"Royale chose Alibaba Cloud to leverage its comprehensive coverage and industry-leading cloud network services. It was able to easily meet is business requirements by building a global office and unified ERP system with internal management network."

Featured Products

Cloud Enterprise Network - CENVPN GatewayElastic Compute Service - ECSNAT GatewayEnterprise Distributed Application Service - EDAS

About Royale International

Royale International was founded in 1993, providing a wide range of tailored logistics solutions to enterprises since its inception. Shortly after, it became one of the world’s leading privately-owned logistics companies, now represented by 42 offices across the globe. Royale International is headquartered in Hong Kong at the heart of the industry.


Royale International is a quality-driven organization that strives to provide the best experience for its customers. Its core values ensure that the company continuously aims for higher performance standards. With over 1,200 employees distributed in 22 countries around the world, managing the office system and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in an efficient and cost-effective manner became a huge challenge. Its information technology (IT) department needed a solution that is reliable, but at the same time, provides the flexibility it needs to cope with the rapid growth and fluctuations in the business.

Why Alibaba Cloud

Royale chose Alibaba Cloud to leverage its comprehensive coverage and industry-leading cloud network services. With a global coverage spanning more than 200+ countries and regions, Alibaba Cloud was well suited for tackling the challenges faced by Royale. Royale was able to easily meet is business requirements by building a global office and unified ERP system with internal management network.


Key to the solution was Alibaba Cloud's comprehensive suite of networking products, allowing Royale to connect its business globally with Alibaba Cloud's stable and secure network. In particular, through Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN), VPN Gateway, Elastic Compute Service (ECS), and NAT Gateway, Royale was able to build reliable interconnections for customers located in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Melbourne, and Singapore. Furthermore, based on Alibaba Cloud's one-stop global cloud network service, customers can now quickly access the same office system and ERP system despite being in different countries and regions.

Partner's Value

The successful implementation of this solution was made possible by Sunthy Cloud, Alibaba Cloud's trusted partner in the region. Sunthy Cloud was able to fully understand the pain points of Royale, and develop an optimal solution to tackle these challenges by combining Alibaba Cloud's suite of global cloud network products. In the solution, it developed a multi-cloud Internet relationship with local data centers, third-party SaaS services, and Alibaba Cloud VPCs for the customer.

Looking Forward

Royale looks forward to having more cooperation opportunities with Alibaba Cloud in its future development. This includes, but is not limited to, data warehouse platform development, network security, Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) microservice development, and more.