This topic describes how to edit tags. You can edit or delete tags that are attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance, or attach new tags to the instance.


Tags are attached to the target CEN instance. For more information, see Add tags.


  1. Log on to the CEN console.
  2. On the Instances page, find the target CEN instance.
  3. Click the Tag icon in the Tag column.
  4. Click Edit. In the Configure Tags dialog box, you can perform the following operations:
    Edit tags
    • Delete a tag: Click the Delete icon next to a tag to delete the tag.
    • Edit a tag: Select a tag, and modify the key and value of the tag.
    • Add a tag: Enter a tag key and a tag value in the last row to add a new tag.
  5. Click OK.
    After you edit tags, you can move your pointer over the Tag icon to view the edited tags. Add tags