Modifies the name and description of a virtual private cloud (VPC).
Usage notes
- You cannot repeatedly call the ModifyVpcAttribute operation to modify the name and description of a VPC within the specified period of time.
- You can call the ModifyVpcAttribute operation to enable IPv6 for a VPC. However, you cannot modify the IPv6 CIDR block or IPv6 CIDR block type for a VPC that has IPv6 enabled.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
Action | String | Yes | ModifyVpcAttribute | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ModifyVpcAttribute. |
VpcId | String | Yes | vpc-bp1qtbach57ywecf**** | The ID of the VPC that you want to modify. |
Description | String | No | This is my VPC. | The new description of the VPC. The description must be 1 to 256 characters in length, and cannot start with |
VpcName | String | No | Vpc-1 | The new name of the VPC. The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length and cannot start with |
CidrBlock | String | No | | The new IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC. You can specify a larger or smaller IPv4 CIDR block than the IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC. The subnet mask must be 8 to 28 bits in length. If you specify a smaller IPv4 CIDR block and existing IP addresses do not fall within the CIDR block, the modification fails. Note
Your services are not affected when you modify the VPC CIDR block. |
RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region where the VPC is deployed. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
EnableIPv6 | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to enable IPv6 CIDR blocks. Valid values:
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | No | 2408:XXXX:0:6a::/56 | The IPv6 CIDR block of the VPC. |
Ipv6Isp | String | No | BGP | The type of IPv6 CIDR block. Valid values:
If your Alibaba Cloud account is allowed to activate single-ISP bandwidth, valid values are: ChinaTelecom, ChinaUnicom, and ChinaMobile. |
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
RequestId | String | 43B72D30-25E1-4FA3-96A8-89374A521D1A | The request ID. |
Sample requests
&Description=This is my VPC.
&Common request parameters
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "43B72D30-25E1-4FA3-96A8-89374A521D1A"
Error codes
HttpCode |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
400 | InvalidVpcName.Malformed | Specified VPC name is not valid. | The format of the VPC name is invalid. Enter a valid VPC name and try again. |
400 | InvalidVpcDiscription.Malformed | Specified VPC description is not valid. | The format of the VPC description is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter | Specified UserCidr invalid format. | The format of the user CIDR block is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter | Specified UserCidr Subnet mask is not valid . | The subnet mask of the user CIDR block is invalid. |
400 | InvalidUserCidr.Quota | Specified UserCidr number is greater than 3. | The number of user CIDR blocks has reached the upper limit. |
400 | InvalidUserCidr.Malformed | Specified UserCidr overlapping in of | The user CIDR block that you specify overlaps with |
400 | IncorrectVpcStatus | Current VPC status does not support this operation. | This operation cannot be performed when the VPC is in the current state. |
400 | InvalidCidrBlock.Malformed | Specified CIDR block is not valid. | The format of the specified CIDR block is invalid. |
400 | OperationFailed.Ipv6GatewayInUse | The IPv6 gateway is in use. | You cannot modify the VPC attributes because the IPv6 gateway is in use. |
400 | OperationFailed.QueryCenIpv6Status | Failed to query the IPv6 status of the specified VPC in CEN. | The operation failed because the system failed to query the IPv6 status of the VPC that is attached to the CEN instance. |
400 | OperationUnsupported.CenIpv6Enabled | The IPv6 feature is enabled in CEN. | The IPv6 feature is already enabled for CEN. |
400 | UnsupportedFeature.Ipv6Isp | The Ipv6Isp feature is not supported. | The specified IPv6 ISP is not supported. |
400 | ResourceNotEnough.Ipv6Cidr | The specified resource ipv6 cidr is not enough. | Insufficient IPv6 CIDR block resources. |
400 | OperationFailed.IPv6CidrNotReserved | The IPv6 CIDR block is not reserved. | The operation failed. The IPv6 CIDR block is not reserved. |
404 | InvalidVpcId.NotFound | Specified VPC does not exist. | The VPC is not found. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.