With Alibaba Cloud, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) site stayed online even during high traffic spikes.

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Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) is a foundation with a vision to improve the Arab world through humanitarian, developmental and community work and the Arab Hope Makers initiative is the largest Corporate Social Responsibility initiative in the Arab World. The initiative also seeks to support and honor the extraordinary people that launch humanitarian efforts, projects, and programs that improve their communities and make a positive impact on society. To help in this work, MBRGI sought a better cloud infrastructure for the launch of the Arab Hope Makers initiative’s web and mobile applications so that their message could reach as many people as possible.


Last year MBRGI hosted their website on another cloud service provider, but high traffic often caused their servers to go down. Suffering from intermittent connectivity, lag issues, and faulty servers, MBRGI decided to switch to Alibaba Cloud so that they would be able to handle the more than five million forecasted user requests for the launch of Arabhopemakers.com

Why Alibaba Cloud?

With higher performance and minimal utilization of computing power, Alibaba Cloud’s servers were able to scale to handle high traffic spikes.


The launch of www.arabhopemakers.com was successful with more than 1.6 million users on launch day. Alibaba Cloud’s autoscaling ensured that the servers could handle increasing traffic so that users would have a seamless experience.

The Deployment

Multiple SLBs made sure there was redundancy setup while Cloudmonitor alerted engineers of any problem with configurated notification services. MBRGI has adopted Alibaba Cloud's DirectMail which prevents marketing emails from being delivered into spam folders.
MBRGI worked directly with Alibaba Cloud's technical team for a week straight, sometimes day and night to ensure the project went live without a single issue. Now, Alibaba Cloud's professional squad serves on standby ready to provide end-to-end support services at a moments notice.

Final Word

With the tremendous efforts of MBRGI, Alibaba Cloud, and Yvolv, Arab Hope Makers initiative was launched without incident, and the Prime Ministers Message of hope and goodwill reached millions. MBRGI and Alibaba Cloud continue to work together on new projects and opportunities within the Prime Minister's office and across other government entities in Dubai.