"With a strong presence in Indonesia and two local data centers, and a wide range of services ahttps://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/O1CN018hIJlD1G0yxzuBp5T_!!6000000000561-0-tps-328-180.jpgess needs. Alibaba Cloud’s complete solution stack was perfect for streamlining Tanamduit’s business processes, addressing its security needs, and meeting its application requirements."

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About Tanamduit

With over 340,000 investors as of March 2021, Tanamduit is one of Indonesia’s leading digital financial platforms. Developed by PT Mercato Digital Asia and supervised by Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK), Tanamduit aims to offer seamless online financial services and help Indonesians achieve financial freedom. It is a one-stop-solution for all the investment needs, including mutual funds, bonds, gold, and insurance, with a total of 88 products. It addresses all the financial needs comprehensively via a single application and helps customers create, execute, and monitor the progress of their financial plans.


With the rapid increase in the number of investors in the country, Tanamduit wants to spearhead the digital financial services landscape by building a comprehensive online investment platform. It strives to build an innovative, agile, and stable platform to get better reach across the market segment. Tanamduit was looking for an experienced technology partner with cloud computing expertise to track the massive volume of daily transactions across its extensive product range. It required a reliable, easy-to-use, scalable, and cost-effective cloud platform that supports big data-enabled customer insights. Moreover, it must meet local compliance, infrastructure, and data storage requirements and adhere to the financial services industry regulations. Therefore, Tanamduit needed a cloud partner that supports its infrastructure, streamlines processes, simplifies integration management with the third-party vendors, and ensures compliance and data security.

Why Alibaba Cloud

With a strong presence in Indonesia and two local data centers, and a wide range of services across compute, storage, and security, Tanamduit viewed Alibaba Cloud as an all-in-one cloud services provider to meet its long-term business needs. Alibaba Cloud’s complete solution stack was perfect for streamlining Tanamduit’s business processes, addressing its security needs, and meeting its application requirements. While local data centers in Indonesia ensure compliance with Indonesia’s regulatory requirements, clear service level agreements (SLAs) ensure adequate and prompt support to build a reliable infrastructure. Besides, Alibaba Cloud experts helped Tanamduit define, design, and build transparent processes for smooth and quick implementation.


Tanamduit uses Alibaba Cloud's Elastic Compute Service (ECS) as an application server and a webserver to process every transaction originating from a corresponding partner. For the webserver or API server layer, it employs a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to prevent attacks originating from malicious sources. Meanwhile, the connection between Tanamduit partners and the application server is controlled using the Alibaba Cloud API Gateway. With the API Gateway, Tanamduit ensures security and platform stability by leveraging access permission management and traffic monitoring. Furthermore, it also uses Server Load Balancer (SLB) to improve the platform's availability and Object Storage Service (OSS) to store and backup massive data volumes for improving processing capability. For managing performance at the end-user side, it utilizes several services such as Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) to help deliver content more smoothly and efficiently to ensure an exceptional user experience. To further amplify the user experience beyond effective application performance, Tanamduit strives to improve the information delivery by leveraging Alibaba Cloud DirectMail broadcast service. It helps end-users get instant notifications about each transaction.

Looking Forward

Tanamduit is driven to provide an exceptional financial experience for the people of Indonesia and empower local communities across the country by providing easy access to affordable financial products and services. Collaboration with Alibaba Cloud strengthens the technology foundation of the Tanamduit platform to rapidly and securely grow and continually deliver value to investors.