Community Blog Alibaba Cloud Tech for Innovation Video Series

Alibaba Cloud Tech for Innovation Video Series

Discover how emerging technologies are breaking down barriers to digitalization and empowering innovation globally.


Tech for Innovation - The technology accelerating our digital world.

We have just launched Tech for Innovation, a five-part video series featuring our senior leaders and industry experts coming together to discuss some of the hottest topics across a multitude of industries. Find out how cloud computing is promoting sustainability, learn about exciting new innovations in both in-store and online retail, identify growth opportunities in the metaverse, discover how digital transformation is driving the future of finance, and uncover some of the cutting-edge tech likely to impact society in the next five years.

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Overview of Episodes

Episode 1: Sustainability and the Cloud


In a world where the demand for sustainability action is increasing, we take an in-depth look at how cloud computing is helping companies slash carbon emissions and promote green technologies. Find out how digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and machine learning are driving innovation and collaboration, and discover some of the next wave of climate change solutions across industries including renewable energy, construction, agriculture, and logistics.

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Episode 2: Tech and the Future of Retail

A look at how cloud computing is fueling the huge potential for growth in the retail industry. New technologies are changing the way we shop both in-store and online, and creating a more frictionless and personalized omnichannel experience. From the impact of artificial intelligence, computer vision and machine learning on autonomous stores, to the potentially game-changing impact of the metaverse, discover how companies are weaponizing technology to take the retail industry to the next level.

Episode 3: Digital Transformation and the Future of Finance

Financial services are undergoing a technology-driven transformation. Discover how digitalization is enabling a new world of smarter, more personalized, frictionless customer service, and learn how banks are investing in cloud computing to change the way they manage risk. We also look at the impact of blockchain technology on payments, digital identity, and trade financing, and find out why this might just be the greatest time in history to be starting a small business.

Episode 4: Cutting-Edge Tech and the Cloud

What are the big technological breakthroughs likely to have the greatest impact on society in the next five to ten years? In this episode we look at the use of computer vision and machine learning in the field of medical diagnosis; the arrival of 5G and its impact on processing power of edge computing; the race to leverage the deep learning power of artificial intelligence; the advancement of autonomous driving fueled by a combination of cloud, edge and onboard computing; and the rise of robots in warehousing, logistics and selling. We also assess some of the ethical implications of these advancements in technology

Episode 5: Growth Opportunities in the Metaverse

The metaverse and its associated new supporting technologies could be a game-changer in many sectors. In this episode, we look at how cloud computing is enabling the expansion of the metaverse, which in turn will provide numerous growth opportunities across a variety of industries, including retail, logistics, education and finance. From virtual reality and haptic technology to cryptocurrencies and NFTs, discover how the metaverse is driving the adoption of technologies that will provide customers with new and unique experiences

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Speaker Lineup

  • Selina Yuan, Alibaba Group VP & Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Int'l President
  • Yangqing Jia, Senior Fellow of the Computing Platform BU, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, Head of the System for AI Lab (SAIL), DAMO Academy
  • David Scott Linthicum, Chief Cloud Strategy Officer Deloitte Consulting
  • Blesson Varghese, Reader in Computer Science and Director of Edge Computing Hub, University of St Andrews
  • Ruirui Huang, Director of Cloud Architecture / Chief Architect of Infrastructure Products, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
  • Lionel Chok, Chief Metaverse Officer, Hatten Land Limited
  • Thao Dang, Head of Data, Enterprise Modernisation, Platforms and Cloud, Southeast Asia, Thoughtworks
  • Kan Yang, Head of SEA Regional Solution Architect, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
  • Thomas Knox, Forbes Technology Council, Head of Product AiFi
  • Garry Sien, Global Lead Architect of Global Financial Services Solutions, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence
  • Chaitra Vedullapalli, Co Founder & CMO for Meylah, Co-Founder & President Women In Cloud
  • Harish Shah, Professional Futurist

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