Queries the routes in a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ListTransitRouterRouteEntries

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListTransitRouterRouteEntries.

MaxResults Integer No 20

The number of entries to return on each page. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 20.

TransitRouterRouteEntryDestinationCidrBlock String No

The destination CIDR block of the route.

TransitRouterRouteEntryStatus String No Active

The status of the route. Valid values: Valid values:

  • Creating: The route is being created.
  • Active: The rule is available.
  • Deleting: The rule is being deleted.
TransitRouterRouteTableId String Yes vtb-bp1dudbh2d5na6b50****

The ID of the route table of the Enterprise Edition transit router.

NextToken String No fce19****

The token that determines the start point of the query. Valid values:

  • If this is your first query or no subsequent query is to be sent, ignore this parameter.
  • If a subsequent query is to be sent, set the value to the value of NextToken that was returned from the last call.
TransitRouterRouteEntryNames.N String No testname

The name of the route.

The name must be 0 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and the following special characters: , . ; / @ _ -.

You can specify at most 20 route names in each call.

Note You can call this operation to query only static routes.
TransitRouterRouteEntryIds.N String No rte-oklkgwmj97z6dn****

The ID of the route.

You can specify at most 20 route IDs in each call.

Note You can call this operation to query only static routes.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
NextToken String fce19****

The token that determines the start point of the query. Valid values:

  • If NextToken was not returned, it indicates that no additional results exist.
  • If NextToken was returned in the previous query, specify the value to obtain the next set of results.
RequestId String C3835E5E-1504-4344-B1BB-98A4110F1079

The ID of the request.

TotalCount Integer 6

The total number of entries returned.

MaxResults Integer 20

The number of entries returned on each page.

TransitRouterRouteEntries Array of TransitRouterRouteEntry

A list of routes.

TransitRouterRouteEntryId String rte-oklkgwmj97z6dn****

The ID of the route.

Note This parameter is returned only for static routes.
TransitRouterRouteEntryDestinationCidrBlock String

The destination CIDR block of the route.

TransitRouterRouteEntryType String Static

The type of the route. Valid values:

  • Static: a static route
  • Propagated: an automatically learned route
CreateTime String 2021-06-15T07:01Z

The time when the route was created.

The time follows the ISO8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note This parameter is returned only for static routes.
TransitRouterRouteEntryName String testname

The name of the route.

Note This parameter is returned only for static routes.
TransitRouterRouteEntryStatus String Active

The status of the route. Valid values:

  • Creating: The route is being created.
  • Active: The rule is available.
  • Deleting: The rule is being deleted.
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType String BlackHole

The type of next hop. Valid values:

  • BlackHole: a blackhole route. Packets destined for the destination CIDR block of the route are dropped.
  • Attachment: a network instance connection. Packets destined for the destination CIDR block of the route are forwarded to the specified network instance connection.
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId String tr-attach-vx6iwhjr1x1j78****

The ID of the next hop.

TransitRouterRouteEntryDescription String CidrRoute

The description of the route.

Note This parameter is returned only for static routes.
OperationalMode Boolean false

Indicates whether the route can be managed. Valid values:

  • true: The route can be managed. You can delete the route.
  • false: The route cannot be managed because it is automatically generated by the system.
Tag String PermitVbr

The tag of the route.

Valid value: PermitVbr, which indicates that the rote is advertised only to the route table of the virtual border router (VBR) that is connected to the transit router.

Note This parameter is returned only for routes that are automatically generated by the system and use IP addresses from the CIDR block of the transit router.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "NextToken" : "fce19****",
  "RequestId" : "C3835E5E-1504-4344-B1BB-98A4110F1079",
  "TotalCount" : 6,
  "MaxResults" : 20,
  "TransitRouterRouteEntries" : [ {
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryId" : "rte-oklkgwmj97z6dn****",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryDestinationCidrBlock" : "",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryType" : "Static",
    "CreateTime" : "2021-06-15T07:01Z",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryName" : "testname",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryStatus" : "Active",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType" : "BlackHole",
    "TransitRouterRouteEntryDescription" : "CidrRoute",
    "OperationalMode" : false,
    "Tag" : "PermitVbr"
  } ]

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidTransitRouterRouteTableId.NotFound TransitRouterRouteTableId is not found. The error message returned because the specified route table ID of the transit router does not exist.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.