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FPGA as a Service:Use Vitis 2020.1 on an f3 instance

更新時間:Apr 29, 2024

This topic describes how to use Vitis 2020.1 to create an image and load the image to a field programmable gate array (FPGA) on an f3 instance.


  • An f3 instance that meets the following requirements is created.

    • The instance is created by using the FaaS_F30010_VITIS_2020_1 image. You can submit a ticket to obtain the image.

    • The size of the system disk is equal to or greater than 120 GiB.

    • A public IP address is assigned to the f3 instance.

    • A rule is added to the security group to which the f3 instance belongs to allow access over SSH port 22. For more information, see Add a security group rule.

  • The ID of the f3 instance is obtained from the Instances page of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) console.

  • An Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket dedicated to FPGA as a Service (FaaS) is created.

    The bucket and the f3 instance belong to the same account and are deployed in the same region. For information about how to create a bucket, see Create buckets.

  • Before you can manage FPGA-accelerated instances as a RAM user, you must perform the following operations:

    • Create a RAM user and grant permissions to the RAM user. For more information, see Create a RAM user and Grant permissions to a RAM user.

      The permissions that you must grant to the RAM user include AliyunECSReadOnlyAccess, AliyunOSSFullAccess, and AliyunRAMFullAccess.

    • Go to the Cloud Resource Access Authorization page to authorize FaaS to access your resources.

    • Obtain the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of the RAM user.

Step 1: Connect to the f3 instance

A desktop environment and a Virtual Network Console (VNC) server are configured in the FaaS_F30010_VITIS_2020_1 image. We recommend that you connect to the f3 instance by using the VNC server. For more information, see Connect to an instance by using VNC.

Step 2: Initialize the software environment

Each time you create an f3 instance, you must perform the following operations to initialize the software environment.

  1. Run the following command to start the VNC server with the specified resolution:

    vncserver -geometry 2560x1440

    The following information is returned.


  2. Run the following command to initialize the software environment that is pre-installed in the FaaS_F30010_VITIS_2020_1 image. This software environment is required to use Vitis in FaaS.

    source /root/faasTools/ 

    If the following information is returned, the software environment is initialized.


Step 3: Create a project

After the environment is ready, you can start Vitis by running the vitis command, and create a project on the GUI of Vitis.

  1. Run the vitis command to start Vitis.

    If the following information is returned, Vitis is started.


  2. Create a project on the GUI of Vitis.

    1. In the VITIS window, click Create Application Project below PROJECT.2022-04-26_10-58-32.png

    2. In the New Application Project dialog box, choose SW acceleration templates > Vector Addition in the left-side section and click Finish.2022-04-26_10-58-58.png

Step 4: Use Vitis for emulation

Vitis supports two emulation modes: Emulation-SW and Emulation-HW.

  1. On the Assistant tab in the GUI of Vitis, choose vadd_system > vadd > Emulation-SW [Software Emulation].

  2. Right-click Emulation-SW [Software Emulation] and select Build from the shortcut menu.


  3. Right-click Emulation-SW [Software Emulation], and choose Run > Default to emulate the model of the project that you created.

    The following result is returned.2022-04-26_15-30-19.png

Step 5: Create an image

By default, the image files that are generated by Vitis include .bit files. However, you can upload only .dcp files in FaaS. Therefore, you must configure the relevant settings before you create an FPGA image.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Assistant tab, click the 2022-04-26_15-38-12.png icon.

  2. In the Project Settings dialog box, choose vadd_system > vadd.

  3. In the vadd section on the right side, specify the following content for the V++ linker options configuration item. Click Apply. Then, click Apply and Close.

    --advanced.param compiler.acceleratorBinaryContent=dcp
  4. Return to the Assistant tab and choose vadd_system > vadd > Hardware [Hardware].

  5. Right-click Hardware [Hardware] and select Build from the shortcut menu to create the image.

    It may take several hours to create the image. After the image is created, you can go to the Hardware directory in the project directory and run the ls command to view the generated vadd binary file that can be executed by the host and the binary_container_1.xclbin image file. The following sample code shows the command output:

    [root@iz2zec7rvsxxxxxxx Hardware]# ls
    a.xclbin                                  guidance.html                  guidance.pb
    binary_container_1-krnl_vadd-compile.cfg  makefile
    binary_container_1.ltx                    package.cfg
    binary_container_1.mdb                    src
    binary_container_1.xclbin                 vadd  
    binary_container_1.xclbin.link_summary    v++_package.log              v++.package_summary
    common-config.cfg                         xcd.log
  6. Run the following command to generate a compressed file that can be uploaded to create an image:

    [root@iz2zec7rvsxxxxxxx Hardware]# binary_container_1.xclbin

    The following command output is displayed:

    XRT Build Version: 2.6.0 (2020.1)
           Build Date: 2021-03-08 10:50:41
              Hash ID: 80107ebc7376dafc8e1c9f5043c81c6f1dcc9dbb
    Warning: The option '--output' has not been specified. All operations will
             be done in memory with the exception of the '--dump-section' command.
    Reading xclbin file into memory.  File: binary_container_1.xclbin
    Section: 'BITSTREAM'(0) was successfully written.
    Format: RAW
    File  : 'faas20210311-092706.dcp'
    Leaving xclbinutil.
    XRT Build Version: 2.6.0 (2020.1)
           Build Date: 2021-03-08 10:50:41
              Hash ID: 80107ebc7376dafc8e1c9f5043c81c6f1dcc9dbb
    Warning: The option '--output' has not been specified. All operations will
             be done in memory with the exception of the '--dump-section' command.
    Reading xclbin file into memory.  File: binary_container_1.xclbin
    Section: 'EMBEDDED_METADATA'(2) was successfully written.
    Format: RAW
    File  : 'faas20210311-092706.xml'
    Leaving xclbinutil.
    Generate Image :Image20210311-092706.tar.gz

    The preceding command output shows that the Image20210311-092706.tar.gz file is generated. You can upload the file to create an image. For more information about how to create an image by using the faasutil tool, see Use faasutil.


    The faasutil tool is pre-installed in the FaaS_F30010_VITIS_2020_1 image. You can use the faasutil tool after you run the source /root/faasTools/ command.

Step 6: Verify the result on an FPGA

After you use the faasutil tool that is pre-installed in the FaaS_F30010_VITIS_2020_1 image to create an image and load the image to an FPGA, you can check whether the image is loaded to the FPGA by using the CLI or the GUI of Vitis.

  • Use the GUI of Vitis for verification:

    1. On the Assistant tab in the GUI of Vitis, choose vadd_system > vadd > Hardware [Hardware].

    2. Right-click Hardware [Hardware] and choose Run > Default.

      The following result is returned. The result shows that the image is loaded to the FPGA.


  • Use the CLI for verification:

    In the Hardware directory of the project directory, run the following command to check whether the image is loaded to the FPGA:

    [root@iz2zec7rvsxxxxxxx Hardware]# ./vadd binary_container_1.xclbin

    The following result is returned. The result shows that the image is loaded to the FPGA.

    Loading: 'binary_container_1.xclbin'