Community Blog Read/Write Splitting Configuration for ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL 12 using pgpool

Read/Write Splitting Configuration for ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL 12 using pgpool

The article describes the step-by-step procedure of read/write splitting in ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL 12 using the pgpool tool.

By digoal


pgpool is undoubtedly the best choice for read/write splitting in PostgreSQL. It is stateless and supports horizontal scalability if you don't use it for the high availability of the database. In such a case, there is a negligible decline in its performance.

For example, in the case of ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL and read-only instances, the HA of RDS PG does not rely on pgpool. Further, it is very convenient to configure read/write splitting by using pgpool.


Test Environment Deployment

In the first step, you need to set up a test environment. If you’ve purchased ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL with read only instances, you can skip this step. Further, you need to configure the pgpool directly after installing it.

Test environment details of ECS are: 16C 64G 1.8T SSD CentOS 7.7 x64

Click on the below links to follow the detailed configuration procedure:

1) Modify sysctl.conf file.

Be careful when using a machine with small memory. Do not set the last few parameters too large as it can result in machine unavailability.

vi /etc/sysctl.conf    
# add by digoal.zhou                  
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576                  
fs.file-max = 76724600                  
# 可选:kernel.core_pattern = /data01/corefiles/core_%e_%u_%t_%s.%p                           
# /data01/corefiles 事先建好,权限777,如果是软链接,对应的目录修改为777                  
kernel.sem = 4096 2147483647 2147483646 512000                      
# 信号量, ipcs -l 或 -u 查看,每16个进程一组,每组信号量需要17个信号量。                  
kernel.shmall = 107374182                        
# 所有共享内存段相加大小限制 (建议内存的80%),单位为页。                  
kernel.shmmax = 274877906944                     
# 最大单个共享内存段大小 (建议为内存一半), >9.2的版本已大幅降低共享内存的使用,单位为字节。                  
kernel.shmmni = 819200                           
# 一共能生成多少共享内存段,每个PG数据库集群至少2个共享内存段                  
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000                  
net.core.rmem_default = 262144                         
# The default setting of the socket receive buffer in bytes.                  
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304                            
# The maximum receive socket buffer size in bytes                  
net.core.wmem_default = 262144                         
# The default setting (in bytes) of the socket send buffer.                  
net.core.wmem_max = 4194304                            
# The maximum send socket buffer size in bytes.                  
net.core.somaxconn = 4096                  
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096                  
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 20                  
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3                  
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60                  
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 8388608 12582912 16777216                  
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 5                  
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2                  
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1                      
# 开启SYN Cookies。当出现SYN等待队列溢出时,启用cookie来处理,可防范少量的SYN攻击                  
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1                      
# 减少time_wait                  
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0                      
# 如果=1则开启TCP连接中TIME-WAIT套接字的快速回收,但是NAT环境可能导致连接失败,建议服务端关闭它                  
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1                        
# 开启重用。允许将TIME-WAIT套接字重新用于新的TCP连接                  
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 262144                  
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 8192 87380 16777216                  
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 8192 65536 16777216                  
net.nf_conntrack_max = 1200000                  
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max = 1200000                  
vm.dirty_background_bytes = 409600000                         
#  系统脏页到达这个值,系统后台刷脏页调度进程 pdflush(或其他) 自动将(dirty_expire_centisecs/100)秒前的脏页刷到磁盘                  
#  默认为10%,大内存机器建议调整为直接指定多少字节                  
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 3000                               
#  比这个值老的脏页,将被刷到磁盘。3000表示30秒。                  
vm.dirty_ratio = 95                                            
#  如果系统进程刷脏页太慢,使得系统脏页超过内存 95 % 时,则用户进程如果有写磁盘的操作(如fsync, fdatasync等调用),则需要主动把系统脏页刷出。                  
#  有效防止用户进程刷脏页,在单机多实例,并且使用CGROUP限制单实例IOPS的情况下非常有效。                    
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 100                              
#  pdflush(或其他)后台刷脏页进程的唤醒间隔, 100表示1秒。                  
vm.swappiness = 0                  
#  不使用交换分区                  
vm.mmap_min_addr = 65536                  
vm.overcommit_memory = 0                       
#  在分配内存时,允许少量over malloc, 如果设置为 1, 则认为总是有足够的内存,内存较少的测试环境可以使用 1 .                    
vm.overcommit_ratio = 90                       
#  当overcommit_memory = 2 时,用于参与计算允许指派的内存大小。                  
vm.swappiness = 0                              
#  关闭交换分区                  
vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 0                       
# 禁用 numa, 或者在vmlinux中禁止.                   
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 40000 65535                      
# 本地自动分配的TCP, UDP端口号范围                  
# 单个进程允许打开的文件句柄上限                  
# 以下参数请注意                  
vm.extra_free_kbytes = 4096000   # 小内存机器千万不要设这么大, 会开不了机               
vm.min_free_kbytes = 6291456    # vm.min_free_kbytes 建议每32G内存分配1G vm.min_free_kbytes                 
# 如果是小内存机器,以上两个值不建议设置                  
# vm.nr_hugepages = 66536                      
#  建议shared buffer设置超过64GB时 使用大页,页大小 /proc/meminfo Hugepagesize                  
vm.lowmem_reserve_ratio = 1 1 1                  
# 对于内存大于64G时,建议设置,否则建议默认值 256 256 32      

2) Modify the limits.conf file.

vi /etc/security/limits.conf    
* soft    nofile  1024000                  
* hard    nofile  1024000                  
* soft    nproc   unlimited                  
* hard    nproc   unlimited                  
* soft    core    unlimited                  
* hard    core    unlimited                  
* soft    memlock unlimited                  
* hard    memlock unlimited      
# 注释其他    
# 同时注释/etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf   

3) Disable transparent huge pages, configure huge pages, and automatically start PostgreSQL.

chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local    
vi /etc/rc.local    
# 关闭透明大页    
if test -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; then                  
   echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled                  
# 两个实例, 每个实例16G shared buffer    
sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=17000    
# 自启动两个实例  
su - postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_ctl start -D /data01/pg12_3389/pg_root"    
su - postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_ctl start -D /data01/pg12_8002/pg_root"    
# 自动启动pgpool, 可以配置好pgpool-II之后再修改    
/usr/bin/pgpool -f /etc/pgpool-II-12/pgpool.conf -a /etc/pgpool-II-12/pool_hba.conf -F /etc/pgpool-II-12/pcp.conf  

4) Create a file system.

parted -a optimal -s /dev/vdb mklabel gpt mkpart primary 1MiB 100%FREE       
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1 -m 0 -O extent,uninit_bg -E lazy_itable_init=1 -b 4096 -T largefile -L vdb1    
vi /etc/fstab     
LABEL=vdb1 /data01 ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nodelalloc,barrier=0,data=writeback 0 0    
mkdir /data01    
mount -a    

5) Start the irqbalance CLI tool.

systemctl status irqbalance       
systemctl enable irqbalance          
systemctl start irqbalance         
systemctl status irqbalance      

6) Install PostgreSQL 12, pgpool, PostGIS, HLL, and other components.

yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm    
yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm          
yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm         
yum search all postgresql    
yum search all hll    
yum search all postgis    
yum search all pgpool    
yum install -y postgresql12*      
yum install -y hll_12*    
yum install -y postgis30_12*    
yum install -y pgpool-II-12-extensions 

7) Initialize the database data directory.

mkdir /data01/pg12_3389    
chown postgres:postgres /data01/pg12_3389 

8) Configure postgres user environment variables.

su - postgres    
vi .bash_profile    
# 追加      
export PS1="$USER@`/bin/hostname -s`-> "        
export PGPORT=3389    
export PGDATA=/data01/pg12_$PGPORT/pg_root       
export LANG=en_US.utf8        
export PGHOME=/usr/pgsql-12        
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64:/usr/local/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH        
export DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`        
export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH:.        
export MANPATH=$PGHOME/share/man:$MANPATH        
export PGHOST=$PGDATA        
export PGUSER=postgres        
export PGDATABASE=db1    
alias rm='rm -i'        
alias ll='ls -lh'        
unalias vi    

9) Initialize the primary database.

initdb -D $PGDATA -U postgres -E UTF8 --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=en_US.utf8

10) Configure postgresql.conf. file.

listen_addresses = ''    
port = 3389    
max_connections = 1500    
superuser_reserved_connections = 13    
unix_socket_directories = '., /var/run/postgresql, /tmp'    
tcp_keepalives_idle = 60    
tcp_keepalives_interval = 10    
tcp_keepalives_count = 10    
shared_buffers = 16GB    
huge_pages = on    
work_mem = 8MB    
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB    
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix    
vacuum_cost_delay = 0    
bgwriter_delay = 10ms    
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 1000    
bgwriter_lru_multiplier = 10.0    
bgwriter_flush_after = 512kB    
effective_io_concurrency = 0    
max_worker_processes = 128    
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 3    
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 4    
parallel_leader_participation = off    
max_parallel_workers = 8    
backend_flush_after = 256    
wal_level = replica    
synchronous_commit = off    
full_page_writes = on    
wal_compression = on    
wal_buffers = 16MB    
wal_writer_delay = 10ms    
wal_writer_flush_after = 1MB    
checkpoint_timeout = 15min    
max_wal_size = 64GB    
min_wal_size = 8GB    
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.2    
checkpoint_flush_after = 256kB    
random_page_cost = 1.1    
effective_cache_size = 48GB    
log_destination = 'csvlog'    
logging_collector = on    
log_directory = 'log'    
log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log'    
log_truncate_on_rotation = on    
log_rotation_age = 1d    
log_rotation_size = 0    
log_min_duration_statement = 1s    
log_checkpoints = on    
log_connections = on    
log_disconnections = on    
log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] '    
log_statement = 'ddl'    
log_timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai'    
autovacuum = on    
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0    
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.1    
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.05    
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 800000000    
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age = 900000000    
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 0    
vacuum_freeze_table_age = 750000000    
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age = 750000000    
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'    
timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai'    
lc_messages = 'en_US.utf8'    
lc_monetary = 'en_US.utf8'    
lc_numeric = 'en_US.utf8'    
lc_time = 'en_US.utf8'    
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'    
shared_preload_libraries = 'hll'

11) Configure pg_hba.conf. file.

Since pgpool-II is with the database server, use to set the password to log in.

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only    
local   all             all                                     trust    
# IPv4 local connections:    
host    all             all               md5    
# IPv6 local connections:    
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust    
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the    
# replication privilege.    
local   replication     all                                     trust    
host    replication     all               trust    
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 trust    
host db123 digoal md5    

12) Create a stream replication user.

db1=# create role rep123 login replication encrypted password 'jfjwief2383r3skfjkewIEFW';    

13) Create a business user.

db1=# create role digoal login encrypted password 'fnewe((@FKKKSKkfeUUEfff12_';    
db1=# create database db123 owner digoal;    

14) Create a pgpool database health heartbeat user and check the user with relayed WAL replay in read-only node. It is alright if the PostgreSQL database or the specified database can be logged into. Use the database with pgpool parameters.

create role nobody login encrypted password 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';  

Create a Standby Database

The standby database is on the same server for testing.

1) Use the pg_basebackup tool to create a standby database.

pg_basebackup -D /data01/pg12_8002/pg_root -F p --checkpoint=fast -P -h -p 3389 -U rep123  

2) Configure the standby database postgresql.conf. file.

cd /data01/pg12_8002/pg_root     
vi postgresql.conf    
# 相比主配置 修改如下    
port = 8002    
primary_conninfo = 'hostaddr= port=3389 user=rep123' # 不用设置密码, 因为主设置了trust访问    
hot_standby = on    
wal_receiver_status_interval = 1s    
wal_receiver_timeout = 10s    
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'   

3) Configure the standby database pg_hba.conf. file.


4) Configure standby.signal of the standby database.

cd /data01/pg12_8002/pg_root     
touch standby.signal    

5) Synchronization between primary and standby databases is normal.

db1=# select * from pg_stat_replication ;    
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------    
pid              | 21065    
usesysid         | 10    
usename          | postgres    
application_name | walreceiver    
client_addr      |    
client_hostname  |     
client_port      | 47064    
backend_start    | 2020-02-29 00:26:28.485427+08    
backend_xmin     |     
state            | streaming    
sent_lsn         | 0/52000060    
write_lsn        | 0/52000060    
flush_lsn        | 0/52000060    
replay_lsn       | 0/52000060    
write_lag        |     
flush_lag        |     
replay_lag       |     
sync_priority    | 0    
sync_state       | async    
reply_time       | 2020-02-29 01:32:40.635183+08    

Configure pgpool

Query the place to install the pgpool.

# rpm -qa|grep pgpool    
# rpm -ql pgpool-II-12-4.1.1    

1) Configure the pgpool.

The configuration is straightforward because the PostgreSQL backend is fixed and managed by its own system without pgpool to perform HA and failover.

This configuration is helpful for people using RDS PostgreSQL read-only instances. You need to configure three files.

2) pool_

# cd /etc/pgpool-II-12/    
cp pgpool.conf.sample-stream pgpool.conf    
vi pgpool.conf    
# ----------------------------    
# pgPool-II configuration file    
# ----------------------------    
# This file consists of lines of the form:    
#   name = value    
# Whitespace may be used.  Comments are introduced with "#" anywhere on a line.    
# The complete list of parameter names and allowed values can be found in the    
# pgPool-II documentation.    
# This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a SIGHUP    
# signal.  If you edit the file on a running system, you have to SIGHUP the    
# server for the changes to take effect, or use "pgpool reload." Some    
# parameters, which are marked below, require a server shutdown and restart to    
# take effect.  
# - pgpool Connection Settings -    
listen_addresses = ''    
                                   # Host name or IP address to listen on:    
                                   # '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
port = 8001     
                                   # Port number    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
socket_dir = '/tmp'    
                                   # Unix domain socket path    
                                   # The Debian package defaults to    
                                   # /var/run/postgresql    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
reserved_connections = 0    
                                   # Number of reserved connections.    
                                   # Pgpool-II does not accept connections if over    
                                   # num_init_chidlren - reserved_connections.    
# reserved_connections = 1 # 客户端使用长连接时建议设置为1    
# - pgpool Communication Manager Connection Settings -    
pcp_listen_addresses = ''    
                                   # Hostname or IP address for pcp process to listen on:    
                                   # '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
pcp_port = 9898    
                                   # Port number for pcp    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'    
                                   # Unix domain socket path for pcp    
                                   # The Debian package defaults to    
                                   # /var/run/postgresql    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
listen_backlog_multiplier = 2    
                                   # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to    
                                   # num_init_children * listen_backlog_multiplier.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
serialize_accept = off    
                                   # whether to serialize accept() call to avoid thundering herd problem    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
# - Backend Connection Settings -    
backend_hostname0 = ''    
                                   # Host name or IP address to connect to for backend 0    
backend_port0 = 3389     
                                   # Port number for backend 0    
backend_weight0 = 1    
                                   # Weight for backend 0 (only in load balancing mode)    
# 如果不需要自动failover, restore等操作, 可以不配置, 注释掉backend_data_directoryx的配置  
# 例如你使用的是rds  
backend_data_directory0 = '/data01/pg12_3389/pg_root'    
                                   # Data directory for backend 0    
backend_flag0 = 'ALWAYS_MASTER'    
                                   # Controls various backend behavior    
                                   # ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER, DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER    
                                   # or ALWAYS_MASTER    
# backend_application_name0 = 'server0'    
                                   # walsender's application_name, used for "show pool_nodes" command    
backend_hostname1 = ''    
backend_port1 = 8002    
backend_weight1 = 1    
# 如果不需要自动failover, restore等操作, 可以不配置, 注释掉backend_data_directoryx的配置  
# 例如你使用的是rds  
backend_data_directory1 = '/data01/pg12_8002/pg_root'    
backend_flag1 = 'DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'    
backend_application_name1 = 'server1'    
# backend_application_name 对应 standby 的 stream conninfo 配置里面的  application_name   
# recovery.conf  
# application_name  
# 如果你有很多个只读节点,继续配置backend_hostnameX 到backend_application_nameX  
# - Authentication -    
enable_pool_hba = on     
                                   # Use pool_hba.conf for client authentication    
pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd'    
                                   # File name of pool_passwd for md5 authentication.    
                                   # "" disables pool_passwd.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
authentication_timeout = 60    
                                   # Delay in seconds to complete client authentication    
                                   # 0 means no timeout.    
allow_clear_text_frontend_auth = off    
                                   # Allow Pgpool-II to use clear text password authentication    
                                   # with clients, when pool_passwd does not    
                                   # contain the user password    
# - SSL Connections -    
ssl = off    
                                   # Enable SSL support    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
#ssl_key = './server.key'    
                                   # Path to the SSL private key file    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
#ssl_cert = './server.cert'    
                                   # Path to the SSL public certificate file    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
#ssl_ca_cert = ''    
                                   # Path to a single PEM format file    
                                   # containing CA root certificate(s)    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
#ssl_ca_cert_dir = ''    
                                   # Directory containing CA root certificate(s)    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
ssl_ciphers = 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL'    
                                   # Allowed SSL ciphers    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = off    
                                   # Use server's SSL cipher preferences,    
                                   # rather than the client's    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
ssl_ecdh_curve = 'prime256v1'    
                                   # Name of the curve to use in ECDH key exchange    
ssl_dh_params_file = ''    
                                   # Name of the file containing Diffie-Hellman parameters used    
                                   # for so-called ephemeral DH family of SSL cipher.    
# POOLS    
# - Concurrent session and pool size -    
num_init_children = 128     
                                   # Number of concurrent sessions allowed    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
max_pool = 4    
                                   # Number of connection pool caches per connection    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
# 规则:   
# max_pool*num_init_children*2 <= (max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections) (query canceling needed)  
# - Life time -    
child_life_time = 300    
                                   # Pool exits after being idle for this many seconds    
child_max_connections = 0    
                                   # Pool exits after receiving that many connections    
                                   # 0 means no exit    
connection_life_time = 0    
                                   # Connection to backend closes after being idle for this many seconds    
                                   # 0 means no close    
client_idle_limit = 0    
                                   # Client is disconnected after being idle for that many seconds    
                                   # (even inside an explicit transactions!)    
                                   # 0 means no disconnection    
# LOGS    
# - Where to log -    
log_destination = 'syslog'    
                                   # Where to log    
                                   # Valid values are combinations of stderr,    
                                   # and syslog. Default to stderr.    
# - What to log -    
log_line_prefix = '%t: pid %p: '   # printf-style string to output at beginning of each log line.    
log_connections = on    
                                   # Log connections    
log_hostname = off    
                                   # Hostname will be shown in ps status    
                                   # and in logs if connections are logged    
log_statement = off    
                                   # Log all statements    
log_per_node_statement = off    
                                   # Log all statements    
                                   # with node and backend informations    
log_client_messages = off    
                                   # Log any client messages    
log_standby_delay = 'if_over_threshold'    
                                   # Log standby delay    
                                   # Valid values are combinations of always,    
                                   # if_over_threshold, none    
# - Syslog specific -    
syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'    
                                   # Syslog local facility. Default to LOCAL0    
syslog_ident = 'pgpool'    
                                   # Syslog program identification string    
                                   # Default to 'pgpool'    
# - Debug -    
#log_error_verbosity = default          # terse, default, or verbose messages    
#client_min_messages = notice           # values in order of decreasing detail:    
                                        #   debug5    
                                        #   debug4    
                                        #   debug3    
                                        #   debug2    
                                        #   debug1    
                                        #   log    
                                        #   notice    
                                        #   warning    
                                        #   error    
#log_min_messages = warning             # values in order of decreasing detail:    
                                        #   debug5    
                                        #   debug4    
                                        #   debug3    
                                        #   debug2    
                                        #   debug1    
                                        #   info    
                                        #   notice    
                                        #   warning    
                                        #   error    
                                        #   log    
                                        #   fatal    
                                        #   panic    
pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool-II-12/pgpool.pid'    
                                   # PID file name    
                                   # Can be specified as relative to the"    
                                   # location of pgpool.conf file or    
                                   # as an absolute path    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
logdir = '/tmp'    
                                   # Directory of pgPool status file    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
connection_cache = on    
                                   # Activate connection pools    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
                                   # Semicolon separated list of queries    
                                   # to be issued at the end of a session    
                                   # The default is for 8.3 and later    
reset_query_list = 'ABORT; DISCARD ALL'    
                                   # The following one is for 8.2 and before    
replication_mode = off    
                                   # Activate replication mode    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
replicate_select = off    
                                   # Replicate SELECT statements    
                                   # when in replication mode    
                                   # replicate_select is higher priority than    
                                   # load_balance_mode.    
insert_lock = off    
                                   # Automatically locks a dummy row or a table    
                                   # with INSERT statements to keep SERIAL data    
                                   # consistency    
                                   # Without SERIAL, no lock will be issued    
lobj_lock_table = ''    
                                   # When rewriting lo_creat command in    
                                   # replication mode, specify table name to    
                                   # lock    
# - Degenerate handling -    
replication_stop_on_mismatch = off    
                                   # On disagreement with the packet kind    
                                   # sent from backend, degenerate the node    
                                   # which is most likely "minority"    
                                   # If off, just force to exit this session    
failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch = off    
                                   # On disagreement with the number of affected    
                                   # tuples in UPDATE/DELETE queries, then    
                                   # degenerate the node which is most likely    
                                   # "minority".    
                                   # If off, just abort the transaction to    
                                   # keep the consistency    
load_balance_mode = on    
                                   # Activate load balancing mode    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
ignore_leading_white_space = on    
                                   # Ignore leading white spaces of each query    
white_function_list = ''    
                                   # Comma separated list of function names    
                                   # that don't write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
black_function_list = 'currval,lastval,nextval,setval'    
                                   # Comma separated list of function names    
                                   # that write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
black_query_pattern_list = ''    
                                   # Semicolon separated list of query patterns    
                                   # that should be sent to primary node    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
database_redirect_preference_list = ''    
                                   # comma separated list of pairs of database and node id.    
                                   # example: postgres:primary,mydb[0-4]:1,mydb[5-9]:2'    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
app_name_redirect_preference_list = ''    
                                   # comma separated list of pairs of app name and node id.    
                                   # example: 'psql:primary,myapp[0-4]:1,myapp[5-9]:standby'    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
allow_sql_comments = off    
                                   # if on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or    
                                   # query cache is possible.    
                                   # If off, SQL comments effectively prevent the judgment    
                                   # (pre 3.4 behavior).    
disable_load_balance_on_write = 'transaction'    
                                   # Load balance behavior when write query is issued    
                                   # in an explicit transaction.    
                                   # Note that any query not in an explicit transaction    
                                   # is not affected by the parameter.    
                                   # 'transaction' (the default): if a write query is issued,    
                                   # subsequent read queries will not be load balanced    
                                   # until the transaction ends.    
                                   # 'trans_transaction': if a write query is issued,    
                                   # subsequent read queries in an explicit transaction    
                                   # will not be load balanced until the session ends.    
                                   # 'always': if a write query is issued, read queries will    
                                   # not be load balanced until the session ends.    
statement_level_load_balance = off    
                                   # Enables statement level load balancing    
master_slave_mode = on    
                                   # Activate master/slave mode    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
master_slave_sub_mode = 'stream'    
                                   # Master/slave sub mode    
                                   # Valid values are combinations stream, slony    
                                   # or logical. Default is stream.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
# - Streaming -    
sr_check_period = 3     
                                   # Streaming replication check period    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
sr_check_user = 'nobody'    
                                   # Streaming replication check user    
                                   # This is necessary even if you disable streaming    
                                   # replication delay check by sr_check_period = 0    
sr_check_password = ''    
                                   # Password for streaming replication check user    
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
sr_check_database = 'postgres'    
                                   # Database name for streaming replication check    
delay_threshold = 10000000    
                                   # Threshold before not dispatching query to standby node    
                                   # Unit is in bytes    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
# - Special commands -    
follow_master_command = ''    
                                   # Executes this command after master failover    
                                   # Special values:    
                                   #   %d = failed node id    
                                   #   %h = failed node host name    
                                   #   %p = failed node port number    
                                   #   %D = failed node database cluster path    
                                   #   %m = new master node id    
                                   #   %H = new master node hostname    
                                   #   %M = old master node id    
                                   #   %P = old primary node id    
                                   #   %r = new master port number    
                                   #   %R = new master database cluster path    
                                   #   %N = old primary node hostname    
                                   #   %S = old primary node port number    
                                   #   %% = '%' character    
health_check_period = 5    
                                   # Health check period    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
health_check_timeout = 10    
                                   # Health check timeout    
                                   # 0 means no timeout    
health_check_user = 'nobody'    
                                   # Health check user    
health_check_password = ''    
                                   # Password for health check user    
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
health_check_database = ''    
                                   # Database name for health check. If '', tries 'postgres' first,     
health_check_max_retries = 60     
                                   # Maximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up.    
health_check_retry_delay = 1    
                                   # Amount of time to wait (in seconds) between retries.    
connect_timeout = 10000    
                                   # Timeout value in milliseconds before giving up to connect to backend.    
                                   # Default is 10000 ms (10 second). Flaky network user may want to increase    
                                   # the value. 0 means no timeout.    
                                   # Note that this value is not only used for health check,    
                                   # but also for ordinary connection to the backend.    
#health_check_period0 = 0    
#health_check_timeout0 = 20    
#health_check_user0 = 'nobody'    
#health_check_password0 = ''    
#health_check_database0 = ''    
#health_check_max_retries0 = 0    
#health_check_retry_delay0 = 1    
#connect_timeout0 = 10000    
failover_command = ''    
                                   # Executes this command at failover    
                                   # Special values:    
                                   #   %d = failed node id    
                                   #   %h = failed node host name    
                                   #   %p = failed node port number    
                                   #   %D = failed node database cluster path    
                                   #   %m = new master node id    
                                   #   %H = new master node hostname    
                                   #   %M = old master node id    
                                   #   %P = old primary node id    
                                   #   %r = new master port number    
                                   #   %R = new master database cluster path    
                                   #   %N = old primary node hostname    
                                   #   %S = old primary node port number    
                                   #   %% = '%' character    
failback_command = ''    
                                   # Executes this command at failback.    
                                   # Special values:    
                                   #   %d = failed node id    
                                   #   %h = failed node host name    
                                   #   %p = failed node port number    
                                   #   %D = failed node database cluster path    
                                   #   %m = new master node id    
                                   #   %H = new master node hostname    
                                   #   %M = old master node id    
                                   #   %P = old primary node id    
                                   #   %r = new master port number    
                                   #   %R = new master database cluster path    
                                   #   %N = old primary node hostname    
                                   #   %S = old primary node port number    
                                   #   %% = '%' character    
failover_on_backend_error = off    
                                   # Initiates failover when reading/writing to the    
                                   # backend communication socket fails    
                                   # If set to off, pgpool will report an    
                                   # error and disconnect the session.    
detach_false_primary = off    
                                   # Detach false primary if on. Only    
                                   # valid in streaming replication    
                                   # mode and with PostgreSQL 9.6 or    
                                   # after.    
search_primary_node_timeout = 300    
                                   # Timeout in seconds to search for the    
                                   # primary node when a failover occurs.    
                                   # 0 means no timeout, keep searching    
                                   # for a primary node forever.    
recovery_user = 'nobody'    
                                   # Online recovery user    
recovery_password = ''    
                                   # Online recovery password    
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
recovery_1st_stage_command = ''    
                                   # Executes a command in first stage    
recovery_2nd_stage_command = ''    
                                   # Executes a command in second stage    
recovery_timeout = 90    
                                   # Timeout in seconds to wait for the    
                                   # recovering node's postmaster to start up    
                                   # 0 means no wait    
client_idle_limit_in_recovery = 0    
                                   # Client is disconnected after being idle    
                                   # for that many seconds in the second stage    
                                   # of online recovery    
                                   # 0 means no disconnection    
                                   # -1 means immediate disconnection    
auto_failback = off    
                                   # Detached backend node reattach automatically    
                                   # if replication_state is 'streaming'.    
auto_failback_interval = 60    
                                   # Min interval of executing auto_failback in    
                                   # seconds.    
# - Enabling -    
use_watchdog = off    
                                    # Activates watchdog    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# -Connection to up stream servers -    
trusted_servers = ''    
                                    # trusted server list which are used    
                                    # to confirm network connection    
                                    # (hostA,hostB,hostC,...)    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
ping_path = '/bin'    
                                    # ping command path    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Watchdog communication Settings -    
wd_hostname = ''    
                                    # Host name or IP address of this watchdog    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_port = 9000    
                                    # port number for watchdog service    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_priority = 1    
                                    # priority of this watchdog in leader election    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_authkey = ''    
                                    # Authentication key for watchdog communication    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'    
                                    # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket    
                                    # The Debian package defaults to    
                                    # /var/run/postgresql    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Virtual IP control Setting -    
delegate_IP = ''    
                                    # delegate IP address    
                                    # If this is empty, virtual IP never brings up.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
if_cmd_path = '/sbin'    
                                    # path to the directory where if_up/down_cmd exists    
                                    # If if_up/down_cmd starts with "/", if_cmd_path will be ignored.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
if_up_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev eth0 label eth0:0'    
                                    # startup delegate IP command    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
if_down_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev eth0'    
                                    # shutdown delegate IP command    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
arping_path = '/usr/sbin'    
                                    # arping command path    
                                    # If arping_cmd starts with "/", if_cmd_path will be ignored.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
arping_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I eth0'    
                                    # arping command    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Behavior on escalation Setting -    
clear_memqcache_on_escalation = on    
                                    # Clear all the query cache on shared memory    
                                    # when standby pgpool escalate to active pgpool    
                                    # (= virtual IP holder).    
                                    # This should be off if client connects to pgpool    
                                    # not using virtual IP.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_escalation_command = ''    
                                    # Executes this command at escalation on the new active pgpool.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_de_escalation_command = ''    
                                    # Executes this command when master pgpool resigns from being master.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Watchdog consensus settings for failover -    
failover_when_quorum_exists = on    
                                    # Only perform backend node failover    
                                    # when the watchdog cluster holds the quorum    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
failover_require_consensus = on    
                                    # Perform failover when majority of Pgpool-II nodes    
                                    # agrees on the backend node status change    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
allow_multiple_failover_requests_from_node = off    
                                    # A Pgpool-II node can cast multiple votes    
                                    # for building the consensus on failover    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
enable_consensus_with_half_votes = off    
                                    # apply majority rule for consensus and quorum computation    
                                    # at 50% of votes in a cluster with an even number of nodes.    
                                    # when enabled the existence of quorum and consensus    
                                    # on failover is resolved after receiving half of the    
                                    # total votes in the cluster; otherwise both these    
                                    # decisions require at least one more vote than    
                                    # half of the total votes.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Lifecheck Setting -    
# -- common --    
wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = ''  # Comma separated list of interfaces names to monitor.    
                                    # if any interface from the list is active the watchdog will    
                                    # consider the network is fine    
                                    # 'any' to enable monitoring on all interfaces except loopback    
                                    # '' to disable monitoring    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_lifecheck_method = 'heartbeat'    
                                    # Method of watchdog lifecheck ('heartbeat' or 'query' or 'external')    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_interval = 10    
                                    # lifecheck interval (sec) > 0    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# -- heartbeat mode --    
wd_heartbeat_port = 9694    
                                    # Port number for receiving heartbeat signal    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2    
                                    # Interval time of sending heartbeat signal (sec)    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30    
                                    # Deadtime interval for heartbeat signal (sec)    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
heartbeat_destination0 = 'host0_ip1'    
                                    # Host name or IP address of destination 0    
                                    # for sending heartbeat signal.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
heartbeat_destination_port0 = 9694     
                                    # Port number of destination 0 for sending    
                                    # heartbeat signal. Usually this is the    
                                    # same as wd_heartbeat_port.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
heartbeat_device0 = ''    
                                    # Name of NIC device (such like 'eth0')    
                                    # used for sending/receiving heartbeat    
                                    # signal to/from destination 0.    
                                    # This works only when this is not empty    
                                    # and pgpool has root privilege.    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
#heartbeat_destination1 = 'host0_ip2'    
#heartbeat_destination_port1 = 9694    
#heartbeat_device1 = ''    
# -- query mode --    
wd_life_point = 3    
                                    # lifecheck retry times    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_lifecheck_query = 'SELECT 1'    
                                    # lifecheck query to pgpool from watchdog    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_lifecheck_dbname = 'template1'    
                                    # Database name connected for lifecheck    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_lifecheck_user = 'nobody'    
                                    # watchdog user monitoring pgpools in lifecheck    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
wd_lifecheck_password = ''    
                                    # Password for watchdog user in lifecheck    
                                    # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                    # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
# - Other pgpool Connection Settings -    
#other_pgpool_hostname0 = 'host0'    
                                    # Host name or IP address to connect to for other pgpool 0    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
#other_pgpool_port0 = 5432    
                                    # Port number for other pgpool 0    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
#other_wd_port0 = 9000    
                                    # Port number for other watchdog 0    
                                    # (change requires restart)    
#other_pgpool_hostname1 = 'host1'    
#other_pgpool_port1 = 5432    
#other_wd_port1 = 9000    
# OTHERS    
relcache_expire = 0    
                                   # Life time of relation cache in seconds.    
                                   # 0 means no cache expiration(the default).    
                                   # The relation cache is used for cache the    
                                   # query result against PostgreSQL system    
                                   # catalog to obtain various information    
                                   # including table structures or if it's a    
                                   # temporary table or not. The cache is    
                                   # maintained in a pgpool child local memory    
                                   # and being kept as long as it survives.    
                                   # If someone modify the table by using    
                                   # ALTER TABLE or some such, the relcache is    
                                   # not consistent anymore.    
                                   # For this purpose, cache_expiration    
                                   # controls the life time of the cache.    
relcache_size = 8192    
                                   # Number of relation cache    
                                   # entry. If you see frequently:    
                                   # "pool_search_relcache: cache replacement happened"    
                                   # in the pgpool log, you might want to increase this number.    
check_temp_table = catalog    
                                   # Temporary table check method. catalog, trace or none.    
                                   # Default is catalog.    
check_unlogged_table = on    
                                   # If on, enable unlogged table check in SELECT statements.    
                                   # This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master    
                                   # thus increases the load of the master.    
                                   # If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses unlogged tables    
                                   # and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off.    
                                   # Default is on.    
enable_shared_relcache = on    
                                   # If on, relation cache stored in memory cache,    
                                   # the cache is shared among child processes.    
                                   # Default is on.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
relcache_query_target = master     # Target node to send relcache queries. Default is master (primary) node.    
                                   # If load_balance_node is specified, queries will be sent to the load balance node.    
memory_cache_enabled = off    
                                   # If on, use the memory cache functionality, off by default    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_method = 'shmem'    
                                   # Cache storage method. either 'shmem'(shared memory) or    
                                   # 'memcached'. 'shmem' by default    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_memcached_host = 'localhost'    
                                   # Memcached hostname or IP address. Mandatory if    
                                   # memqcache_method = 'memcached'.    
                                   # Defaults to localhost.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_memcached_port = 11211    
                                   # Memcached port number. Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'memcached'.    
                                   # Defaults to 11211.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_total_size = 67108864    
                                   # Total memory size in bytes for storing memory cache.    
                                   # Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.    
                                   # Defaults to 64MB.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_max_num_cache = 1000000    
                                   # Total number of cache entries. Mandatory    
                                   # if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.    
                                   # Each cache entry consumes 48 bytes of shared memory.    
                                   # Defaults to 1,000,000(45.8MB).    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_expire = 0    
                                   # Memory cache entry life time specified in seconds.    
                                   # 0 means infinite life time. 0 by default.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation = on    
                                   # If on, invalidation of query cache is triggered by corresponding    
                                   # DDL/DML/DCL(and memqcache_expire).  If off, it is only triggered    
                                   # by memqcache_expire.  on by default.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_maxcache = 409600    
                                   # Maximum SELECT result size in bytes.    
                                   # Must be smaller than memqcache_cache_block_size. Defaults to 400KB.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_cache_block_size = 1048576    
                                   # Cache block size in bytes. Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.    
                                   # Defaults to 1MB.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
memqcache_oiddir = '/var/log/pgpool/oiddir'    
                                   # Temporary work directory to record table oids    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
white_memqcache_table_list = ''    
                                   # Comma separated list of table names to memcache    
                                   # that don't write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
black_memqcache_table_list = ''    
                                   # Comma separated list of table names not to memcache    
                                   # that don't write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    

Important modified configurations are as follows:

listen_addresses = ''    
port = 8001    
socket_dir = '/tmp'    
reserved_connections = 0    
pcp_listen_addresses = ''    
pcp_port = 9898    
pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'    
# - Backend Connection Settings -    
backend_hostname0 = ''    
                                   # Host name or IP address to connect to for backend 0    
backend_port0 = 3389     
                                   # Port number for backend 0    
backend_weight0 = 1    
                                   # Weight for backend 0 (only in load balancing mode)    
backend_data_directory0 = '/data01/pg12_3389/pg_root'    
                                   # Data directory for backend 0    
backend_flag0 = 'ALWAYS_MASTER'    
                                   # Controls various backend behavior    
                                   # ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER, DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER    
                                   # or ALWAYS_MASTER    
backend_application_name0 = 'server0'    
                                   # walsender's application_name, used for "show pool_nodes" command    
backend_hostname1 = ''    
backend_port1 = 8002    
backend_weight1 = 1    
backend_data_directory1 = '/data01/pg12_8002/pg_root'    
backend_flag1 = 'DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'    
backend_application_name1 = 'server1'    
# - Authentication -    
enable_pool_hba = on     
                                   # Use pool_hba.conf for client authentication    
pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd'    
                                   # File name of pool_passwd for md5 authentication.    
                                   # "" disables pool_passwd.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
allow_clear_text_frontend_auth = off    
                                   # Allow Pgpool-II to use clear text password authentication    
                                   # with clients, when pool_passwd does not    
                                   # contain the user password    
# - Concurrent session and pool size -    
num_init_children = 128     
                                   # Number of concurrent sessions allowed    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
max_pool = 4    
                                   # Number of connection pool caches per connection    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
# - Life time -    
child_life_time = 300    
                                   # Pool exits after being idle for this many seconds    
child_max_connections = 0    
                                   # Pool exits after receiving that many connections    
                                   # 0 means no exit    
connection_life_time = 0    
                                   # Connection to backend closes after being idle for this many seconds    
                                   # 0 means no close    
client_idle_limit = 0    
                                   # Client is disconnected after being idle for that many seconds    
                                   # (even inside explicit transactions!)    
                                   # 0 means no disconnection    
# LOGS    
# - Where to log -    
log_destination = 'syslog'    
                                   # Where to log    
                                   # Valid values are combinations of stderr,    
                                   # and syslog. Default to stderr.    
log_connections = on    
                                   # Log connections    
log_standby_delay = 'if_over_threshold'    
                                   # Log standby delay    
                                   # Valid values are combinations of always,    
                                   # if_over_threshold, none    
pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool-II-12/pgpool.pid'    
                                   # PID file name    
                                   # Can be specified as relative to the"    
                                   # location of pgpool.conf file or    
                                   # as an absolute path    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
logdir = '/tmp'    
                                   # Directory of pgPool status file    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
connection_cache = on    
                                   # Activate connection pools    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
                                   # Semicolon separated list of queries    
                                   # to be issued at the end of a session    
                                   # The default is for 8.3 and later    
reset_query_list = 'ABORT; DISCARD ALL'    
load_balance_mode = on    
                                   # Activate load balancing mode    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
ignore_leading_white_space = on    
                                   # Ignore leading white spaces of each query    
white_function_list = ''    
                                   # Comma separated list of function names    
                                   # that don't write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
black_function_list = 'currval,lastval,nextval,setval'    
                                   # Comma separated list of function names    
                                   # that write to database    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
black_query_pattern_list = ''    
                                   # Semicolon separated list of query patterns    
                                   # that should be sent to primary node    
                                   # Regexp are accepted    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
database_redirect_preference_list = ''    
                                   # comma separated list of pairs of database and node id.    
                                   # example: postgres:primary,mydb[0-4]:1,mydb[5-9]:2'    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
app_name_redirect_preference_list = ''    
                                   # comma separated list of pairs of app name and node id.    
                                   # example: 'psql:primary,myapp[0-4]:1,myapp[5-9]:standby'    
                                   # valid for streaming replication mode only.    
allow_sql_comments = off    
                                   # if on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or    
                                   # query cache is possible.    
                                   # If off, SQL comments effectively prevent the judgment    
                                   # (pre 3.4 behavior).    
disable_load_balance_on_write = 'transaction'    
                                   # Load balance behavior when write query is issued    
                                   # in an explicit transaction.    
                                   # Note that any query not in an explicit transaction    
                                   # is not affected by the parameter.    
                                   # 'transaction' (the default): if a write query is issued,    
                                   # subsequent read queries will not be load balanced    
                                   # until the transaction ends.    
                                   # 'trans_transaction': if a write query is issued,    
                                   # subsequent read queries in an explicit transaction    
                                   # will not be load balanced until the session ends.    
                                   # 'always': if a write query is issued, read queries will    
                                   # not be load balanced until the session ends.    
statement_level_load_balance = off    
                                   # Enables statement level load balancing    
master_slave_mode = on    
                                   # Activate master/slave mode    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
master_slave_sub_mode = 'stream'    
                                   # Master/slave sub mode    
                                   # Valid values are combinations stream, slony    
                                   # or logical. Default is stream.    
                                   # (change requires restart)    
# - Streaming -    
sr_check_period = 3     
                                   # Streaming replication check period    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
sr_check_user = 'nobody'    
                                   # Streaming replication check user    
                                   # This is necessary even if you disable streaming    
                                   # replication delay check by sr_check_period = 0    
sr_check_password = ''    
                                   # Password for streaming replication check user    
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
sr_check_database = 'postgres'    
                                   # Database name for streaming replication check    
delay_threshold = 10000000    
                                   # Threshold before not dispatching query to standby node    
                                   # Unit is in bytes    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
health_check_period = 5    
                                   # Health check period    
                                   # Disabled (0) by default    
health_check_timeout = 10    
                                   # Health check timeout    
                                   # 0 means no timeout    
health_check_user = 'nobody'    
                                   # Health check user    
health_check_password = ''    
                                   # Password for health check user    
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the    
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password    
health_check_database = ''    
                                   # Database name for health check. If '', tries 'postgres' first,     
health_check_max_retries = 60     
                                   # Maximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up.    
health_check_retry_delay = 1    
                                   # Amount of time to wait (in seconds) between retries.    
connect_timeout = 10000    
                                   # Timeout value in milliseconds before giving up to connect to backend.    
                                   # Default is 10000 ms (10 second). Flaky network user may want to increase    
                                   # the value. 0 means no timeout.    
                                   # Note that this value is not only used for health check,    
                                   # but also for ordinary connection to the backend.    
failover_on_backend_error = off    
                                   # Initiates failover when reading/writing to the    
                                   # backend communication socket fails    
                                   # If set to off, pgpool will report an    
                                   # error and disconnect the session.    
relcache_expire = 0  # 建议结构变更后, 设置为1,然后reload然后再改回来. 当然也可以直接设置为一个时间        
                                   # Life time of relation cache in seconds.    
                                   # 0 means no cache expiration(the default).    
                                   # The relation cache is used for cache the    
                                   # query result against PostgreSQL system    
                                   # catalog to obtain various information    
                                   # including table structures or if it's a    
                                   # temporary table or not. The cache is    
                                   # maintained in a pgpool child local memory    
                                   # and being kept as long as it survives.    
                                   # If someone modify the table by using    
                                   # ALTER TABLE or some such, the relcache is    
                                   # not consistent anymore.    
                                   # For this purpose, cache_expiration    
                                   # controls the life time of the cache.    
relcache_size = 8192    
                                   # Number of relation cache    
                                   # entry. If you see frequently:    
                                   # "pool_search_relcache: cache replacement happened"    
                                   # in the pgpool log, you might want to increase this number.    

3) Configure the pool_passwd password file, which users can utilize to connect to the database through pgpool. You must know that the pgpool supports the PostgreSQL authentication protocol.

cd /etc/pgpool-II-12    
pg_md5 --md5auth --username=username password    
生成digoa, nobody密码, 会自动写入pool_passwd文件    
pg_md5 --md5auth --username=digoal "xxxxxxx"    
pg_md5 --md5auth --username=nobody "xxxxxxx"    

Automatically generate the pool_passwd file.

cd /etc/pgpool-II-12    
# cat pool_passwd     
pool_passwd这个文件的内容也可以直接从数据库的pg_shadow中拿到, 手工生成  
select * from pg_shadow; -- usename, passwd字段  

Configure the pgpool_hba file as the pgpool proxies the authentication.

cd /etc/pgpool-II-12    
cp pool_hba.conf.sample pool_hba.conf    
vi pool_hba.conf    
host all all md5    

4) Configure the pcp password management file. It manages pgpool passwords and users rather than the users and passwords in the database.

cd /etc/pgpool-II-12    
# pg_md5 abc  # 例如密码是abc    
cp pcp.conf.sample pcp.conf    
vi pcp.conf    

Indicate that the manage user oversees the pcp file.

For example, use pcp_node_info to query the backend database status.

[root@iZ2ze97u0ftapnfqlkhtr1Z pgpool-II-12]# pcp_node_info -U manage -h /tmp -p 9898 -n 1 -v    
Password: 输入密码    
Hostname               :    
Port                   : 8002    
Status                 : 2    
Weight                 : 0.500000    
Status Name            : up    
Role                   : standby    
Replication Delay      : 0    
Replication State      :     
Replication Sync State :     
Last Status Change     : 2020-02-29 00:20:29    
# pcp_node_info -U manage -h /tmp -p 9898 -v -n 0  
Hostname               :  
Port                   : 3389  
Status                 : 2  
Weight                 : 0.500000  
Status Name            : up  
Role                   : primary  
Replication Delay      : 0  
Replication State      :   
Replication Sync State :   
Last Status Change     : 2020-02-29 00:20:29  

5) Start the pgpool.

cd /etc/pgpool-II-12    
pgpool -f ./pgpool.conf -a ./pool_hba.conf -F ./pcp.conf    

6) View the pgpool logs.

看pool的配置, 这里采用了syslog, 所以在这看日志    
less /var/log/messages 

7) Manage pgpool by using the pcp file.

pcp_attach_node    pcp_node_count     pcp_pool_status    pcp_proc_info      pcp_recovery_node  pcp_watchdog_info      
pcp_detach_node    pcp_node_info      pcp_proc_count     pcp_promote_node   pcp_stop_pgpool   

8) Methods to stop and reload the pgpool config.

# pgpool --help    
pgpool-II version 4.1.1 (karasukiboshi),    
  A generic connection pool/replication/load balance server for PostgreSQL    
  pgpool [ -c] [ -f CONFIG_FILE ] [ -F PCP_CONFIG_FILE ] [ -a HBA_CONFIG_FILE ]    
         [ -n ] [ -D ] [ -d ]    
  pgpool [ -f CONFIG_FILE ] [ -F PCP_CONFIG_FILE ] [ -a HBA_CONFIG_FILE ]    
         [ -m SHUTDOWN-MODE ] stop    
  pgpool [ -f CONFIG_FILE ] [ -F PCP_CONFIG_FILE ] [ -a HBA_CONFIG_FILE ] reload    
Common options:    
  -a, --hba-file=HBA_CONFIG_FILE    
                      Set the path to the pool_hba.conf configuration file    
                      (default: /etc/pgpool-II-12/pool_hba.conf)    
  -f, --config-file=CONFIG_FILE    
                      Set the path to the pgpool.conf configuration file    
                      (default: /etc/pgpool-II-12/pgpool.conf)    
  -k, --key-file=KEY_FILE    
                      Set the path to the pgpool key file    
                      (default: /root/.pgpoolkey)    
                      can be over ridden by PGPOOLKEYFILE environment variable    
  -F, --pcp-file=PCP_CONFIG_FILE    
                      Set the path to the pcp.conf configuration file    
                      (default: /etc/pgpool-II-12/pcp.conf)    
  -h, --help          Print this help    
Start options:    
  -C, --clear-oidmaps Clear query cache oidmaps when memqcache_method is memcached    
                      (If shmem, discards whenever pgpool starts.)    
  -n, --dont-detach   Don't run in daemon mode, does not detach control tty    
  -x, --debug-assertions   Turns on various assertion checks, This is a debugging aid    
  -D, --discard-status Discard pgpool_status file and do not restore previous status    
  -d, --debug         Debug mode    
Stop options:    
  -m, --mode=SHUTDOWN-MODE    
                      Can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate"    
Shutdown modes are:    
  smart       quit after all clients have disconnected    
  fast        quit directly, with proper shutdown    
  immediate   the same mode as fast    

For example:

pgpool -f ./pgpool.conf -m fast stop    

9) Monitor the following ports:

  • master: 3389
  • slave: 8002
  • pool: 8001
  • pcp management: 9898

10) Connect to the database through the pgpool.

psql -h -p 8001 -U digoal postgres    
psql (12.2)    
Type "help" for help.    

How to check whether the server load balancer is enabled:

Connect and query the results of pg_is_in_recovery() and then disconnect. Again, enable the connection and query the results of pg_is_in_recovery().

You will get false and true in return alternately, indicating that requests are sent to the master database and the slave database sequentially.

pgpool Latency and Health Check

1) pgpool will not send SQL requests to standby with the WAL replay latency greater than the set value (number of bytes).

When standby catches up, you can send SQL requests to it again.

2) How to determine the WAL replay latency?

Connect to the master database to query the WAL write position lsn1 in the current database. Further, connect to the slave database to query the current WAL replay position lsn2. Compare the difference of bytes between lsn1 and lsn2.

3) pgpool monitors the health of the backend. If it is unhealthy, pgpool stops routing SQL requests to this node.

pgpool Performance and Increased Latency

In a 16C 64G environment, you can connect to the master node:

transaction type: <builtin: select only>  
scaling factor: 10  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 16  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 37588141  
latency average = 0.051 ms  
latency stddev = 0.008 ms  
tps = 313232.127855 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 313250.620228 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
         0.051  SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid; 

Connect to the master and slave databases through pgpool with read/write splitting. The latency increases by 0.12 milliseconds.

transaction type: <builtin: select only>  
scaling factor: 10  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 16  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 11132717  
latency average = 0.172 ms  
latency stddev = 0.107 ms  
tps = 92772.153552 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 92780.110416 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
         0.173  SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;  


If a node is down and its state in the pgpool is set to “down,” the state does not turn to “up” automatically. You need to modify the node status through pcp_attach_node numbering from 0 manually. Alternatively, you can restart pgpool and use the D parameter to discard the status. If you don’t change the state, it can create several problems.

cat /tmp/pgpool_status  

The above example shows that node 0 is down. If it is a primary node, you can see this error in the log.

Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[15105]: [88-1] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 15105: FATAL:  Backend throw an error message
Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[15105]: [88-2] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 15105: DETAIL:  Exiting current session because of an error from backend
Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[15105]: [88-3] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 15105: HINT:  BACKEND Error: "recovery is in progress"
Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[15105]: [88-4] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 15105: CONTEXT:  while checking replication time lag
Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[14824]: [89-1] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 14824: LOG:  worker child process with pid: 15105 exits with status 256
Apr 16 17:08:35 mlalipg01 pgpool[14824]: [90-1] 2020-04-16 17:08:35: pid 14824: LOG:  fork a new worker child process with pid: 15109

For more details, visit this link.

Failover can happen in case of node inaccessibility. However, you can also trigger it manually (pcp_detech_node). This is termed as switch over. For example, switching over a PostgreSQL to take its backup is possible. Remember that this will not bring PostgreSQL down, it will only set the status to down. You can use the pcp_detach_node command to execute switch over.

  -D, --discard-status Discard pgpool_status file and do not restore the previous status  

A PostgreSQL node detached by failover or switch over will never return to the previous or attached state. However, you can restart Pgpool-II with the -D option or run the pcp_attach_node to restore the earlier state. Before that, confirm the replication_state of SHOW POOL NODES is set to "streaming." The state indicates that the standby server is appropriately connected to the primary server through streaming replication, and both databases are in sync.


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