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Artificial Intelligence Recommendation:Instance types

Last Updated:Mar 07, 2024

Instance types

Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence Recommendation (AIRec) provides instances of two editions: Standard and Junior.

Standard Edition

We recommend that you use AIRec instances of the Standard Edition in production environments. You can configure quotas for AIRec instances of the Standard Edition in a flexible manner. This does not affect the computing effect and update cycles of the computing model used by the related industry.

QPS quota: To ensure service stability, we recommend that you select a QPS quota based on actual business situations such as the number of daily active users (DAU) and peak hours. QPS is short for queries per second. It indicates the number of requests that can be processed by a service. If you cannot determine the required QPS during peak hours, we recommend that you define a fallback policy before you provide services for users. If you use a fallback policy, recommended results will be returned to users when users receive no recommendation results for the requested content. This avoids empty recommended results that occur when the actual QPS exceeds the quota.

Storage quota: You must upload and update the information in the user table and item table in a timely manner. When you select a specific storage specification, we recommend that you consider the number of both daily new users and newly recommended items in addition to existing users and materials. You must reserve storage space or increase the quota in a timely manner. If the storage quota is exceeded, some data may fail to be transmitted.

Junior Edition

We recommend that you purchase an AIRec instance of the Junior Edition for data preparations and tests. You can also experience diversified features provided by AIRec. An AIRec instance of the Junior Edition is different from that of Standard Edition in the following aspects:

1. An AIRec instance of the Junior Edition has only one type of specification. You can upgrade an AIRec instance from the Junior Edition to the Standard Edition.

2. The sorting in the computing model of an AIRec instance of the Junior Edition is calculated every 24 hours. Whereas, the sorting in the computing model of an AIRec instance of the Standard Edition is calculated every 4 hours.

3. An AIRec instance of the Junior Edition does not support the service level agreement (SLA). We recommend that you do not use AIRec instances of the Junior Edition in production environments. An AIRec instance of the Junior Edition supports only one type of specification, which supports one million users, one million items, and two QPSs. If you purchase such an instance, check your data volume and QPS in advance to avoid data transmission failures and empty results that may occur when the quota is exceeded.

Note: If you are starting an AIRec instance of the Junior Edition, you can upgrade the instance only after the instance is started.