“The elasticity offered in Alibaba Cloud services reduces our operation and maintenance costs while Alibaba Cloud comprehensively guarantees the security of our websites and servers.”

Featured Products

Elastic Compute Service - ECSApsaraDB RDS for MySQLCloudMonitorAuto Scaling - ESS

About Yao App

Yao App is a mobile Online-to-Offline (O2O) pocket pharmacy platform in China which connects users with drug stores and pharmacists. Using this pharmacy platform, users can refer to the medication guide to self-diagnose symptoms easily, identify illness, search and buy the appropriate medicine, as well as track and manage chronic diseases. The handheld online drugstore also has an active community of patients sharing medication experience and knowledge about healthcare. Yao App provides fresh and in-depth health information to users every day and serves as an intelligent service platform for all medical requirements.


The mobile pocket pharmacy platform was aggressively expanding its business with the objective of becoming a comprehensive destination for all pharmaceutical services and related information in China. As the company began to add more services to meet with increasing user demand, the company required a cost-effective, scalable and high performing infrastructure solution to meet with its growing business needs.

Why Alibaba Cloud?

After exploring several IaaS options, Yao App chose Alibaba Cloud because of its proven track record as a provider of world-class cloud services. Alibaba Cloud is also more economical and cost-effective compared to other IaaS solution as it offers multiple pricing options, and the flexibility to choose the option best suited to your business requirements. According to a senior technology officer at Yao App, “After taking various solutions into consideration, we chose Alibaba Cloud because of its reputation as a leader in cloud services. Alibaba Cloud is responsive and provides stability. Its services are easily scalable helping us meet with variable traffic. Alibaba Cloud reduced our operation and maintenance costs by almost 90% making it the most cost-effective service provider compared to other Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers.”


Products used: Elastic Compute Service (ECS), ApsaraDB for RDS, CloudMonitor, Auto Scaling Alibaba Cloud prevents data loss and automatically replicates data stored in OSS with ApsaraDB for RDS. This enables the company to resume normal operations quickly by restoring files in case of a system failure. Alibaba Cloud multi-line Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) interconnection ensures a consistent user experience across the nation. Alibaba Cloud’s Auto Scaling feature enables us to scale up and scale down the company's server requirements according to user traffic. Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS helps achieve data redundancy, and address storage and backup challenges. The multi-line Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) interconnection enables Yao App to ensure a consistent user experience across the country.

Final Word

“Thanks to Alibaba Cloud we were able to build a reliable, available and fault-tolerant architecture for our online pharmacy platform on the cloud. This makes it possible to easily connect users, drug stores and pharmacists on our platform. The elasticity offered in Alibaba Cloud services also reduces our operation and maintenance costs while Alibaba Cloud comprehensively guarantees the security of our websites and servers."