

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

message Error {
    required string code = 1;
    optional string message = 2;

enum PrimaryKeyType {
    INTEGER = 1;
    STRING = 2;
    BINARY = 3;

enum PrimaryKeyOption {

message PrimaryKeySchema {
    required string name = 1;
    required PrimaryKeyType type = 2;
    optional PrimaryKeyOption option = 3; 

message TableOptions {
    optional int32 time_to_live = 1; // 可以動態更改
    optional int32 max_versions = 2; // 可以動態更改
    optional int64 deviation_cell_version_in_sec = 5; // 可以動態修改

message TableMeta {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema primary_key = 2;

enum RowExistenceExpectation {
    IGNORE = 0;

message Condition {
    required RowExistenceExpectation row_existence = 1;
    optional bytes column_condition      = 2;

message CapacityUnit {
    optional int32 read = 1;
    optional int32 write = 2;

message ReservedThroughputDetails {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1; // 表當前的預留輸送量的值。
    required int64 last_increase_time = 2; // 最後一次上調預留輸送量的時間。
    optional int64 last_decrease_time = 3; // 最後一次下調預留輸送量的時間。

message ReservedThroughput {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1;

message ConsumedCapacity {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1;

/* #############################################  CreateTable  ############################################# */
 * table_meta用於儲存表中不可更改的schema屬性,可以更改的ReservedThroughput和TableOptions獨立出來,作為UpdateTable的參數。
 * message CreateTableRequest {
 *         required TableMeta table_meta = 1;
 *         required ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 2;
 *         required TableOptions table_options = 3;
 * }
message CreateTableRequest {
    required TableMeta table_meta = 1;
    required ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 2; 
    optional TableOptions table_options = 3;

message CreateTableResponse {

/* ######################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  UpdateTable  ############################################# */
message UpdateTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    optional ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 2;
    optional TableOptions table_options = 3;

message UpdateTableResponse {
    required ReservedThroughputDetails reserved_throughput_details = 1;
    required TableOptions table_options = 2;
/* ######################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  DescribeTable  ############################################# */
message DescribeTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message DescribeTableResponse {
    required TableMeta table_meta = 1;
    required ReservedThroughputDetails reserved_throughput_details = 2;
    required TableOptions table_options = 3;
    repeated bytes shard_splits = 6;
/* ########################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  ListTable  ############################################# */
message ListTableRequest {

 * 當前只返回一個簡單的名稱列表
message ListTableResponse {
    repeated string table_names = 1;
/* ####################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  DeleteTable  ############################################# */
message DeleteTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message DeleteTableResponse {

/* #############################################  UnloadTable  ############################################# */
message UnloadTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message UnloadTableResponse {

/* ########################################################################################################## */

 * 時間戳記的取值最小值為0,最大值為INT64.MAX
 * 1. 若要查詢一個範圍,則指定start_time和end_time
 * 2. 若要查詢一個特定時間戳記,則指定specific_time
message TimeRange {
    optional int64 start_time = 1;
    optional int64 end_time = 2;
    optional int64 specific_time = 3;

/* #############################################  GetRow  ############################################# */

enum ReturnType {
    RT_NONE = 0;
    RT_PK = 1;

message ReturnContent {
    optional ReturnType return_type = 1;

 * 1. 支援使用者指定版本時間戳記範圍或者特定的版本時間來讀取指定版本的列
 * 2. 目前暫不支援行內的斷點
message GetRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes primary_key = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3; // 不指定則讀出所有的列
    optional TimeRange time_range = 4;
    optional int32 max_versions = 5;
    optional bytes filter = 7;
    optional string start_column = 8;
    optional string end_column = 9;
    optional bytes token = 10;

message GetRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    required bytes row = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    optional bytes next_token = 3;
/* #################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  UpdateRow  ############################################# */
message UpdateRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2;
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4; 

message UpdateRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
/* ####################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  PutRow  ############################################# */
 * 這裡允許使用者為每列單獨設定timestamp,而不是強制整行統一一個timestamp。
message PutRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes row = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4; 

message PutRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
/* #################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  DeleteRow  ############################################# */
 * OTS只支援刪除指定行的所有列的所有版本。
message DeleteRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes primary_key = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4; 

message DeleteRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
/* ####################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  BatchGetRow  ############################################# */
message TableInBatchGetRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated bytes primary_key = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    repeated bytes token = 3;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 4;  // 不指定則讀出所有的列
    optional TimeRange time_range = 5;
    optional int32 max_versions = 6;
    optional bytes filter = 8;
    optional string start_column = 9;
    optional string end_column = 10;

message BatchGetRowRequest {
    repeated TableInBatchGetRowRequest tables = 1;

message RowInBatchGetRowResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bytes row = 4; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    optional bytes next_token = 5;

message TableInBatchGetRowResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchGetRowResponse rows = 2;

message BatchGetRowResponse {
    repeated TableInBatchGetRowResponse tables = 1;
/* ######################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  BatchWriteRow  ############################################# */

enum OperationType {
    PUT = 1;
    UPDATE = 2;
    DELETE = 3;

message RowInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required OperationType type = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4; 

message TableInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowRequest rows = 2;

message BatchWriteRowRequest {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowRequest tables = 1;

message RowInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bytes row = 4; 

message TableInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowResponse rows = 2;

message BatchWriteRowResponse {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowResponse tables = 1;
/* ########################################################################################################### */

/* #############################################  GetRange  ############################################# */
enum Direction {
    FORWARD = 0;
    BACKWARD = 1;

message GetRangeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required Direction direction = 2;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3;  // 不指定則讀出所有的列
    optional TimeRange time_range = 4;
    optional int32 max_versions = 5;
    optional int32 limit = 6;
    required bytes inclusive_start_primary_key = 7; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    required bytes exclusive_end_primary_key = 8; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    optional bytes filter = 10;
    optional string start_column = 11;
    optional string end_column = 12;
    optional bytes token = 13;

message GetRangeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    required bytes rows = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    optional bytes next_start_primary_key = 3; // 若為空白,則代表資料全部讀取完畢. encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    optional bytes next_token = 4;

/* ####################  ComputeSplitPointsBySize  #################### */
message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required int64 split_size = 2; // in 100MB

message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema schema = 2;

     * Split points between splits, in the increasing order
     * A split is a consecutive range of primary keys,
     * whose data size is about split_size specified in the request.
     * The size could be hard to be precise.
     * A split point is an array of primary-key column w.r.t. table schema,
     * which is never longer than that of table schema.
     * Tailing -inf will be omitted to reduce transmission payloads.
    repeated bytes split_points = 3;

     * Locations where splits lies in.
     * By the managed nature of TableStore, these locations are no more than hints.
     * If a location is not suitable to be seen, an empty string will be placed.
     message SplitLocation {
         required string location = 1;
         required sint64 repeat = 2;
     repeated SplitLocation locations = 4;


package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

enum FilterType {

enum ComparatorType {
    CT_EQUAL = 1;
    CT_NOT_EQUAL = 2;
    CT_LESS_THAN = 5;
    CT_LESS_EQUAL = 6;

message SingleColumnValueFilter {
    required ComparatorType comparator = 1;
    required string column_name = 2;
    required bytes column_value = 3;
    required bool filter_if_missing = 4;
    required bool latest_version_only = 5; 

enum LogicalOperator {
    LO_NOT = 1;
    LO_AND = 2;
    LO_OR = 3;

message CompositeColumnValueFilter {
    required LogicalOperator combinator = 1;
    repeated Filter sub_filters = 2;

message ColumnPaginationFilter {
    required int32 offset = 1;
    required int32 limit = 2;

message Filter {
    required FilterType type = 1;
    required bytes filter = 2;  // Serialized string of filter of the type