Community Blog Friday Blog - Week 33 - 7th Generation ECS

Friday Blog - Week 33 - 7th Generation ECS

See what's new with Alibaba Cloud's Generation 7 ECS instance hardware!

By Jeremy Pedersen

ECS: The Next Generation (Gen 7!)

If you've been paying attention to the console (or the news feed on alibabacloud.com), you might have noticed we've released new Generation 7 ECS instances. This upgrade brings new power and capabilities to the ECS service, above and beyond the major improvements brought about by Generation 6.

So what does Generation 7 really mean, in terms of features and performance? Let's take a look.

Don't worry, we'll make it quick! I'm not here to waste your time. ^_^

What's So Special About Gen 7?

1. New Processors

The new Gen 7 instances are powered by Intel Ice Lake chips, which outperform previous Intel server chips by about 30% for many tasks.

This also means better support for media transcoding and encryption operations, meaning ECS VMs running on top of Gen 7 hardware can do audio and video processing more efficiently.

Maximum clock speed has also been increased from 3.2 Ghz (Gen 6) to 3.5 Ghz, for those users who are running time-sensitive applications. If you need even higher clock speeds than that, check out the the Cooper Lake-based hfg7 instance class, which has an all-core turbo frequency of up to 3.8 Ghz.

2. Better Network Performance

Gen 7 instances come with two 50 Gigabit network interfaces, allowing packet throughput up to 24 million packets per second and network throughput up to 64 Gbit/s (for the largest ECS instance types such as 32xlarge).

3. Trusted Computing

Generation 7 instances support Intel's SGX (Software Guard Extensions) 2.0, meaning you can create protected enclaves for data in-memory.

Though this was already available on Gen 6 instances, Gen 7 instances also come equipped with TPM (Trusted Platform Module) chips, allowing even stronger overall security and a tamper-proof boot environment.

4. Faster Storage

The new Gen 7 instances are using Alibaba Cloud's Enhanced SSD (ESSD) technology, allowing storage throughput up to 32 Gbit/s and 600,000 IOPS. This is a significant improvement over previous instances: up to about 3x faster, in fact.

What Hardware Configurations Are Available?

There are three:

  1. g7: General-purpose (CPU:Memory ratio of 1:4)
  2. c7: Compute-optimized (CPU:Memory ratio of 1:2)
  3. r7: Memory-optimized (CPU:Memory ratio of 1:8)

How Big Do They Get?

The largest g7 instance is the ecs.g7.32xlarge, which offers:

  1. 128 CPU cores
  2. 512 GB of RAM
  3. 64 Gbit/s network bandwidth
  4. Disk performance up to 600,000 IOPS (32 Gbps)
  5. Network performance up to 24 million PPS

The largest c7 instance is the ecs.c7.32xlarge, which offers:

  1. 128 CPU cores
  2. 256 GB of RAM
  3. 64 Gbit/s network bandwidth
  4. Disk performance up to 600,000 IOPS (32 Gbps)
  5. Network performance up to 24 million PPS

The largest r7 instance is the ecs.r7.32xlarge, which offers:

  1. 128 CPU cores
  2. 1024 GB of RAM
  3. 64 Gbit/s network bandwidth
  4. Disk performance up to 600,000 IOPS (32 Gbps)
  5. Network performance up to 24 million PPS

Which Applications Benefit?

Really any application will benefit from better hardware (surprise!), but in particular these CPU, disk, and network heavy applications benefit most:

  1. Blockchain applications
  2. Database applications
  3. Video and audio encoding / decoding / transcoding

Hey, I Can't Find Gen 7 In My Region!

The hardware is still being rolled out! If you don't see Gen 7 instances available yet in your region, it's likely because the hardware is still being installed and tested.

If you're really in a hurry to get your hands on this new hardware, look around at neighboring regions. For instance, if you found that the Singapore region lacked Gen 7, you could also look in neighboring regions like Indonesia or Malaysia. Stay flexible!

The Blog Post Was Too Short, Give Me More!

Check out the ECS Generation 7 page for more details. ^_^

I've Got A Question!

Great! Reach out to me at jierui.pjr@alibabacloud.com and I'll do my best to answer in a future Friday Q&A blog.

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