This topic describes how to use SMS SDK for Java to call the SmsReport operation. This API operation allows you to query the delivery receipts of text messages.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
MessageType String Yes SmsReport The type of the text message.
QueueName String Yes Alicom-Queue-xxxxxx-SmsReport The name of the Message Service (MNS) queue from which you pull SMS delivery reports. You can view the name of the queue on the General Setting page of the SMS console. >

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
PhoneNumber String The mobile phone number of the recipient. 1595678****
SendStatus String The delivery status of the text message. The status that indicates whether the text message was sent.
  • 1: The text message was sent.
  • 2: The text message failed to be sent.
  • 6: The text message expired.
BizId String The ID of the delivery receipt. 12345670
ExternalId String The ID of the batch. The value of this parameter is that of the outId parameter that was specified when you called an API operation to send text messages. 123456
SendDate String The time when the text message was sent. 2020-05-01 10:00:00
ReceiveDate String The time when the SMS delivery receipt was received from the carrier. 2020-05-01 10:00:03
ErrorCode String The error code. UNKNOW
ErrorMessage String The error message. An unknown error occurred.
SmsQuantity String Each text message must be 1 to 140 bytes in length. If a text message exceeds 140 bytes, it is separated into multiple text messages. 1, 2, 3

For more information, see Consumption modes of SMS delivery reports.