This topic describes the use scenarios of ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ. It helps you better use ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ in your business.

Asynchronous decoupling

ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ can be used for communication between different microservices after a single application is split into microservices. Application decoupling ensures that the iterations of different applications are no longer dependent on each other. Asynchronous communication ensures that data no longer needs to be immediately processed. Asynchronous decoupling can effectively shorten the length of data links and improve data processing efficiency.

Load shifting

Large activities may cause high traffic pulses. If this occurs, a lack of proper protection may cause system overload or even breakdown, whereas excessive limits on traffic may lead to a large number of request failures and affect user experience. ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ supports load shifting. The service can properly handle traffic pulses based on its powerful message processing capability. It responds to requests in a fast and effective manner without an effect on service availability. This significantly improves user experience. Even if a huge number of messages are accumulated, Message Queue for RabbitMQ can still ensure the stable and secure running of downstream services.

Distributed cache synchronization

High concurrency of accesses to a database slows down page responses. ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ provides a distributed cache synchronization feature that notifies applications of data changes in real time. This reduces the page response time and allows access to data changes from a large number of applications.