

message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required int64 split_size = 2; // in 100MB
名稱 類型 是否必選 描述
table_name string 要切分的資料所在的表名。
split_size int64 每個分區的近似大小,以百兆為單位。


message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema schema = 2;

     * Split points between splits, in the increasing order
     * A split is a consecutive range of primary keys,
     * whose data size is about split_size specified in the request.
     * The size could be hard to be precise.
     * A split point is an array of primary-key column w.r.t. table schema,
     * which is never longer than that of table schema.
     * Tailing -inf will be omitted to reduce transmission payloads.
    repeated bytes split_points = 3;

     * Locations where splits lies in.
     * By the managed nature of TableStore, these locations are no more than hints.
     * If a location is not suitable to be seen, an empty string will be placed.
     message SplitLocation {
         required string location = 1;
         required sint64 repeat = 2;
     repeated SplitLocation locations = 4;
名稱 類型 描述
consumed ConsumedCapacity 本次請求消耗的服務能力單元。
schema PrimaryKeySchema 該表的Schema,與建表時的Schema相同。
split_points repeated bytes 分區之間的分割點。分割點之間保證單調增。每個分割點都是以Plainbuffer編碼的行,並且只有primary-key項。為了減少傳輸的資料量,分割點最後的-inf不會傳輸。
locations repeated SplitLocation 分割點所在機器的提示。可以為空白。

例如有一張表有三列主鍵,其中首列主鍵類型為string。調用該API後得到5個分區,分別為(-inf,-inf,-inf)("a",-inf,-inf)("a",-inf,-inf)("b",-inf,-inf)("b",-inf,-inf)("c",-inf,-inf)("c",-inf,-inf)("d",-inf,-inf)("d",-inf,-inf)(+inf,+inf,+inf)。前三個落在"machine-A",後兩個落在"machine-B"。那麼,split_points為(示意)[("a"),("b"),("c"),("d")],而locations為(示意)"machine-A"*3, "machine-B"*2


Java SDK:指定大小計算分區

