Community Blog [Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in Feburary 2024

[Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in Feburary 2024

Discover the latest database product updates for Feburary 2024 in our informative infographic!

1. PolarDB for MySQL Released Seamless Upgrade From RDS for MySQL Using X-Engine

Value: By upgrading to PolarDB, users who previously used X-Engine can now benefit from a mixed storage engine approach, combining InnoDB and X-Engine, which saves on storage costs and improves query efficiency.

2. RDS for MySQL Supports Full Encrypted Database

Value: It elevates your database security by encrypting the response data before it is displayed on the database client, ensuring that your data is fully encrypted during the entire process except within the database itself and on the client.

3. RDS for SQL Server 2022 Standard Edition Supports Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Value: Users of RDS SQL Server 2019 SE, 2022 SE, and EE can secure data transmission with the TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) feature.

4. AnalyticDB for MySQL Released Multi-Cluster

Value: By automatically scaling resources according to business workloads, it is possible to achieve resource isolation within the resource group and provide more flexible resource elasticity, meeting the demands of users in high-concurrency scenarios.


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