"Together we implemented a better cloud environment" Adam Sugiarto, Asakita's Director

Featured Products

Container Service for Kubernetes - ACKNAT GatewayServer Load Balancer - SLB

About Asakita

Asakita is a leading online lending platform in Indonesia that provides all your financial needs through customized micro loan services. Our products are made with one goal in mind; to simplify the long-winded verification processes for loans, facilitating the disbursement of loan funds in just 5 minutes.

The Challenge

Asakita needed to implement the system on a stable and proven cloud platform with high-performance and scalable containerized application management service. The cloud platform also must have local data center in Indonesia in order to address the local Data Sovereignty issue.

Why Alibaba Cloud

With a micro service application architecture, Asakita needed a Docker-based platform for enterprise-level containerized applications and Kubernetes as cluster management system that can be easily managed throughout entire application lifecycle. Asakita finally chose to implement the system on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes as it is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP) and is qualified by Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program.


Asakita found that Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes ensures a reliable and consistent experience, provides workload portability, and also provides scalability and stability that is required by the application. Alibaba Cloud's Kubernetes platform makes it easy to scale-out and scale-in resources, adapting to fluctuating demands and delivering a consistent performance and experience to end users. This highly adaptive Kubernetes platform also helps customer optimize their cost based on actual usage.

Looking Forward

Asakita and Alibaba Cloud will continue to collaborate and strive to bring more personalized and consistent end-user experiences to Indonesian customers. Asakita is also looking into leveraging Alibaba Cloud's secure, cost-effective, and easy-to-use object storage service to store various data. With Alibaba Cloud's local data center presence, Asakita is able to host applications on a world class cloud provider while addressing data sovereignty requirements from regulators.