Community Blog How to Migrate Data from an ECS-hosted User-created Elasticsearch Cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Cluster

How to Migrate Data from an ECS-hosted User-created Elasticsearch Cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Cluster

The article demonstrates the data migration process from an ECS-hosted user-created Elasticsearch cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

Released by ELK Geek

Migrating data from an ECS-hosted user-created Elasticsearch cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster requires operations that include index creation and data migration. Let's understand it with a tutorial. This tutorial explains the data migration procedure and also addresses the frequently asked questions with relevant solutions.


Before you follow the steps in this article to migrate data, make sure the following requirements are met. If these requirements are not met, select another migration plan. For more information, see Logstash deployment.

  • The ECS instance that hosts the user-created Elasticsearch cluster must be deployed in a virtual private cloud (VPC). You cannot use an ECS instance connected to a VPC network through a Classiclink. Make sure that the user-created and Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters are connected to the same VPC.
  • Run the scripts in this article on an intermediate server. Make sure that the intermediate server is connected to both Elasticsearch clusters over port 9200.
  • The VPC-type security group of the ECS instance that hosts the user-created Elasticsearch cluster is not allowed to restrict IP whitelist, and port 9200 must be enabled.
  • The IP addresses of nodes in the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster are added to the VPC-type security group of the ECS instance that hosts the user-created Elasticsearch cluster. Query the IP addresses of the nodes in the Kibana console of the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.
  • The user-created Elasticsearch cluster and Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster are interconnected. Quickly test the connectivity on the intermediate server by running the curl -XGET http://<host>:9200 command.

Create Indexes

Create indexes on the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster based on the index settings of the user-created Elasticsearch cluster. Enable auto-indexing and dynamic mapping for the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster to automatically create indexes and mappings. However, we recommend using dynamic mapping.

The following example is a Python script for batch creating indexes of the user-created Elasticsearch cluster in the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. By default, no replica is created for the new indexes.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# File name:indiceCreate.py
import sys
import base64
import time
import httplib
import json
## Old cluster host(ip+port)
oldClusterHost = "old-cluster.com"
## Username of old cluster, can be null
oldClusterUserName = "old-username"
## Password of old cluster, can be null
oldClusterPassword = "old-password"
## New cluster host(ip+port)
newClusterHost = "new-cluster.com"
## Username of new cluster, can be null
newClusterUser = "new-username"
## Password of new cluster, can be null
newClusterPassword = "new-password"
def httpRequest(method, host, endpoint, params="", username="", password=""):
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
    headers = {}
    if (username != "") :
        'Hello {name}, your age is {age} !'.format(name = 'Tom', age = '20')
        base64string = base64.encodestring('{username}:{password}'.format(username = username, password = password)).replace('\n', '')
        headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % base64string;
    if "GET" == method:
        headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        conn.request(method=method, url=endpoint, headers=headers)
    else :
        headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
        conn.request(method=method, url=endpoint, body=params, headers=headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    res = response.read()
    return res
def httpGet(host, endpoint, username="", password=""):
    return httpRequest("GET", host, endpoint, "", username, password)
def httpPost(host, endpoint, params, username="", password=""):
    return httpRequest("POST", host, endpoint, params, username, password)
def httpPut(host, endpoint, params, username="", password=""):
    return httpRequest("PUT", host, endpoint, params, username, password)
def getIndices(host, username="", password=""):
    endpoint = "/_cat/indices"
    indicesResult = httpGet(oldClusterHost, endpoint, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword)
    indicesList = indicesResult.split("\n")
    indexList = []
    for indices in indicesList:
        if (indices.find("open") > 0):
    return indexList
def getSettings(index, host, username="", password=""):
    endpoint = "/" + index + "/_settings"
    indexSettings = httpGet(host, endpoint, username, password)
    print index + "  原始settings如下:\n" + indexSettings
    settingsDict = json.loads(indexSettings)
    ## Shard number is the same as that of old cluster index by default
    number_of_shards = settingsDict[index]["settings"]["index"]["number_of_shards"]
    ## Number of replicas is 0 by default
    number_of_replicas = DEFAULT_REPLICAS
    newSetting = "\"settings\": {\"number_of_shards\": %s, \"number_of_replicas\": %s}" % (number_of_shards, number_of_replicas)
    return newSetting
def getMapping(index, host, username="", password=""):
    endpoint = "/" + index + "/_mapping"
    indexMapping = httpGet(host, endpoint, username, password)
    print index + " 原始mapping如下:\n" + indexMapping
    mappingDict = json.loads(indexMapping)
    mappings = json.dumps(mappingDict[index]["mappings"])
    newMapping = "\"mappings\" : " + mappings
    return newMapping
def createIndexStatement(oldIndexName):
    settingStr = getSettings(oldIndexName, oldClusterHost, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword)
    mappingStr = getMapping(oldIndexName, oldClusterHost, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword)
    createstatement = "{\n" + str(settingStr) + ",\n" + str(mappingStr) + "\n}"
    return createstatement
def createIndex(oldIndexName, newIndexName=""):
    if (newIndexName == "") :
        newIndexName = oldIndexName
    createstatement = createIndexStatement(oldIndexName)
    print "新索引 " + newIndexName + " 的setting和mapping如下:\n" + createstatement
    endpoint = "/" + newIndexName
    createResult = httpPut(newClusterHost, endpoint, createstatement, newClusterUser, newClusterPassword)
    print "新索引 " + newIndexName + " 创建结果:" + createResult
## main
indexList = getIndices(oldClusterHost, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword)
systemIndex = []
for index in indexList:
    if (index.startswith(".")):
    else :
        createIndex(index, index)
if (len(systemIndex) > 0) :
    for index in systemIndex:
        print index + "  或许是系统索引,不会重新创建,如有需要,请单独处理~"

Migrate Data

Use one of the following methods to migrate data. Select an appropriate method based on the amount of data to be migrated and specific business needs.

Take a note of the following important points before migrating the data:

  • To ensure data consistency, stop writing data to the source Elasticsearch cluster before migrating the data. However, data is still available to be read from the source Elasticsearch cluster. After the data is migrated, it is easier to read and write data to the destination Elasticsearch cluster. If you do not stop writing data to the source Elasticsearch cluster, the data on the destination Elasticsearch cluster may be inconsistent with that on the source Elasticsearch cluster.
  • While using one of the following methods to migrate data, if you connect to the source Elasticsearch cluster by using IP + Port, first modify the YML configuration on the destination Elasticsearch cluster. Add the IP address of the source cluster to the reindex whitelist, for example, reindex.remote.whitelist:,1.2. *. *:*.
  • If you access the source cluster by using a domain name, do not use the http://host:port/path format. The domain name cannot contain a path.**

Migrate a Small Amount of Data

Run the reindex.sh script.

# file:reindex.sh
# Old cluster host must be [scheme]://[host]:[port],for example
curl -u ${newClusterUser}:${newClusterPass} -XPOST "http://${newClusterHost}/_reindex?pretty" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{
    "source": {
        "remote": {
            "host": "'${oldClusterHost}'",
            "username": "'${oldClusterUser}'",
            "password": "'${oldClusterPass}'"
        "index": "'${indexName}'",
        "query": {
            "match_all": {}
    "dest": {
       "index": "'${indexName}'"

Migrate a Large Amount of Data Without Deletions and With an Update Time.

To migrate a large amount of data without deletions, use rolling updates to shorten the time period during which the write operations have to be suspended. The rolling update requires that the data schema have a time-series attribute that indicates the update time. Stop writing data to the source Elasticsearch cluster after data is migrated. Then, perform a rolling update to synchronize the data that is updated during the migration. After the rolling update is completed, read data from and write data to the destination Elasticsearch cluster.

# file: circleReindex.sh
# This is the script to rebuild index through remote operations by reindex. Requirements are as follows:
# 1. Index of new cluster is created, or automatic creation and dynamic mapping are supported.
# 2. IP whitelist must be configured in yml of new cluster.  reindex.remote.whitelist: 172.16.123.*:9200
# 3. Host must be [scheme]://[host]:[port]
USAGE="Usage: sh circleReindex.sh <count>
       count: 执行次数,多次(负数为循环)增量执行或者单次执行
        sh circleReindex.sh 1
        sh circleReindex.sh 5
        sh circleReindex.sh -1"
## http://myescluster.com
# Old cluster host must be [scheme]://[host]:[port],For example
curTimestamp=`date +%s`
function reIndexOP() {
    reindexTimes=$[${reindexTimes} + 1]
    curTimestamp=`date +%s`
    ret=`curl -u ${newClusterUser}:${newClusterPass} -XPOST "${newClusterHost}/_reindex?pretty" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "source": {
            "remote": {
                "host": "'${oldClusterHost}'",
                "username": "'${oldClusterUser}'",
                "password": "'${oldClusterPass}'"
            "index": "'${indexName}'",
            "query": {
                "range" : {
                    "'${timeField}'" : {
                        "gte" : '${lastTimestamp}',
                        "lt" : '${curTimestamp}'
        "dest": {
            "index": "'${indexName}'"
    echo "第${reindexTimes}次reIndex,本次更新截止时间 ${lastTimestamp} 结果:${ret}"
    if [[ ${ret} == *error* ]]; then
        echo "本次执行异常,中断后续执行操作~~,请检查"
function start() {
    ## Loop execution is not stopped if it is a negative number
    if [[ $1 -lt 0 ]]; then
        while :
    elif [[ $1 -gt 0 ]]; then
        while [[ k -lt $1 ]] && [[ ${hasError} == false ]]; do
            let ++k
## main 
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
    echo "$USAGE"
    exit 1
echo "开始执行索引 ${indexName} 的 ReIndex操作"
start $1
echo "总共执行 ${reindexTimes} 次 reIndex 操作"

Migrate a Large Amount of Data Without Deletions or an Update Time

If you need to migrate a large amount of data and no update time is defined in the mapping, add an update time field to the script of workloads on the source cluster. After the field is added, migrate the existing data, and then use the rolling update described in the preceding data migration plan to migrate the incremental data.

# file:miss.sh
# Old cluster host must be [scheme]://[host]:[port],For example
curl -u ${newClusterUser}:${newClusterPass} -XPOST "http://${newClusterHost}/_reindex?pretty" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "source": {
        "remote": {
            "host": "'${oldClusterHost}'",
            "username": "'${oldClusterUser}'",
            "password": "'${oldClusterPass}'"
        "index": "'${indexName}'",
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must_not": {
                    "exists": {
                        "field": "'${timeField}'"
    "dest": {
       "index": "'${indexName}'"

Migrate Data Without Suspending Write Operations

This data migration plan will be available soon.

There is also an option to use Logstash for migrating data. For more information, see Use Logstash to migrate data to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch.


  • Problem: The system displays {"error":"Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported","status":406} when I run the curl command.
  • Solution: Add the -H "Content-Type: application/json" parameter to the curl command and try again.
// Obtain all index information from old cluster. If you do not have the permission,delete "-u user:pass",oldClusterHost is the host of old cluster, do not forget to replace it.
  curl -u user:pass -XGET http://oldClusterHost/_cat/indices | awk '{print $3}'
  // Refer to the index returned as mentioned above, obtain the setting and mapping of specified user index that needs to be migrated. Do not forget to replace indexName with the user index name you want to query.
  curl -u user:pass -XGET http://oldClusterHost/indexName/_settings,_mapping?pretty=true
  // Refer to the information of settings and mapping of the index obtained, create an index in the new cluster. The number of index replicas can be set to 0 first to accelerate the data synchronizing speed. After the data migration is completed, set the number of replicas to 1.
  //The newClusterHost is the host of the new cluster, testindex is the name of the index created, testtype is the type of the index.
  curl -u user:pass -XPUT http://<newClusterHost>/<testindex> -d '{
    "testindex" : {
        "settings" : {
            "number_of_shards" : "5", // Suppose the number of shards in the corresponding index of the old cluster is 5
            "number_of_replicas" : "0" // Set number of index replicas to 0
        "mappings" : { // Suppose the mapping configuration of the corresponding index in the old cluster is as follows
            "testtype" : {
                "properties" : {
                    "uid" : {
                        "type" : "long"
                    "name" : {
                        "type" : "text"
                    "create_time" : {
                      "type" : "long"
  • Problem: The data migration process is too slow.
  • Solution: If the index is too large, set the number of replicas to 0 and the refresh interval to -1 before migration. After the data is migrated, restore the settings to the original values. This accelerates the synchronization process.
// Before index data migration, set number of index replicas to 0 and do not 
refresh to accelerate data migration.
curl -u user:password -XPUT 'http://<host:port>/indexName/_settings' -d' {
        "number_of_replicas" : 0,
        "refresh_interval" : "-1"
// After migration is completed, set number of index replicas to 1 and refreshing time to 1s (1s is the default value).
curl -u user:password -XPUT 'http://<host:port>/indexName/_settings' -d' {
        "number_of_replicas" : 1,
        "refresh_interval" : "1s"


0 0 0
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