Community Blog How Digital Badges Provide a Sporting Advantage

How Digital Badges Provide a Sporting Advantage

In this post, we will introduce our Digital Badge system for world-class sporting events and compare it with traditional paper-based tickets.

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Most sporting events attract global audiences, where thousands of fans travel far and wide to show their support for their favorite teams and athletes.

To manage the flow of so many people and provide the best spectator experience, a paper-based ticket system is not enough. That's why, at Alibaba Cloud, we have developed our Digital Badge system. In this post, we will explain the operational, user experience, and environmental benefits of our Digital Badge system, compared to paper-based tickets, for world-class sporting events.

Simple to Use

The Digital Badge system simplifies the management of sporting events, allowing organizers to grant access to individuals with ease. You don't need to print a paper ticket, removing unnecessary wastage but also reducing the amount of time it takes to check someone into a venue.

Using the Digital Badge system, you can issue a card within seconds and also issue a card on demand, reducing the inventory issues often associated with paper-based systems. Card holders can also receive card expiration notices and other important notifications, helping organizers manage their Digital Badge systems with ease.

Real-Time Updates and Analysis

Our Digital Badge system provides a wealth of data, compared to conventional paper-based tickets. As an event unfolds, organizers can forecast and make real-time decisions to further optimize an event.

Organizers can push important information to spectators using the Digital Badge system. If, for example, the time and location of an event is changed, organizers can easily update this information and send it out across the Digital Badge network. This optimizes the user experience, where every spectator has the most up-to-date information on event availability, and also reduces bottlenecks across such sporting venues.

Organizers can also conduct post-event analyses, allowing them to identify areas of improvement and success. This knowledge transfer is important for future events, providing organizers with valuable insights.

Powerful Visualizations

Our Digital Badge system allows sporting organizers to monitor the flow of spectators across their site. This provides many operational benefits, allowing organizers to optimize their spaces and services, and respond to events in real-time.

DataV is a powerful data visualization tool, which can be used in conjunction with our Digital Badge system to show real-time statistics about a sporting event. Using DataV, you can visualize this information with ease, allowing organizers to analyze heatmaps of a site. You could, for example, monitor the total number of visitors, their flow around a site, and other activities in real time with ease thanks to DataV.

Robust Security

Our Digital Badge system allows sporting organizers to operate securely. It overcomes the risk of counterfeit tickets and other fraudulent activities, thanks to a range of robust security measures. It combines both digital and physical anti-counterfeiting technologies and provides centralized access control management to organizers.

Health Information

There are further benefits here from a health management perspective, where embedded strategies can be combined with digital accreditation to allow staff to return to work safely, in our post COVID-19 world. What's more, the Digital Badge solution can identify the potential infection risk to individuals, facilitating a track-and-trace system, if required.

In Conclusion

Alibaba Cloud is working closely with sporting organizers to develop smart solutions for their events to accelerate the digital transformation in this industry. We hope our advanced Digital Badge solution can be applied for seamless accredited visitor access and monitoring during more sporting events soon. If you'd like to find out more about our Digital Badge solution and other Sports Solutions, visit this page.

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