By Daniel Shotonwa, Alibaba Cloud Community Blog author
In this article, I'm going to show you how you can build an API with GraphQL and Rails on Alibaba Cloud that will send todos from a database through the use of queries. Well, before we begin, let's clear up some things so that we're all on the same page.
First of all, as you should already know - especially given the fact that you clicked on in here in the first place - Rails is a very popular framework for creating web applications in a short amount of time. Today, developers tend to like to separate the processes and mechanisms of their application through creating APIs for the backend and uses a library or two of their choice. We'll be following this trend ourselves!
Next, as probably, again, a good share of you know, there's also GraphQL. As for what exactly it is, this definition from explains it pretty well:
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
Besides using GraphOL and Rails, we will also deploy our application using an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance installed with Ubuntu 16.04 in this tutorial. So, make sure that you have signed up with an Alibaba Cloud account before preceding any further.
Before we begin, make sure that your ECS instance is already set up, so that we can go straight to deploying our application. If you've hadn't set up things yet, try checking out Alibaba Cloud's relevant documentation for an easy way to get it all set up.
Next, also make sure you are using ruby version 2.2 or later, and rails version 5 or later installed on your local machine.
If your ruby version is not up to date, you can update with a ruby version manager such as rvm or rbenv. Also, to update your ruby version, you can call one of the corresponding commands below.
$ rvm install "ruby-2.4.6"
$ rbenv install 2.4.6
Alternatively, you can update rails by running
$ gem update rails
And...that's all you need! You're now ready to start building a simple GraphQL API with Rails.
As part of this tutorial, you are also expected to have the following tools:
To do that, run rails in the command line to create all the files and folders we need for a basic Rails application using Postgres database.
$ rails new todo-app `--database=postgresql`
$ cd todo-app
While you're in there, let's also To create a graphql application with Rails, we will need to add a gem called graphql. Then, add this gem to your Gemfile.
You can do so with the gem 'graphql'
command. Then, install the gem by running the $ bundle install
command. After this, gem should be installed. Then, to create all files and folders needed for a GraphQL API, run the following command:
$ rails generate graphql:install
Running this will add graphiql-rails
gem to your Gemfile. This gem will allow us to interact with the API.
To connect our application to the Postgres database, go to the config/database.yml
file and add your Postgres username and password to both test environment and development environment.
<<: *default
database: todo_app_development
<<: *default
database: todo_app_development
Create the database by running the $ rails db:create
command, and then run the server with the $ rails server
Visit this route localhost:3000/graphiql
and you should see a graphql client which can be used to place a request to our graphql server.
For this todo application, we will create a todos table that has two fields: title
and description
. Create the model by running:
$ rails generate model Todo title:string description:text
You can validate the title and the description field by making sure it is always specified before entering the database. Navigate to models/todos.rb
and add rails validation.
class Todo < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, presence: true
validates :description, presence: true
Run migration by running the $ rails db:migrate
command, and then add some data into our database by running rails console using:
$ rails console
>- Todo.create(title: 'Sample title', description: 'Sample Description')
GraphQL schema has three special _root types_, these are called Query
, Mutation
and Subscription
call in Rest APIs.POST
operations in REST APIs.So now let's create our first query to get all todos from the database. Create a new type for todos by creating a new file: app/graphql/types/todo_type.rb
module Types
class TodoType < Types::BaseObject
field :title, String, null: false
field :description, String, null: false
It inherits from BaseObject
, checkout out app/graphql/types/base_object.rb
. It inherits from Graphql schema type instead of writing GraphQL::Schema::Object
, just inheriting from BaseObject
gives us all attributes needed to create an object Schema.
The next step is to create a query type that will be used to get all todos. Go to app/graphql/types/query_type.rb
. Add a new field to the query type. :all_todos
to get all our todos.
# app/graphql/types/query_type
field :all_todos, [TodoType], null: false,
description: "Returns all todos"
def all_todos
The [TodoType]
part is added because we are expecting a list of todos. Now, head over to the browser and write a query like this:
query {
allTodos {
With this, it will return all the todos in the database, we can choose to skip the title and ask for the description and vice-versa.
The next step is to add a mutation to create todos. Before that, let's create a BaseMutation
class that inherits from GraphQL::Schema::Mutation
. This will enable us to inherit from BaseMutation going forward.
Next, create a new file called base_mutation.rb
in the apps/graphql/mutations
folder, and add this code:
# app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb
module Mutations
class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation
null false
Now, let's create a mutation to add todo. To do this, we will create a file called add_todo.rb
in the mutations folder and add this code.
module Mutations
class AddTodo < BaseMutation
argument :title, String, required: true
argument :description, String, required: true
type Types::TodoType
def resolve(title: nil, description: nil)
Todo.create!(title: title, description: description)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
This code add AddTodo
mutation specifying the argument needed and the type that will be returned.
There is a rescue block in the mutation code. GraphQL in rails has an error handling block which is
Add the created mutation to mutation type
so it will be accessible to the client.
# app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb
module Types
class MutationType < Types::BaseObject
field :add_todo, mutation: Mutations::AddTodo
Test it on your browser by creating some todos using this query.
mutation {
addTodo(title: "New Todo", description: "I will eat rice") {
We are going to deploy our GraphQL API using an Alibaba ECS Instance, which you should have already. Follow this tutorial for an easy way to deploy our Rails application using Passenger and Nginx.
And with it deployed. We have now created some todos and also know how to get todos from our database through the use of queries. I will be writing another article for performing authorization and authentication to ensure a user can log in, delete and also update their todos.
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