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Simple Log Service:Scatter chart

最終更新日:Aug 29, 2023

This topic describes how to configure a scatter chart.

Background information

A scatter chart distributes data points in a coordinate system to show the relationship between multiple variables.

For example, the following query statement is executed to calculate the number of requests and average request duration for each request method by period. In this case, you can configure a scatter chart to show the relationship between the variables.

* | SELECT __time__ - __time__ % 60 AS time, COUNT(*) AS pv, avg(request_time) AS duration, request_method GROUP BY time, request_method ORDER BY time LIMIT 1000

The following figure shows a scatter chart that displays the distribution of the number of requests and average request duration for each request method by period.

  • Points of different colors indicate different request methods.

  • The position of a point in the y-axis indicates the average request duration of the corresponding request method. A point of a higher position indicates a longer average request duration for a request method within the specified period of time.

  • The size of a point indicates the number of requests that are sent by using the corresponding request method. A point of a larger size indicates a larger number of requests that are sent by using a request method within the specified period of time.

Scatter chart

Common Settings tab

On the Common Settings tab, you can configure global settings for the scatter chart.

  • Basic Configurations section




    The title of the scatter chart.

    Show Title

    If you turn on Show Title, the title of the scatter chart is displayed.

    Show Border

    If you turn on Show Border, the borders of the scatter chart are displayed.

    Show Background

    If you turn on Show Background, the background color of the scatter chart is displayed.

    Show Time

    If you turn on Show Time, the query time range of the scatter chart is displayed.

    Fixed Time

    If you turn on Fixed Time, the specified time range remains unchanged regardless of whether the global time range of the dashboard changes.

  • Standard Configurations section




    The display format of numeric values.


    The unit of numeric values.

    Number of Digits after Decimal Point

    The number of digits after the decimal point of numeric values.

    Display Name

    The name of the legend entries.

    If you specify a display name, the name of each legend entry is changed to the display name. If you want to change the name of a legend entry, you can configure the name on the Fields tab.

    Color Scheme

    The color scheme that specifies the colors of the points and legend entries in the scatter chart.

    • Built-in: The built-in color scheme is used.

    • Solid: You can select a color.

  • Configure Query and Analysis section



    Axis X Field

    Select a field for the x-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically selects an appropriate field for the x-axis.

    Axis Y Field

    Select a field for the y-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically selects an appropriate field for the y-axis.

    Category Column

    The field that specifies the dimension in which data is displayed.

    Point Size Column

    The field that specifies the sizes of points. Simple Log Service dynamically changes the sizes of points based on the values of the selected field.

  • Chart Configurations section



    Connector Width

    The width of the rings in the scatter chart.


    The transparency of the points in the scatter chart.

    Point Size

    The size of the points in the scatter chart.


    If you configure the Point Size Column parameter, the setting of the Point Size parameter does not take effect.

  • Axis X section



    Display Axis X

    If you turn on Display Axis X, the x-axis of the scatter chart is displayed.

    Axis X Title

    The title of the x-axis.


    The format of the values on the x-axis.

    Axis X Height

    The height of the x-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the height of the x-axis.

  • Axis Y section



    Display Axis Y

    If you turn on Display Axis Y, the y-axis of the scatter chart is displayed.

    Axis Y Title

    The title of the y-axis.

    Axis Y Position

    The position of the y-axis.

    Axis Y Width

    The width of the y-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the width of the y-axis.

    Max Value

    The maximum value that can be displayed on the y-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the maximum value of the y-axis.


    The minimum value that can be displayed on the y-axis.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the minimum value of the y-axis.

    Elastic Maximum Value

    The elastic maximum value of the y-axis. The elastic maximum value takes effect only when all values of the y-axis are less than the elastic maximum value.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the elastic maximum value of the y-axis.

    Elastic Minimum Value

    The elastic minimum value of the y-axis. The elastic minimum value takes effect only when all values of the y-axis are greater than the elastic minimum value.

    By default, Simple Log Service automatically specifies the elastic minimum value of the y-axis.

    Axis Y ID

    The ID of the y-axis. In most cases, this parameter does not take effect if you configure only one y-axis on the Common Settings tab. If you want to configure multiple y-axes, you must configure the required parameters on the Fields tab. The ID of the y-axis is a string. A y-axis that has a specified ID represents a unique y-axis in a scatter chart.

    The specified ID for the y-axis takes precedence over the unit that you specified in the Standard Configurations section. For example, if two y-axes have the same unit, they are merged into one y-axis. If two y-axes have the same unit but different IDs, they are displayed as two y-axes.

  • Legend Configurations section



    Display Legend

    If you turn on Display Legend, the legend is displayed in the scatter chart.


    The position of the legend in the chart.


    The method that is used to display the data of legend entries.

    • Single: If you click a legend entry, only the data of the legend entry is displayed in the scatter chart.

    • Switch: If you click a legend entry, the data of the legend entry is hidden or displayed in the scatter chart.

    Maximum Width (Height)%

    The maximum width or height of the legend.

  • Tooltip Configurations section



    Additional Information

    The additional information. After you specify additional information, the information is displayed in a card when you move the pointer over a point.

    You can specify variables. Example: Method: ${{request_method}}\nQuantity: ${{pv}}. \n indicates a line feed.

  • Replace Variable section



    Replace Variable

    The variable replacement. You can click Add Replace Variable to add a filter of the Replace Variable type to a single chart. After you configure the variable replacement on the Common Settings tab, Simple Log Service adds a filter in the upper-left corner of the chart. You can select a value from the filter drop-down list. After you select a value, Simple Log Service automatically replaces the variable in the query statement of the chart with the value that you specified for the variable, and performs a query and analysis operation. For more information, see Example 2: Configure variable replacement.

  • Documentation section



    Add Documentation Link

    The button that allows you to specify custom documentation links and descriptions. After you configure the settings, a documentation icon is displayed in the upper-right corner of the scatter chart.

Fields tab

You can configure custom display settings for the result of a single query statement or for a single column in the result. For information about the parameters on the Fields tab, see Common Settings tab.

The following figure shows a scatter chart. In this example, the y-axis field is set to duration. If you want to add units to the values on the Y-axis, you can add a unit configuration to the A > duration field.

Scatter chart

Interaction Occurrences tab

Interaction occurrences are used to drill down a single field or the result of a single query statement to obtain finer-grained data. You can configure the following interaction occurrences: Open Logstore, Open Saved Search, Open Dashboard, Open Trace Analysis, Open Trace Details, and Create Custom HTTP URL. For more information, see Drill-down events.

In this example, the A > duration field is added to configure an interaction occurrence for the duration column in the result of Query Statement A. After you configure the Open Logstore interaction occurrence for the duration column in the result of Query Statement A, you can click a point in the scatter chart and then click Open Logstore. You are redirected to the Logstore that you specified in the interaction occurrence.

Scatter chart