"Function Compute listens to a variety of data sources. It monitors and processes changes in the volume of business, and carries out adaptive scale-out and scale-in within milliseconds. It allows us to improve the processing capacity of our business."

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Function ComputeObject Storage Service - OSS

About JL-Tour

Shenzhen JL-Tour (JLT) has been providing hotel and ticketing services for leading online travel agencies (OTA) for many years. The partners of JL-Tour include LY.COM, Qunar.com, Tuniu.com, Expedia, Ctrip, Agoda, Lvmama.com, Mafengwo.com, CITS American Express Global Business Travel (CITS GBT), and Datang Business Travel. At present, JL-Tour has over 10,000 tourism distribution channels and over 600,000 star hotels around the world, covering over 300 cities.


JL-Tour receives petabytes of data updates from over 600,000 hotels every day. These data updates require high concurrency and short aging cycle, which poses great pressure on the system in terms of instantaneous concurrent processing. JL-Tour receives petabytes of data updates from over 600,000 hotels every day. These data updates require high concurrency and short aging cycle, which poses great pressure on the system in terms of instantaneous concurrent processing. JL-Tour needed a system that can provide the following features: 1. Concurrent processing capacity: The system must concurrently process a maximum of 100,000 messages. 2. Scalable processing capacity: The system must automatically scale based on the number of messages within milliseconds. The cost of use is charged based on the actual resources required. 3. Support for data sources such as Object Storage Service (OSS) and messages. 4. Support for Python, Go, and Java. 5. O&M capability: The system can support rapid deployment and update, real-time monitoring of resource use, log analysis integration, and alert-related capability.

Why Alibaba Cloud

JL-Tour takes advantage of the flexibility and speed of Function Compute for its system. Function Compute is capable of listening to a variety of data sources; it monitors and processes changes in the volume of business, and carries out adaptive scale-out and scale-in within milliseconds. This allowed JL-Tour to improve the processing capacity of its business. Function Compute also supports multiple programming languages. JL-Tour's customers no longer need to change their programming habits to use its services. Function Compute supports rapid deployment and update, real-time monitoring of resource use, log analysis integration, and alert-related capability.


Business Stability: Function Compute automatically scales based on the volume of business. Function Compute helps JL-Tour improve business stability when it allocate resources based on peak loads. O&M Capability: Function Compute allows JL-Tour to improve O&M capability by using a variety of tools. Function Compute eliminates the need of scalable resource management, which was problematic for JL-Tour in the past. Function Compute also enables the O&M personnel of JL-Tour to work with higher efficiency. Cost Efficiency: Function Compute is billed using the pay-as-you-go method. Because of this, JL-Tour can select proper specifications to ensure that its resources are efficiently utilized, without the need to pay for idle resources. The overall usage cost of JL-Tour is reduced.

Looking Forward

JL-Tour will continue to explore the use of serverless technologies in more business scenarios. It believes that serverless technologies can help it improve business stability and make more efficient use of resources on the cloud.