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:Billing problems

更新时间:Jul 24, 2019

How does DLA bill?

DLA uses the pay-as-you-go (post-payment) billing method, which charges fees based on the number of bytes scanned. The cluster setup, maintenance, and upgrade are free of charge.

The billing rule is as follows: Every TB of data scanned is charged USD 4.

How does DLA generate bills?

The Alibaba Cloud system generates one bill per hour and deducts fees from your Alibaba Cloud account. You can log on to the Alibaba Cloud console and choose Billing Management > Bills to view the consumption records.

How can I reduce costs?

To reduce costs, you can use any of the following methods to process the original data, and then use DLA to scan the data.

  • Format conversion: You can convert the original data format into a high-performance format.

    DLA supports multiple high-performance storage formats, such as Apache ORC, Apache Parquet, and Avro. You can convert the original data format into one of the preceding formats according to service requirements, and scan only the desired data columns instead of all data.

  • Data compression: You can compress the original data to reduce the data size, and then use DLA to scan the compressed data.

  • Data partitioning: You can store the original data into different partitions, and then use DLA to scan one or multiple partitions, instead of all partitions.

Is data that has failed to scan charged for?

If data scanning fails, DLA does not charge any fees.

Do I need to pay if the scanning is canceled?

If you cancel a scan, you need to pay for the data that has been scanned.

Billing examples

The following example helps you understand the DLA billing method.

Assume that you store a 1 TB CSV file and a 1 TB JSON file in OSS and a 1 TB table in RDS.

If you want to use DLA to perform an association analysis for the data in OSS and RDS, based on the scanned data size and DLA billing method, you need to pay USD 12, that is, 4 + 4 + 4 = USD 12.

You can reduce the costs of DLA scanning by using the following method:

  • Compress the 1 TB CSV file in GZIP format. The size of the compressed file is 0.4 TB. Store the data of the GZIP file into different partitions, and store the data to be scanned into the same partition. DLA scans only one partition, so the scanned data size is reduced to 0.2 TB.

  • Convert the 1 TB JSON file into the ORC format. DLA needs to scan only 10% of the data by column, and the scanned data size is reduced to 0.1 TB.

After data format conversion, compression, and partitioning, the DLA scanning fee you need to pay is USD 5.2, that is, 4 x 0.2 + 4 x 0.1 + 4 = USD 5.2. This can reduce the cost by USD 6.8 in total.