"After working with Alibaba Cloud, eBest has significantly grown its business within the first quarter with over 30K new customers coming on board to try its service and shop via the app. This number is growing quickly and with more support and deeper collaboration from Alibaba Cloud and their suite of products, eBest plans to further enhance both the customer offering and service."

Featured Products

Elastic Compute Service - ECSObject Storage Service - OSSAlibaba Cloud CDNShort Message Service - SMS

About eBest

eBest is committed to bringing the world's best goods to Australia and providing customers with an online shopping experience with next day home delivery across thousands of products. The business aims to create a better life for many in Australia by partnering with thousands of brands and through a daily growing product list.
eBest also makes it easy for customers to pay with multiple payment options including Alipay, credit cards, debit cards, and WeChat Pay with regular promotions and special offers for customers.


As a new business entering the market, being able to build a connection to customers is essential to success, which typically is accelerated through a clear strategy and online presence. In the case of eBest, a critical part of this has been developing the right app to provide a range of products to customers and engage with special offers that help customers with everyday living.
Alibaba Cloud were involved with the app development, working to optimize for best engagement results and drive quick uptake and usage of the app. The app was also deployed on Alibaba Cloud's infrastructure, which provided compute and storage options for the business.
eBest also required a fast and stable network connection to deliver its services to customers in an optimal way whilst working through a mix of different communication methods to provide quick and effective marketing messages.
Cash flow is also a consideration for many new businesses and so a large challenge for eBest was to work with a flexible payment plan in order to manage the business well and become profitable as early as possible.

Why Alibaba Cloud

To support the business with cash flow, Alibaba Cloud offered eBest a flexible charging model for the products and solutions it was consuming on the cloud platform, which enabled the business to have a fast start and drive towards a successful outcome.
After working with Alibaba Cloud, eBest has significantly grown its business within the first quarter with over 30K new customers coming on board to try its service and shop via the app. This number is growing quickly and with more support and deeper collaboration from Alibaba Cloud and their suite of products, eBest plans to further enhance both the customer offering and service.


eBest has implemented a range of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and Object Storage Service (OSS) to manage the day to day business operations. Alibaba Cloud also provided fast and stable network coverage & connections through the Content Delivery Network (CDN) helping overcome network challenges within the business.
To enable fast and effective communication to customers eBest has delivered SMS to customers through the Alibaba Cloud platform. This helped eBest with its marketing efforts, as SMS open rates are as high as 98% while email open rates hover around 20% on average.

Looking Forward

A key consideration for eBest is how to further enhance the insight to the business by leveraging business intelligence products from Alibaba Cloud. eBest is currently working on developing strong data analytics for the business including VRP (Vehicle Route Planning), which provides key insights into best routes to minimize delivery time for drivers.
eBest is also evaluating Quick BI, which allows an organization to perform data analytics, exploration, and reporting on mass data with drag-and-drop features and a rich variety of visuals. Quick BI enables users to perform data analytics, exploration, and reporting, and empowers enterprise users to view and explore data and make informed, data-driven decisions.