Community Blog Kubernetes Ingress Controller Log Collection

Kubernetes Ingress Controller Log Collection

This article describes how to import the collected Kubernetes Ingress Controller logs to Log Service to facilitate retrieval and analysis of service requests.

We have previously discussed how to deploy an Ingress access layer that provides high reliability in a Kubernetes cluster in the article Best Practices for Deploying a High-Reliability Kubernetes Ingress Controller. Ingress manages external access to services in a Kubernetes cluster. The Ingress Controller records request logs that are very important for tracking the entire request link. The following content describes how to import the collected Kubernetes Ingress Controller logs to Log Service to facilitate retrieval and analysis of service requests.

Prepare the Environment

  1. Apply for a Kubernetes cluster on the Container Service console.
  2. Deploy the service and configure the Ingress Controller to provide services for external systems.

Import the Collected Logs to Log Service

Perform the following steps to import the collected Ingress Controller logs to Log Service:

  1. Deploy Logtail DaemonSet.
  2. Create a log project and configure a machine group.
  3. Configure LogtailConfig (log collection configurations).

For more information, read our documentation.

Step 1: Deploy Logtail DaemonSet.

Note: Skip this step if you have deployed Logtail DaemonSet in the cluster.

curl http://logtail-release.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/docker/k8s/logtail-daemonset.yaml > logtail-daemonset.yaml
# Modify the following configuration items according to your environment.
vim logtail-daemonset.yaml
          - name: "ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_CONFIG"
            value: "/etc/ilogtail/conf/${your_region_name}/ilogtail_config.json"
          - name: "ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_USER_ID"
            value: "${your_aliyun_user_id}"
            value: "${your_machine_group_name}"

kubectl apply -f logtail-daemonset.yaml
daemonset "logtail" created

kubectl -n kube-system get pod | grep logtail
logtail-nbpl8                                                1/1       Running   0          52s
logtail-nr9hf                                                1/1       Running   0          52s

The configuration items are described as follows:

  1. ${your_region_name}: ID of the region where the Kubernetes cluster is located.
  2. ${your_aliyun_user_id}: Alibaba Cloud UID.
  3. ${your_machine_group_name}: custom ID for configuring a machine group.

Step 2: Create a log project and configure a machine group.

Note: Skip this step if you have created a project for collecting the Kubernetes cluster logs in the corresponding region and you plan to use this project.

Create a log project at the Log Service console.


Note: The region of the log project must be the same as that of the Kubernetes cluster.

Configure a machine group.


Note: Select Custom ID and ensure that the value is the same as that of the environmental variable ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_USER_DEFINED_ID in the Logtail DaemonSet YAML file edited in step 1.

Step 3: Configure LogtailConfig (log collection configurations).

Create a Logstore.

Note: You can reuse a created Logstore.


Configure the type of the configuration data to be collected.

Note: Ingress Controller logs are exported to Stdout, so select Standard Docker Output.


Configure the source of the configuration data to be collected.


For more configuration items, read our documentation. The preceding information indicates that only the Stdout and Stderr logs containing "io.kubernetes.container.name": "nginx-ingress-controller" will be collected.

Associate a machine group.


Check Ingress Controller request logs.

After external systems access the services in the Kubernetes cluster through Ingress, check the collected Ingress Controller request logs in the k8s-ingress-controller Logstore.


Import the Collected Logs to the Self-Built ES

This section describes how to collect Ingress Controller logs to the self-built Elasticsearch (ES). Container Service also provides an appropriate solution if you want to collect and import Kubernetes cluster pod logs to the self-built ES. For more information, see A solution to log collection problems of Kubernetes clusters by using log-pilot, Elasticsearch, and Kibana.

Step 1: Deploy log-pilot, ES, and Kibana.

Note: Skip this step if you have deployed them in the cluster.

For more information, see A solution to log collection problems of Kubernetes clusters by using log-pilot, Elasticsearch, and Kibana.

Step 2: Perform log collection configurations.

To collect Ingress Controller logs, add the following log collection configurations:

vim nginx-ingress-controller-log-patch.yaml
        - name: nginx-ingress-controller
          # ingress-controller is the index name.
          - name: aliyun_logs_ingress-controller
            value: "stdout"
# If you deploy nginx-ingress-controller by using Deployment:
kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment nginx-ingress-controller --patch "$(cat nginx-ingress-controller-log-patch.yaml)"

# If you deploy nginx-ingress-controller by using DaemonSet:
kubectl -n kube-system patch ds nginx-ingress-controller --patch "$(cat nginx-ingress-controller-log-patch.yaml)"

After external systems access the services in the Kubernetes cluster through Ingress, check the collected Ingress Controller request logs in Kibana.


To learn more about Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes, visit https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/kubernetes

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