This topic describes the syntax and parameters of resource functions. This topic also provides examples on how to use the functions.


Notice When you call the following resource functions, you must configure the Advanced preview mode to pull the data that you require. For more information about how to configure the Advanced preview mode, see Advanced preview.
Function Description
res_local Pulls the values of advanced parameters from the current data transformation job.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Obtain data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database over the internal network.

res_rds_mysql Pulls data from a specified table in a database that is created on an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or obtains the execution result of an SQL statement. The data and result can be updated at regular intervals.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Obtain data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database over the internal network.

res_log_logstore_pull Pulls data from another Logstore when you transform data in a Logstore. You can pull data in a continuous manner.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Pull data from one Logstore to enrich log data in another Logstore.

res_oss_file Pulls data from an object in a specified Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. The data can be updated at regular intervals.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Pull a CSV file from OSS to enrich data.


The res_local function pulls the values of advanced parameters from the current data transformation job.

  • Syntax

    res_local(param, default=None, type="auto")
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    param String Yes The key that is specified in Advanced Parameter Settings for the current data transformation job.
    default String No The value that is returned if the key specified for the param parameter does not exist. Default value: None.
    type String No The format of the output data. Valid values:
    • auto: Raw data is converted to a JSON string. If the conversion fails, the raw data is returned. This is the default value.
    • JSON: Raw data is converted to a JSON string. If the conversion fails, the value of the default parameter is returned.
    • raw: Raw data is returned.
  • Response

    A JSON string or raw data is returned based on the parameter settings.

    • Successful conversions
      Raw data Return value Data type of the return value
      1 1 Integer
      1.2 1.2 Float
      true True Boolean
      false False Boolean
      "123" 123 String
      null None None
      ["v1", "v2", "v3"] ["v1", "v2", "v3"] List
      ["v1", 3, 4.0] ["v1", 3, 4.0] List
      {"v1": 100, "v2": "good"} {"v1": 100, "v2": "good"} List
      {"v1": {"v11": 100, "v2": 200}, "v3": "good"} {"v1": {"v11": 100, "v2": 200}, "v3": "good"} List
    • Failed conversions
      The following table provides some examples of failed conversions. The following raw data fails to be converted to JSON strings, and the raw data is returned as strings.
      Raw data Return value Description
      (1,2,3) "(1,2,3)" Tuples are not supported. Lists must be used.
      True "True" A value of the Boolean data type can only be true or false. The values must be in lowercase.
      {1: 2, 3: 4} "{1: 2, 3: 4}" A dictionary key can only be a string.
  • Examples

    Obtain the key specified in Advanced Parameter Settings and assign the value of the obtained key to the local parameter.
    In Advanced Parameter Settings, the key is endpoint, and the value is hangzhou. Advanced Parameter Settings
    • Raw log
      content: 1
    • Transformation rule
      e_set("local", res_local('endpoint'))
    • Result
      content: 1
      local: hangzhou
  • References

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Obtain data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database over the internal network.


The res_rds_mysql function pulls data from a specified table in a database that is created on an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or obtains the execution result of an SQL statement. Log Service allows you to pull data by using the following methods:
  • If you use the res_rds_mysql function to pull data from a database that is created on an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must create a whitelist on the instance and add to the whitelist. This allows access to the database from all IP addresses. However, this may create risks for the database. If you want to add the IP address of Log Service to the whitelist, you must submit aticket.
  • Log Service can access a database that is created on an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance by using either a public or internal endpoint of the instance. If an internal endpoint is used, you must configure the advanced parameters. For more information, see Obtain data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database over the internal network.
  • Pull all data only once

    When you run a data transformation job for the first time, Log Service pulls all data from a specified table and then no longer pulls data. If your database is not updated, we recommend that you use this method.

  • Pull all data at regular intervals
    When you run a data transformation job, Log Service pulls all data from a specified table at regular intervals. This way, Log Service can synchronize data with your database in a timely manner. However, this method requires a long period of time. If the data volume of your database is less than or equal to 2 GB and the value of the refresh_interval parameter is greater than or equal to 300 seconds, we recommend that you use this method. Pull all data
  • Pull incremental data at regular intervals
    When you run a data transformation job, Log Service pulls only incremental data based on the timestamp field of a specified database. If you use this method, Log Service pulls only the newly added data. This method is efficient. You can set the refresh_interval parameter to 1 second to synchronize data within seconds. If the data volume of your database is large, your data is frequently updated, or you require data to be pulled in a timely manner, we recommend that you use this method. Pull incremental data
  • Syntax

    res_rds_mysql(address="The address of the database from which data is pulled", username="The username used to connect to the database", password="The password used to connect to the database", database="The name of the database", table=None, sql=None, fields=None, fetch_include_data=None, fetch_exclude_data=None, refresh_interval=0, base_retry_back_off=1, max_retry_back_off=60, primary_keys=None, use_ssl=false, update_time_key=None, deleted_flag_key=None)
    Note You can also use the res_rds_mysql function to pull data from a database that is created in an AnalyticDB for MySQL or PolarDB for MySQL cluster. In these scenarios, you need to only replace the address, username, password, and name of the database in the transformation rule with the actual values.
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    address String Yes The endpoint or IP address of the database to which you want to connect. If the port number is not 3306, specify a value in the IP address:Port format. For more information, see View and change the internal and public endpoints and port numbers of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
    username String Yes The username that is used to connect to the database.
    password String Yes The password that is used to connect to the database.
    database String Yes The name of the database to which you want to connect.
    table String Yes The name of the table from which you want to pull data. If the sql parameter is configured, this parameter is not required.
    sql String Yes The SQL SELECT statement that is used to query data. If the table parameter is configured, this parameter is not required.
    fields String list No The string list or string alias list. If you do not configure this parameter, all columns returned for the sql or table parameter are used. For example, if you want to rename the name column in the ["user_id", "province", "city", "name", "age"] list to user_name, you must set the fields parameter to ["user_id", "province", "city", ("name", "user_name"), ("nickname", "nick_name"), "age"].
    Note If you configure the sql, table, and fields parameters together, the SQL statement in the sql parameter is executed. The table and fields parameters do not take effect.
    fetch_include_data String No The field whitelist. Logs whose fields match the fetch_include_data parameter are retained. Logs whose fields do not match this parameter are discarded.
    • If you do not configure this parameter or set this parameter to None, the field whitelist feature is disabled.
    • If you set this parameter to a specific field and field value, the logs that contain the field and field value are retained.
    fetch_exclude_data String No The field blacklist. Logs whose fields match the fetch_exclude_data parameter are discarded. Logs whose fields do not match this parameter are retained.
    • If you do not configure this parameter or set this parameter to None, the field blacklist feature is disabled.
    • If you set this parameter to a specific field and field value, the logs that contain the field and field value are discarded.
    Note If you configure both the fetch_include_data and fetch_exclude_data parameters, data is pulled first based on the setting of the fetch_include_data parameter and then based on the setting of the fetch_exclude_data parameter.
    refresh_interval Numeric string or number No The interval at which data is pulled from ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. Unit: seconds. Default value: 0. This value indicates that all data is pulled only once.
    base_retry_back_off Number No The interval at which the system attempts to pull data again after a pulling failure. Default value: 1. Unit: seconds.
    max_retry_back_off Int No The maximum interval between two consecutive retries after a pulling failure. Default value: 60. Unit: seconds. We recommend that you use the default value.
    primary_keys String/List No The primary key. If you configure this parameter, data in the table is saved to memory as a dictionary in the Key:Value format. A key in the dictionary is the value of the primary_keys parameter. A value in the dictionary is an entire row of data in the table.
    • We recommend that you configure this parameter if the table contains a large volume of data.
    • The value of the primary_keys parameter must exist in the fields that are pulled from the table.
    use_ssl Boolean No Specifies whether to use the SSL protocol to connect to the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. Default value: false.
    Note If SSL encryption is enabled on the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, Log Service connects to the instance over SSL. However, the server certificate is not verified. The server certificate cannot be used to establish connections.
    update_time_key String No The time field that is used to pull incremental data. If you do not configure this parameter, all data is pulled. For example, update_time in update_time_key="update_time" indicates the time field of data update in the database. The time field supports the following data types: datetime, timestamp, integer, float, and decimal. Make sure that the values of the time field increase in chronological order.
    Note Log Service pulls incremental data based on the time field. Make sure that an index is configured for this field in the table. If the index is not configured, a full table scan is performed. In addition, an error is reported, which indicates a failure to pull incremental data.
    deleted_flag_key String No The data that does not need to be transformed and is discarded when incremental data is pulled. For example, if the value of key in update_time_key="key" meets the following condition, the value is parsed as deleted data:
    • Boolean: true
    • Datetime and timestamp: not empty
    • Char and varchar: 1, true, t, yes, and y
    • Integer: non-zero
    • You must configure the deleted_flag_key parameter together with the update_time_key parameter.
    • If you configure the update_time_key parameter but do not configure the deleted_flag_key parameter, no data is discarded when incremental data is pulled.
    connector String No The connector that is used to remotely connect to the database. Valid values: mysql and pgsql. Default value: mysql.
  • Response

    A table that contains multiple columns is returned. The columns are defined by the fields parameter.

  • Error handling

    If an error occurs when data is pulled, the error is reported, but the data transformation job continues to run. Retries are performed based on the value of the base_retry_back_off parameter. For example, the first retry interval is 1 second, and the first retry fails. The second retry interval is twice the length of the first one. The process continues until the interval reaches the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If the error persists, retries are performed based on the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If a retry succeeds, the retry interval resets to the initial value, which is 1 second.

  • Examples

    • Pull all data
      • Example 1: Pull data from the test_table table in the test_db database at 300-second intervals.
      • Example 2: Pull data from the test_table table, excluding the data records whose status value is delete.
      • Example 3: Pull the data records whose status value is exit from the test_table table.
      • Example 4: Pull the data records whose status value is exit from the test_table table, excluding the data records whose name value is aliyun.
      • Example 5: Use the pgsql connector to connect to a Hologres database and pull data from the test_table table.
      • Example 6: Pull data by using the primary_keys parameter.

        If you configure the primary_keys parameter, its value is extracted as a key. The data pulled from the table is saved to memory in the {"10001":{"userid":"10001","city_name":"beijing","city_number":"12345"}} format. In this case, data is pulled at a high speed. If you want to pull a large volume of data, we recommend that you use this method. If you do not configure the primary_keys parameter, the function traverses the table by row. Then, the function pulls data and saves the data to memory in the [{"userid":"10001","city_name":"beijing","city_number":"12345"}] format. In this case, data is pulled at a low speed, but only a small portion of memory is occupied. If you want to pull a small volume of data, we recommend that you use this method.

        • Table
          userid city_name city_number
          10001 beijing 12345
        • Raw log
          # Data Record 1
          # Data Record 2
        • Transformation rule
              ["city_name", "city_number"],
        • Result
          # Data Record 1
          city_name: beijing
          # Data Record 2
    • Pull incremental data
      • Example 1: Pull incremental data.
        Note You can pull incremental data from a table only if the following conditions are met:
        • The table has a unique primary key and a time field, such as the item_id and update_time fields.
        • The primary_keys, refresh_interval, and update_time_key parameters are configured.
        • Table
          item_id item_name price
          1001 Orange 10
          1002 Apple 12
          1003 Mango 16
        • Raw log
          # Data Record 1
          item_id: 1001
          total: 100
          # Data Record 2
          item_id: 1002
          total: 200
          # Data Record 3
          item_id: 1003
          total: 300
        • Transformation rule
              ["item_name", "price"],
        • Result
          # Data Record 1
          item_id: 1001
          total: 100
          item_name: Orange
          # Data Record 2
          item_id: 1002
          total: 200
          item_name: Apple
          # Data Record 3
          item_id: 1003
          total: 300
          item_name: Mango
      • Example 2: Configure the deleted_flag_key parameter to discard specified data when incremental data is pulled.
        • Table
          item_id item_name price update_time Is_deleted
          1001 Orange 10 1603856138 False
          1002 Apple 12 1603856140 False
          1003 Mango 16 1603856150 False
        • Raw log
          # Data Record 1
          item_id: 1001
          total: 100
          # Data Record 2
          item_id: 1002
          total: 200
          # Data Record 3
          item_id: 1003
          total: 300
        • Transformation rule
              ["item_name", "price"],
        • Result

          The res_rds_mysq function pulls three data records from the table to the memory of the server on which Log Service runs. These data records are compared with the existing data records in the source Logstore to check whether the records match. If you want to discard the data record whose item_id is 1001, find the data record whose item_id is 1001 in the table and change the value of the Is_deleted field to true. This way, the data record 1001 is discarded the next time that the in-memory dimension table is updated.

          # Data Record 2
          item_id: 1002
          total: 200
          item_name: Apple
          # Data Record 3
          item_id: 1003
          total: 300
          item_name: Mango
  • References

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Obtain data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database over the internal network.


The res_log_logstore_pull function pulls data from another Logstore when you transform data in a Logstore.

  • Syntax

    res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, fields, from_time="begin", to_time=None, fetch_include_data=None, fetch_exclude_data=None, primary_keys=None, fetch_interval=2, delete_data=None,  base_retry_back_off=1, max_retry_back_off=60, ttl=None, role_arn=None)
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    endpoint String Yes The endpoint. For more information, see Endpoints. By default, an HTTPS endpoint is used. You can also use an HTTP endpoint. In special cases, you may need to use a port other than port 80 or 443.
    ak_id String Yes The AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account. To ensure data security, we recommend that you configure this parameter in Advanced Parameter Settings. For more information about how to configure the advanced parameters, see Create a data transformation job.
    ak_secret String Yes The AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account. To ensure data security, we recommend that you configure this parameter in Advanced Parameter Settings. For more information about how to configure the advanced parameters, see Create a data transformation job.
    project String Yes The name of the project from which you want to pull data.
    logstore String Yes The name of the Logstore from which you want to pull data.
    fields String list Yes The string list or string alias list. If a log does not contain a specified field, the value of this field is an empty string. For example, if you want to rename the name column in the ["user_id", "province", "city", "name", "age"] list to user_name, you must set this parameter to ["user_id", "province", "city", ("name", "user_name"), ("nickname", "nick_name"), "age"].
    from_time String No The server time when the first data pulling from the Logstore starts. Default value: begin. This value indicates that Log Service starts to pull data from the first log. The following time formats are supported:
    • UNIX timestamp.
    • Time string.
    • Custom string, such as begin or end.
    • Expression: the time that is returned by the dt_ function. For example, the function dt_totimestamp(dt_truncate(dt_today(tz="Asia/Shanghai"), day=op_neg(-1))) returns the start time of data pulling, which is one day before the current time. If the current time is 2019-5-5 10:10:10 (UTC+8), the returned time is 2019-5-4 10:10:10 (UTC+8).
    to_time String No The server time when the first data pulling from the Logstore ends. Default value: None. This value indicates that Log Service stops pulling data at the last log. The following time formats are supported:
    • UNIX timestamp.
    • Time string.
    • Custom string, such as begin or end.
    • Expression: the time that is returned by the dt_ function.

    If you do not configure this parameter or set this parameter to None, data is pulled from the latest logs in a continuous manner.

    Note If you set this parameter to a point in time that is later than the current time, only the existing data in the Logstore is pulled. New data is not pulled.
    fetch_include_data String No The field whitelist. Logs whose fields match the fetch_include_data parameter are retained. Logs whose fields do not match this parameter are discarded.
    • If you do not configure this parameter or set this parameter to None, the field whitelist feature is disabled.
    • If you set this parameter to a specific field and field value, the logs that contain the field and field value are retained.
    fetch_exclude_data String No The field blacklist. Logs whose fields match the fetch_exclude_data parameter are discarded. Logs whose fields do not match this parameter are retained.
    • If you do not configure this parameter or set this parameter to None, the field blacklist feature is disabled.
    • If you set this parameter to a specific field and field value, the logs that contain the field and field value are discarded.
    Note If you configure both the fetch_include_data and fetch_exclude_data parameters, data is pulled first based on the setting of the fetch_include_data parameter and then based on the setting of the fetch_exclude_data parameter.
    primary_keys String list No The list of primary key fields that are used to maintain a table. If you change the name of a primary key field by using the fields parameter, you must use the new name to specify the primary key field for this parameter.
    • The value of the primary_keys parameter can contain only the single-value strings that are specified in the value of the fields parameter.
    • This parameter is valid when only one shard exists in the Logstore from which data is pulled.
    fetch_interval Int No The interval between two consecutive data pulling requests when data is pulled in a continuous manner. Default value: 2. Unit: seconds. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 second.
    delete_data String No The operation to delete data from the table. Data records that meet specified conditions and contain the value of primary_keys are deleted. For more information, see Query string syntax.
    base_retry_back_off Number No The interval at which the system attempts to pull data again after a pulling failure. Default value: 1. Unit: seconds.
    max_retry_back_off Int No The maximum interval between two consecutive retries after a pulling failure. Default value: 60. Unit: seconds. We recommend that you use the default value.
    ttl Int No The number of seconds that is used to determine the range for data pulling in a continuous manner. Data pulling starts when log data is generated and ends ttl seconds after the time that the log data is generated. Unit: seconds. Default value: None. This value indicates that all log data is pulled.
    role_arn String No The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role that is used. The RAM role must have the read permissions on the Logstore from which data is pulled. In the RAM console, you can view the ARN of a RAM role in the Basic Information section on the details page of the role. Example: acs:ram::1379******44:role/role-a. For more information about how to obtain the ARN of a RAM role, see View the basic information about a RAM role.
  • Response

    A table that contains multiple columns is returned.

  • Error handling

    If an error occurs when data is pulled, the error is reported, but the data transformation job continues to run. Retries are performed based on the value of the base_retry_back_off parameter. For example, the first retry interval is 1 second and the first retry fails. The second retry interval is twice the length of the first one. The process continues until the interval reaches the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If the error persists, retries are performed based on the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If a retry succeeds, the retry interval resets to the initial value, which is 1 second.

  • Examples

    • In this example, the data of fields key1 and key2 is pulled from the test_logstore Logstore of the test_project project. Data pulling starts when log data is written to the Logstore. Data pulling ends when the data write operation is complete. The data is pulled only once.
          ["key1", "key2"],
    • In this example, the data of fields key1 and key2 is pulled from the test_logstore Logstore of the test_project project. Data pulling starts when log data is written to the Logstore. Data pulling ends when the data write operation is complete. The data is pulled at 30-second intervals in a continuous manner.
          ["key1", "key2"],
    • In this example, a blacklist is configured to skip the data records that contain key1:value1 when data is pulled from a Logstore.
          ["key1", "key2"],
    • In this example, a whitelist is configured to pull the data records that contain key1:value1 from a Logstore.
          ["key1", "key2"],
    • In this example, the data of fields key1 and key2 is pulled from the test_logstore Logstore of the test_project project. Data pulling starts when log data is generated and ends 40,000,000 seconds after the time that the log data is generated.
    • In this example, the data of fields key1 and key2 is pulled from the test-logstore Logstore of the project-test1 project. The service-linked role of Log Service is used for authorization. Data pulling starts when log data is written to the Logstore. Data pulling ends when the data write operation is complete. The data is pulled only once.
          ["key1", "key2"],
          from_time="2022-7-27 10:10:10 8:00",
          to_time="2022-7-27 14:30:10 8:00",
    • In this example, the data of fields key1 and key2 is pulled from the test-logstore Logstore of the project-test1 project. A default role is used for authorization. Data pulling starts when log data is written to the Logstore. Data pulling ends when the data write operation is complete. The data is pulled only once.
           ["key1", "key2"],
          from_time="2022-7-21 10:10:10 8:00",
          to_time="2022-7-21 10:30:10 8:00",
  • References

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Pull data from one Logstore to enrich log data in another Logstore.


The res_oss_file function pulls data from an object in a specified OSS bucket. The data can be updated at regular intervals.
Note We recommend that you use a Log Service project that resides in the same region as the OSS bucket. This way, the object data in the bucket can be pulled over an internal network of Alibaba Cloud. An internal network is stable and fast.
  • Syntax

    res_oss_file(endpoint, ak_id, ak_key, bucket, file, format='text', change_detect_interval=0, base_retry_back_off=1, max_retry_back_off=60, encoding='utf8', error='ignore')
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    endpoint String Yes The endpoint of the OSS bucket. For more information, see Regions and endpoints. By default, an HTTPS endpoint is used. You can also use an HTTP endpoint. In special cases, you may need to use a port other than port 80 or 443.
    ak_id String Yes The AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account. To ensure data security, we recommend that you configure this parameter in Advanced Parameter Settings. For more information about how to configure the advanced parameters, see Create a data transformation job.
    ak_key String Yes The AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account. To ensure data security, we recommend that you configure this parameter in Advanced Parameter Settings. For more information about how to configure the advanced parameters, see Create a data transformation job.
    bucket String Yes The name of the OSS bucket from which you want to pull data.
    file String Yes The path to the object from which you want to pull data. Example: test/data.txt. Do not enter a forward slash (/) at the start of the path.
    format String Yes The format of the output file. Valid values:
    • Text: text format
    • Binary: byte stream format
    change_detect_interval String No The interval at which Log Service pulls the object data from OSS. Unit: seconds. The system checks whether the object is updated when data is pulled. If the object is updated, the incremental data is pulled. Default value: 0. This value indicates that no incremental data is pulled. All data is pulled only once when the function is called.
    base_retry_back_off Number No The interval at which the system attempts to pull data again after a pulling failure. Default value: 1. Unit: seconds.
    max_retry_back_off Int No The maximum interval between two consecutive retries after a pulling failure. Default value: 60. Unit: seconds. We recommend that you use the default value.
    encoding String No The encoding format. If you set the format parameter to Text, this parameter is automatically set to utf8.
    error String No The method that is used to handle errors. This parameter is valid only when the UnicodeError message is reported. Valid values:
    • ignore: The system skips the data of an invalid format and continues to encode data.
    • xmlcharrefreplace: The system uses appropriate XML character references to replace the characters that cannot be encoded.
    For more information, see Error Handlers.
    decompress String No Specifies whether to decompress the object. Valid values:
    • None: The object is not decompressed. This is the default value.
    • gzip: The object is decompressed by using gzip.
  • Response

    Object data is returned in the byte stream or text format.

  • Error handling

    If an error occurs when data is pulled, the error is reported, but the data transformation job continues to run. Retries are performed based on the value of the base_retry_back_off parameter. For example, the first retry interval is 1 second and the first retry fails. The second retry interval is twice the length of the first one. The process continues until the interval reaches the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If the error persists, retries are performed based on the value of the max_retry_back_off parameter. If a retry succeeds, the retry interval resets to the initial value, which is 1 second.

  • Examples

    • Example 1: Pull JSON data from OSS.
      • JSON data
          "users": [
                "name": "user1",
                "login_historys": [
                    "date": "2019-10-10 0:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-10 1:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                "name": "user2",
                "login_historys": [
                    "date": "2019-10-11 0:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-11 1:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-11 1:1:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
      • Raw log
        content: 123
      • Transformation rule
      • Result
        content: 123
          "users": [
                "name": "user1",
                "login_historys": [
                    "date": "2019-10-10 0:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-10 1:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                "name": "user2",
                "login_historys": [
                    "date": "2019-10-11 0:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-11 1:0:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
                    "date": "2019-10-11 1:1:0",
                    "login_ip": ""
    • Example 2: Pull text content from OSS.
      • Text content
        Test bytes
      • Raw log
        content: 123
      • Transformation rule
      • Result
        content: 123
        test_txt: Test bytes
    • Example 3: Pull data from a compressed OSS object and decompress the object.
      • Content of the compressed object
        Test bytes\nupdate\n123
      • Raw log
      • Transformation rule
      • Result
        text: Test bytes\nupdate\n123
    • Example 4: Access an object in an OSS bucket whose ACL is public-read-write. No AccessKey pairs are used.
      • Content of the compressed object
        Test bytes
      • Raw log
      • Transformation rule
      • Result
        content: 123
        test_txt: Test bytes
  • References

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Pull a CSV file from OSS to enrich data.