The business is continuing to grow fast which is great! Keeping up with the pace of growth is going to be very exciting. We are currently analysing a shopping trip every 10 seconds in Australia and we plan to bring this down to every second. This is building Uno Insights the largest omni-channel data set in Australia. Asia is next on the horizon but that will depend on the demand from our FMCG partners.

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Elastic Compute Service - ECSApsaraDB RDS for MySQLElastic IP address - EIPObject Storage Service - OSS

About Uno Insights

Unocart Insights is the Google Analytics for brick-and-mortar shopping, giving FMCG companies real-time omni channel insights into consumer demographics and buying behaviours. By leveraging mobile technologies to capture receipt images, Unocart has simplified the panelist experience which results in a broader, more engaged base of panelists than other traditional methods can deliver.

Why Alibaba Cloud?

The level of support from the Alibaba Cloud engineering team in ANZ was one of the main reasons Uno Insights migrated to Alibaba Cloud. Having a support team on call when they are migrating to microservices has been a lifesaver. Alibaba has easily saved the startup 30% in cost whilst also giving them 1.5x faster deployment per week.

The Solutions & Results

Uno Insights has been using a custom image processing pipeline to manipulate and process receipts images. By utilising Alibaba Cloud OSS on-the-fly data processing service, Uno Insights has been able to reduce image processing times by a considerable magnitude and dramatically reduce resource costs. By leveraging this service, it enables the business to provide an almost instant receipt processing experience to its users. At the same time Uno Insights migrated to a micro services architecture on Alibaba Cloud. Using container registry and container services to reliably deploy workloads and orchestrate resources. Improve visibility through API gateway, cloud monitoring and service mesh on top of container services.