A child table named tbl1_20231218 is created, and the child table named tbl1_20231213 is deleted.

  • Retain a specific child table

    • Syntax

      By default, the system creates and deletes child tables based on the configurations of dynamic partitioning. Child tables that expire are automatically deleted. However, you may want to retain the data in an important child table. For example, you want to retain the e-commerce data generated on November 11 of each year to perform year-on-year or period-over-period analysis. In such scenarios, Hologres allows you to add the keep_alive property to the child table that you want to retain to prevent it from being automatically deleted.

      • Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

        -- Add the keep_alive property to the child table.
        ALTER TABLE [<schema_name>.]<table_name> SET (keep_alive = 'true');
        -- Remove the keep_alive property from the child table. After the keep_alive property is removed, the child table is deleted after it expires.
        ALTER TABLE [<schema_name>.]<table_name> SET (keep_alive = 'false');
      • Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

        -- Add the keep_alive property to a child table.
        call set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'keep_alive', 'true');
        -- Remove the keep_alive property from a child table. After you remove the keep_alive property, the child table is deleted after it expires.
        call set_table_property('[<schema_name>.]<table_name>', 'keep_alive', 'false');

      schema_name specifies the name of the schema to which the child table to be retained belongs. table_name specifies the name of the child table that you want to retain.

    • Examples

      • Execute the following SQL statement to retain the child table named tbl1_20220111:

        • Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

          -- Add the keep_alive property to a child table.
          ALTER TABLE pulbic.tbl1_20220111 SET (keep_alive = 'true');
        • Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

          -- Add the keep_alive property to a child table.
          call set_table_property('pulbic.tbl1_20220111', 'keep_alive', 'true');
      • Execute the following SQL statement to cancel the retention of the child table named tbl1_20220111:

        • Syntax supported in Hologres V2.1 and later:

          -- Remove the keep_alive property from the child table. After the keep_alive property is removed, the child table is deleted after it expires.
          ALTER TABLE pulbic.tbl1_20220111 SET (keep_alive = 'false');
        • Syntax supported in all Hologres versions:

          -- Remove the keep_alive property from the child table. After the keep_alive property is removed, the child table is deleted after it expires.
          call set_table_property('pulbic.tbl1_20220111', 'keep_alive', 'false');
  • Query the dynamic partitioning configurations and scheduling details

    You can execute the following SQL statement to query partitioned tables for which dynamic partitioning is enabled in the current database and the dynamic partitioning parameters configured for each partitioned table:

        nsp_name AS schema_name,
        tbl_name AS table_name,
        b.usename AS create_user,
        hologres.hg_partitioning_config AS a
        LEFT JOIN pg_user AS b ON a.cret_user = b.usesysid;

    The following table describes the columns in the query result.




    The name of the schema.


    The name of the table.


    Indicates whether dynamic partitioning is enabled.


    The time unit for dynamic partitioning.


    The time zone for dynamic partitioning.


    The number of partitions that you want to create in advance.


    The number of historical partitions that you want to retain.


    The time when the partitioned table was created.


    The nearest point in time when partitioning is scheduled.

  • Query the logs for creating and deleting child tables

    The logs of creating and deleting child tables are not included in the data query logs. You can execute the following SQL statement to query the logs of creating and deleting child tables:


    The following figure shows a sample query result. 查看和清除分区子表日志The following table describes the columns in the query result.




    The name of the partitioned table and the schema to which the partitioned table belongs, in the {Schema name}.{Table name} format.


    The owner of the partitioned table.


    The time scheduled for dynamic partitioning.


    The actual time when dynamic partitioning was enabled.


    The status of the dynamic partitioning task.


    The description of a table.


    The names of the child tables that were created.


    The name of the child table that was deleted.


  • How do I enable dynamic partitioning for an existing partitioned table?

    You can execute the following SQL statements to enable dynamic partitioning for an existing partitioned table.


    The auto_partitioning.time_unit and auto_partitioning.time_zone parameters are the core parameters of the dynamic partitioning feature. Therefore, you can configure the parameters only once after a Hologres instance is upgraded. After that, the values of the parameters cannot be changed.

    -- Sample SQL statements
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.enable', 'true');
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.time_unit', 'HOUR');
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.time_zone', 'PRC');
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.num_precreate', '4');
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.num_retention', '-1');
    CALL set_table_property('auto_part_old', 'auto_partitioning.num_hot', '-1');
  • If I enable dynamic partitioning for an existing parent table, are the child tables that already exist automatically deleted?

    Hologres determines whether to delete a child table based on the table name. If the name of a child table follows the {parent_table}_{time_suffix} naming rule, the child table is automatically deleted after it expires. Otherwise, the child table is not automatically deleted.

  • I execute SQL statements to create a partitioned table and configure dynamic partitioning for the table with auto_partitioning_num_precreate set to 3. However, a partitioned table is created but no child tables are created. Why?

    By default, the backend checks tasks in which dynamic partitioning is configured for the first time every 10 minutes. The child tables are created within 10 minutes. You can check the child tables later.