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Alibaba Cloud DNS:Pricing overview

Last Updated:Sep 20, 2023

This topic describes the pricing of Alibaba Cloud Public DNS, including billing methods, billable items, and prices.

The public review period of Alibaba Cloud Public DNS Commercial Edition ended in April 2021. Alibaba Cloud Public DNS Commercial Edition is available as a commercial service now.

Billing method

Alibaba Cloud Public DNS supports only the pay-as-you-go billing method.

Billable items

Alibaba Cloud Public DNS is billed based on the number of HTTP-based resolutions.

An HTTPS-based resolution is counted as five HTTP-based resolutions for billing. HTTPS-based resolutions include resolutions that use DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH).

Billing cycle

1. Alibaba Cloud Public DNS generates daily bills.

2. On the first day of each month, Alibaba Cloud Public DNS provides a free quota of 10 million HTTP-based resolutions. After you use up the free monthly quota, you are charged for excess resolutions.

3. The free quota is provided on a monthly basis. The remaining quota from the previous month does not roll over.

Billing details

  1. Deduction sequence

  2. Free quota

    Alibaba Cloud Public DNS provides a free monthly quota of 10 million HTTP-based resolutions.

  3. Pay-as-you-go billing

After you use up the free quota, you are charged USD 0.0062 per 10,000 HTTP-based resolutions.

View the details about resolutions

In the Alibaba Cloud DNS console, go to the Public DNS page. You can view the details about resolutions on the Billing Data tab.

Billing Data tab