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:How to use data tracing

Last Updated:Jun 18, 2020

This topic describes the FAQ about the data tracking feature provided by Data Management Service (DMS).

To use the data tracking feature, log on to the DMS console and choose Data Plans > Data Tracking.

1. What issues can I resolve by using data tracking?

2. Which databases support data tracking?

3. Which types of MySQL binary logs are supported?

4. What are the commonly used search criteria?

5. Why is the volume of data displayed on the Data Tracking page not complete?

6. Why am I unable to find an update operation on the Data Tracking page?

1. What issues can I resolve by using data tracking?

(1) You can search for log entries online instead of manually downloading binary logs.

(2) You can search for log entries about data insertion, update, or deletion instead of manually analyzing binary logs.

(3) You can perform rollback for each operation record instead of manually writing rollback statements.

GUI elements on the search page

  • Search: You can search for log entries based on specific search criteria.

  • View Details: You can view log details such as rollback statements.

  • Next: You can find more log entries that meet the specified search criteria.

2. Which databases support data tracking?

  • ApsaraDB for MySQL
  • PolarDB for MySQL

You can use data tracking to download and analyze MySQL binary logs, without manual operations.

3. Which types of MySQL binary logs are supported?

  • Binary logs stored in Object Storage Service (OSS). Relational Database Service (RDS) regularly transfers the backup of binary logs to OSS.

  • Binary logs stored on database servers.

4. What are the commonly used search criteria?

(1) Search for log entries about data insertion, update, and deletion in all databases. 1

(2) Search for log entries about data insertion, update, and deletion in a specified table in a specified database.

(3) Search for log entries about update operations on the record whose record ID is 12345678, for example, update dmstest.test1 set money=0 where id=12345678.

(4) Search for log entries about update operations on records whose original value of the num column is 123, for example, update dmstest.test1 set num=rand() where num=123.

(5) Search for log entries about update operations on records whose value of the num column is changed to 0, for example, update dmstest.test1 set num=0.

5. Why is the volume of data displayed on the Data Tracking page not complete?

Data tracking works as follows:

(1) Data tracking reads binary logs based on the time period you specified.

(2) Data tracking analyzes and displays data that meets specified search criteria on the first page.

(3) When you click Next, more data that meets the specified search criteria appears on the next page.

6. Why am I unable to find an update operation on the Data Tracking page?

(1) Make sure you specify the correct time period.

(2) Make sure you specify the correct search criteria.

(3) Click Next to find more data that meets the specified search criteria.

(4) Update operations that fail to update data are not recorded in binary logs. Data tracking cannot find these operations.

Entrance to data tracking