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Serverless App Engine:Migrate applications from HSF to Dubbo by using Ali-Tomcat

Last Updated:Aug 23, 2023

This topic describes how to migrate applications from the High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) to the Apache Dubbo (Dubbo) framework by using Ali-Tomcat.

Migration solutions

The final goal of migration is to migrate applications from HSF and the registry of Serverless App Engine (SAE) to Dubbo and the Nacos registry. Two solutions are available:

  • Two-step migration

    1. Migrate from HSF and the registry of SAE to Dubbo and the registry of SAE.

    2. Migrate from the registry of SAE to the Nacos registry.

    This solution features high stability and is suitable for small-step iteration. However, the application must be published twice.

  • Direct migration

    Migrate from HSF and the registry of SAE to Dubbo and the Nacos registry.

    HSF does not support Nacos. Additional development is required.

If you want to quickly migrate your application to Dubbo and release it, we recommend that you use the first solution for stability consideration. The following section describes how to perform a two-step migration.

Migration architecture

A Dubbo service is registered in both HSF and Dubbo formats to ensure that the HSF service consumer discovers the Dubbo service. The Dubbo service consumer subscribes to the data in the HSF and Dubbo formats to ensure that the Dubbo service consumer discovers the HSF service.


The following components required for migration are deployed:

Assume that both HSF and Dubbo services inherit from the same interface named edas-demo-interface. The interface contains only one interface declaration, with the following directory structure:

├── pom.xml
├── src
│ └── main
│     └── java
│         └── com
│             └── alibaba
│                 └── edas
│                     └──

Migrate the service provider

Assume that you want to migrate the HSF application edas-hsf-demo-provider-war, which contains the following files:

  • pom.xml is the configuration file for dependencies between modules of the application.

  • is the implementation of DemoService.

  • hsf-provider-beans.xml is the Spring bean declaration file of HSF.

  • web.xml is the descriptor used for WAR package deployment.

The following information shows the structure of the edas-hsf-demo-provider-war directory:

├── pom.xml
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── java
│ │ │ └── com
│ │ │     └── alibaba
│ │ │         └── edas
│ │ │             └── hsf
│ │ │                 └── provider
│ │ │                     └──
│ │ ├── resources
│ │ │ └── hsf-provider-beans.xml
│ │ └── webapp
│ │     └── WEB-INF
│ │         └── web.xml
  1. Add Dubbo dependencies to pom.xml.

    We recommend that you use Spring 4.x or later for HSF services.

    1. Delete the HSF client dependency.

    2. Add Dubbo dependencies.

      • edas-dubbo-extension is used to register the Dubbo service with the registry of SAE and register and subscribe to the Dubbo service in HSF format. For more information about the complete pom.xml file, see the sample code.

      • dubbo is the standard Dubbo dependency.

  2. Change hsf-provider-beans.xml to dubbo-provider-beans.xml.

    The following information shows the configuration of the hsf-provider-beans.xml file:

    <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
    <beans xmlns:xsi=""
 " default-autowire="byName">
        <bean id="itemService" class="" />
        <! -- Example of providing a service -->
        <hsf:provider id="demoService" interface=""
            ref="itemService" version="1.0.0">

    You must change it to dubbo-provider-beans.xml:

    <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
    <beans xmlns:xsi=""
        <dubbo:application name="edas-dubbo-demo-provider"/>
        <dubbo:registry id="edas" address="edas://">
            <! -- This means Dubbo services will be registered as HSF format, so that hsf consumer can discover it. -->
            <dubbo:parameter key="hsf.enable" value="true"/>
        <bean id="demoService" class=""/>
        <dubbo:service interface="" ref="demoService" group="HSF" version="1.0.0"/>
    • The address of the Dubbo registry must be set to edas:// It must start with edas. The IP address and port number can remain unchanged, which will be automatically replaced with those of the online service by SAE during deployment.

    • You must add <dubbo:parameter key="hsf.enable" value="true"/>, which means that the Dubbo service is registered in both HSF and Dubbo formats to ensure that the HSF client discovers the service.

    • You must specify the group and version for the <dubbo:service> label. The default group is HSF and the default version is 1.0.0. Otherwise, the HSF client cannot be called.

  3. In the web.xml file, replace hsf-provider-beans.xml with dubbo-provider-beans.xml.

    You need only to replace hsf-provider-beans.xml with dubbo-provider-beans.xml.

    <! DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
     "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc. //DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
     "" >
        <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
  4. Verify the result in a local environment.

    Verification in a local environment includes verifying whether the service can be registered and verifying whether the service consumer can call the service.

    1. Verify whether the service can be registered.

      1. To register your HSF application with a local registry, add the following entry to the hosts file, such as /etc/hosts:
      2. Download the light-weight configuration registry, decompress the package, go to the bin directory, and then run the ./ command to start the light-weight configuration registry.

      3. Run the mvn clean package command to compile edas-hsf-demo-provider-war into a WAR package.

        After compilation, the files are stored in the target directory.

      4. Deploy edas-hsf-demo-provider.war to Ali-Tomcat and edas-dubbo-demo-provider.war to Apache Tomcat.


        The ports used to start the two Tomcat programs may conflict with each other. In this case, search for ports 8005 and 8080 in the conf/server.xml file of Tomcat and modify them to non-conflicting ports.

      5. Access the light-weight configuration registry at and view the service.

        If the service is registered and has two instances, the Dubbo and HSF services are registered as one same service in HSF format.

    2. Verify whether the service consumer can call the service.

      Perform the following steps to check whether the migrated service provider can be called by the consumer:

      1. Prepare an HSF service consumer for test, such as edas-hsf-demo-consumer-war, with the following directory structure:

        ├── pom.xml
        ├── src
        │ ├── main
        │ │ ├── java
        │ │ │ └── com
        │ │ │     └── alibaba
        │ │ │         └── edas
        │ │ │             └── hsf
        │ │ │                 └── consumer
        │ │ │                     └──
        │ │ ├── resources
        │ │ │ └── hsf-consumer-beans.xml
        │ │ └── webapp
        │ │     └── WEB-INF
        │ │         └── web.xml

        The consumer provides a servlet that is used to initiate an HSF service call after the consumer receives the HTTP request.

        public class IndexServlet extends HttpServlet {
            private DemoService demoService;
            public void init() {
                WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(getServletContext());
                this.demoService = (DemoService) wac.getBean("demoService");
            public void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp ) {
                String result = demoService.sayHello("hsf");
                System.out.println("Received: " + result);
      2. Run the mvn clean package command to compile edas-hsf-demo-consumer-war into edas-hsf-demo-consumer.war and deploy edas-hsf-demo-consumer.war to another Ali-Tomcat container. Make sure that the ports do not conflict.

      3. Log on to the light-weight configuration registry console.

        It is normal that no HSF service consumer data appears in the console.

      4. After Ali-Tomcat is started, go to the following URL:

        curl http://localhost:8280/edas-hsf-demo-consumer/index.htm
      5. Check the standard output of the Ali-Tomcat container of edas-hsf-demo-consumer.war.

        If the output is similar to the following information, the HSF client has called both the Dubbo and HSF services.

        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
        Received: Hello hsf, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385
        Received: Hello hsf, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:62385

Migrate the service consumer

Based on edas-hsf-demo-consumer-war, migrate the service consumer to edas-dubbo-demo-consumer-war.

  1. Add Dubbo dependencies to pom.xml.

    The service consumer can be migrated in the same way as the service provider. Main operations include adding dubbo and dubbo-edas-extension dependencies and deleting the edas-sdk dependency. For more information, see Add Dubbo dependencies to pom.xml in the "Migrate the service provider" section.

  2. Change hsf-comsumer-beans.xml to dubbo-consumer-beans.xml.

    The following information shows the configuration of the hsf-consumer-beans.xml file:

    <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
    <beans xmlns:xsi=""
 " default-autowire="byName">
        <! -- Example of consuming a service -->
        <hsf:consumer id="demoService" interface="" version="1.0.0">

    Change the file to dubbo-consumer-beans.xml.

    <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
    <beans xmlns:xsi=""
        <dubbo:application name="edas-dubbo-demo-consumer"/>
        <dubbo:registry id="edas" address="edas://">
            <! -- This means Dubbo consumer will subscribe HSF services -->
            <dubbo:parameter key="hsf.enable" value="true"/>
        <dubbo:reference id="demoService" interface="" group="HSF" version="1.0.0" check="false"/>
    • The address of the Dubbo registry must start with edas://.

    • Specify group and version for the <dubbo:service> label. Make sure that group and version are the same as those of the service provider. The default group is HSF and the default version is 1.0.0.

    • Add the check="false" configuration, which means that the service consumer application will not immediately fail without the service provider address when the application attempts to start.

    • Add the configuration <dubbo:parameter key="hsf.enable" value="true"/>, which means that the service consumer subscribes to the data of the service provider.

  3. In the web.xml file, replace hsf-consumer-beans.xml with dubbo-comsumer-beans.xml.

  4. Verify the result in a local environment.

    Verification in a local environment includes verifying whether the service is registered with the light-weight configuration registry and verifying whether the HSF and Dubbo services can be called.

    1. Package the preceding project into edas-dubbo-demo-consumer.war and deploy it to Apache Tomcat.


      Make sure that the ports do not conflict.

    2. Log on to the light-weight configuration registry console to check whether the Dubbo service consumer is registered.

      If the registered consumer service appears in the console, the service is registered.

    3. Go to http://localhost:8280/edas-dubbo-demo-consumer/index.htm:

      curl http://localhost:8280/edas-dubbo-demo-consumer/index.htm
    4. Check the standard output of Apache Tomcat on the HSF client.

      If the output is similar to the following information, the Dubbo service consumer has consumed the HSF and Dubbo services.

      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from hsf provider: /192.168.XX.XX:12202
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880
      Received: Hello dubbo, response from dubbo provider: 192.168.XX.XX:20880

Deploy applications to SAE and verify the result

In SAE, create the following four applications:

  • edas-dubbo-demo-consumer is the service consumer application after migration. The runtime environment is Apache Tomcat 7.0.91.

  • edas-dubbo-demo-provider is the service provider application after migration. The runtime environment is Apache Tomcat 7.0.91.

  • edas-hsf-demo-consumer is the service consumer application before migration. The runtime environment is EDAS-Container V3.5.4.

  • edas-hsf-demo-provider is the service provider application before migration. The runtime environment is EDAS-Container V3.5.4.

  1. Deploy the four WAR packages to the four applications separately. For more information, see Deploy applications to SAE.

  2. Run the following command to check whether the service consumer edas-hsf-demo-consumer can call the HSF and Dubbo service providers:

    curl http://39.106.XX.XXX:8080/index.htm
  3. View logs in the standard output of Ali-Tomcat of the edas-hsf-demo-consumer application, such as /home/admin/taobao-tomcat-production-7.0.XX.X/logs/catalina.out.

    If the output is similar to the following information, the HSF service consumer has consumed the HSF and Dubbo services.

  4. Run the following command to check whether edas-dubbo-demo-consumer can call the HSF and Dubbo service providers.

    curl http://192.168.XX.XX:8080/index.htm
  5. View logs in the standard output of Apache Tomcat of the edas-dubbo-demo-consumer application, such as /home/admin/apache-tomcat-7.0.91/logs/catalina.out.

    If the output is similar to the following information, the Dubbo service consumer has consumed the HSF and Dubbo services.


  • Why am I unable to find the service provider address after the Dubbo service consumer is started?

    Problem description

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of the service com.xxxx.xxxxx.service.xxxxxConfigService. No provider available for the service HSF/com.xxxxx.xxxxx.service.xxxxxxxxxxService:1.0.0 from the url edas:// application=xxxx-flow-center-bj&dubbo=2.0.2&group=HSF&interface=com.xxxx.xxxxxx.service.xxxxxxxxxxService&lazy=false&methods=queryConfigs,getConfig,saveConfig&pid=11596& to the consumer use dubbo version 2.7.3

    Possible cause

    The registry asynchronously pushes service provider addresses. By default, Dubbo checks whether a service provider address is available during startup. If no address is available, this error occurs.


    In the <dubbo:reference> label of Dubbo, add the following check="false" configuration:

    <dubbo:reference id="demoService" interface="" group="HSF" version="1.0.0" check="false"/>

    After the configuration is added, Dubbo does not check whether the service provider address is available during startup. However, if the Dubbo service needs to be called in business initialization code, the business may fail.

  • Why does an error occur when the HSF service consumer calls the Dubbo service?

    Problem description

    2019-07-28 23:07:38.005 [WARN ] [cf67433d1e7a44412a518bd190100d176-node401] [NettyServerWorker-6-1] [] |  [DUBBO] Fail to encode response: Response [id=343493, version=HSF2.0, status=20, event=false, error=null, result=AppResponse [value=FlowControlDto(postWeightDtoHashMap={614215325=PostWeightDto(postId=614215325, weight=1.0, postSourceType=null)}), exception=null]], send bad_response info instead, cause: For input string: "", dubbo version: 2.7.3, current host:
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
      at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
      at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
      at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
      at org.apache.dubbo.common.Version.parseInt(
      at org.apache.dubbo.common.Version.getIntVersion(
      at org.apache.dubbo.common.Version.isSupportResponseAttachment(
      at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.dubbo.DubboCodec.encodeResponseData(
      at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.dubbo.DubboCountCodec.encode(
      at org.apache.dubbo.remoting.transport.netty4.NettyCodecAdapter$InternalEncoder.encode(

    Possible cause

    After Dubbo is upgraded to V2.7, HSF is not compatible with Dubbo.


    Upgrade EDAS-Container to V3.5.5. This issue is fixed in EDAS-Container of this version in HSF.

  • Why does the Dubbo service consumer fail to call the HSF service provider?

    Problem description

    java.lang.Exception: [HSF-Provider-] Error log: [HSF-Provider] App [xxxxxxx-3b6f-42d3-xxxx-0ad2434xxxxx] failed to verify the caller signature [null] for [] [sayHello] from client [192.168.XX.XX]$OutputCallback.operationComplete($OutputCallback.operationComplete($001($$DirectExecutor.execute($

    Possible cause

    Call authentication is enabled for HSF, but Dubbo does not support this authentication.


    Add -DneedAuth=false to the HSF service provider to disable call authentication.

  • Why does the Dubbo service consumer fail to call the HSF service provider?

    Problem description

    2019-08-02 17:17:15.187 [WARN ] [cf67433d1e7a44412a518bd190100d176-node401] [NettyClientWorker-4-1] [o.a.d.r.p.dubbo.DecodeableRpcResult:91] | [DUBBO] Decode rpc result failed: null, dubbo version: 2.7.3, current host:
    java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
     at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.ensureObj(
     at sun.reflect.UnsafeByteFieldAccessorImpl.setByte(
     at java.lang.reflect.Field.setByte(

    Possible cause

    The HSF service provides and depends on an earlier Hessian Lite version, which does not support serialization of JDK 8 LocalDateTime.


    Upgrade EDAS-Container of the HSF service provider to V3.5.5.