June 27 Some Alibaba Cloud Products and Login Modules Exception Notice

[Alibaba Cloud] [Network] [Exception Notice]
Exception time: Around 16:28 on June 27, 2018 Beijing time (PST 0:28 on June 27, 2018)
Exception overview: During routine monitoring, we found that at about 16:28 on June 27, 2018, Beijing time, some exceptions happened to some parts of the Alibaba Cloud control system and some products such as NAS and OSS, etc. Alibaba Cloud engineers are repairing this issue urgently, please try again later.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time.

[Exception Update]
17:30 on June 27, 2018 Beijing time
Currently most of the affected businesses have returned to normal. Please kindly confirm. If there is still any exceptions, please contact us any time, thanks.

16:50 on June 27, 2018 Beijing time
Currently the affected businesses are being gradually recovered. If you encounter any exceptions, please kindly try again later.

Alibaba Cloud