Machine Learning Career Learning Path
The Machine Learning Career Path teaches users about end-to-end machine learning services, including data processing, feature engineering, model training, model prediction, and model evaluation. Alibaba Cloud’s Machine Learning Platform combines all of these services to make AI more accessible than ever. Learn how to use this platform through the completion of this learning path.
Becoming an Alibaba Cloud Certified Machine Learning Engineer
  • 01Suggested Free Videos
  • 02Pass 6 out of 8 Machine Learning Clouder Certification Courses
  • 03Obtain the Machine Learning Certificate
Machine Learning Course List
Here starts the educational path: from free videos to Clouder certification courses
Free Videos
  • Alibaba Cloud Big Data and AI products and solutions overview

    Through this course, you will learn about the development and application of big data and AI in Alibaba Cloud.

  • Predicting Propensity to Default using PAI

    Quick start guide of how to use Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI - PAI.

  • Image Search: The Machine Learning Technology behind Alibaba E-commerce

    Quick introduction of Alibaba Cloud Image Search solution.

Beginner Courses
Beginner Courses Package
Basic Overview
USD 0.02USD 20.00
Beginner Courses Package
Basic Overview
USD 0.02USD 20.00
Buy Package
  • Machine Learning:Heart Disease Prediction
    This session introduces how to use Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform For AI to create a heart disease prediction model based on the data collected from heart disease patients. Learn more >
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  • Implement Decision Tree with Python
    Through this course, you will learn what is Decision Tree, three algorithms for decision trees, and how to build a decision tree with Python's Scikit-learn library. Learn more >
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Intermediate Courses
Intermediate Courses Package
Machine Learning Algorithms
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Intermediate Courses Package
Machine Learning Algorithms
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Buy Package
  • Machine Learning for Beginners - Linear Regression
    How to use Alibaba Cloud advanced machine learning platform for AI (PAI) to quickly apply the linear regression model in machine learning to properly solve business-related prediction problems. Learn more >
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  • Machine Learning Algorithm Primer Series 2 - Naive Bayes Classifier
    How to use Alibaba Cloud advanced machine learning platform for AI (PAI) to quickly apply the linear regression model in machine learning to properly solve business-related prediction problems. Learn more >
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  • Machine Learning Algorithm Primer Series 3- Logistic Regression Model
    How to apply logistic regression model to solve prediction and classification problems with PAI. Learn more >
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  • Machine Learning Algorithm Primer Series 4- Decision Tree and Random Forest
    How to apply decision tree and random forest model to solve classification problems with PAI. Learn more >
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Advanced Courses
Advanced Courses Package
Best Practices
USD 0.02USD 29.90
Advanced Courses Package
Best Practices
USD 0.02USD 29.90
Buy Package
  • Support Vector Machine Implementation Through PAI
    Through this course, you will learn what is SVM (Support Vector Machine), and how to use Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI to implement SVM. Learn more >
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  • Predicting Coupon Efficacy
    Through this course, you will fully understand the main step of data mining: business analysis,feature engineering and model construction, and can do your own project on Alibaba Cloud. Learn more >
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Apply for Your Machine Learning Certificate
After completing 6 out of the 8 above Clouder courses, you can apply for your Alibaba Cloud Certified Machine Learning Engineer Certificate. Click Apply Now and we will review your progress.
Terms and Conditions
  • 1. One person may only obtain one Machine Learning Career Certificate
  • 2. Discounts only apply to the packages offered, Clouders bought individually will be priced at the original price
  • 3. If you have already completed courses in the Machine Learning Career learning path they will be counted toward your certificate, users do not have to repurchase to complete the path
  • 4. Products and offline classes are sold separately from the Clouder courses
  • 5. The free videos are strictly recommended, they are not required to obtain the Big Data Analysis Certificate
  • 6. Refunds are not available for any Clouder purchases