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Serverless App Engine:DescribeGreyTagRoute

Last Updated:Nov 06, 2023

Queries the details of a canary release rule based on the specified rule ID.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers and does not have operation-specific request headers. For more information, see Common request and response headers.

Request syntax

GET /pop/v1/sam/tagroute/greyTagRoute HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
GreyTagRouteId Long Query Yes 1

The ID of the canary release rule.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 9D29CBD0-45D3-410B-9826-52F86F90****

The request ID.

Message String success

The returned message.

TraceId String 0a98a02315955564772843261e****

The trace ID that is used to query the details of the request.

Data Object

The information about the canary release rule.

GreyTagRouteId Long 16

The ID of the canary release rule. The ID is globally unique.

Name String rule-name

The name of the canary release rule.

Description String test

The description of the canary release rule.

ScRules Array of scRule

The canary release rule of the Spring Cloud application.

path String /path

The path of the canary release rule of the Spring Cloud application.

condition String OR

The relationship between the conditions in the canary release rule. Valid values:

  • AND: The conditions are in the logical AND relation. All conditions must be met at the same time.
  • OR: The conditions are in the logical OR relation. At least one of the conditions must be met.
items Array of Scrulesitem

The conditions.

type String cookie

The type of the comparison. Valid values:

  • param: parameter
  • cookie: cookie
  • header: header
name String test

The name of the parameter.

operator String rawvalue

The operator. Valid values:

  • rawvalue: direct comparison.
  • list: whitelist.
  • mod: mods 100.
  • deterministic_proportional_steaming_division: percentage.
value String test

The value of the parameter. This value is compared with the value that is obtained based on the type and name parameters.

cond String ==

The comparison operator. Valid values: >, <, >=, <=, ==, and !=.

index Integer N/A

This parameter is not returned for Spring Cloud applications.

expr String N/A

This parameter is not returned for Spring Cloud applications.

AlbRules Array of albRule
serviceId String 22

The service ID.

ingressId String 23

The ID of the gateway routing rule.

condition String AND

The relationship between the conditions in the canary release rule. Valid value: AND. This value indicates that all conditions must be met at the same time.

items Array of Scrulesitem
type String cookie

The type of the comparison. Valid values:

  • sourceIp: SourceIp
  • cookie: cookie
  • header: header
name String example

The name of the parameter.

operator String rawvalue

The operator. Valid value: rawvalue. This value indicates direct comparison.

value String test

The value of the parameter. This value is compared with the value that is obtained based on the type and name parameters.

cond String ==

Valid value: ==.

index Integer N/A

This parameter is not returned for applications that are associated with ALB instances.

expr String N/A

This parameter is not returned for applications that are associated with ALB instances.

DubboRules Array of dubboRule

The canary release rule of the Dubbo service.

serviceName String

The name of the Dubbo service.

group String DUBBO

The group of the Dubbo service that corresponds to the canary release rule.

version String 1.0.0

The version of the Dubbo service.

methodName String echo

The method name of the Dubbo service.

condition String OR

The relationship between the conditions in the canary release rule. Valid values:

  • AND: The conditions are in the logical AND relation. All conditions must be met at the same time.
  • OR: The conditions are in the logical OR relation. At least one of the conditions must be met.
items Array of item

The conditions.

index Integer 0

The index of the parameter. The value 0 indicates the first parameter.

expr String .name

The expression that is used to obtain the value of the parameter. Valid values:

  • Empty: obtains the value of the parameter.
  • .name: obtains the name property of the parameter. This expression works the same way as args0.getName().
  • .isEnabled(): obtains the enabled property of the parameter. This expression works the same way as args0.isEnabled().
  • [0]: indicates that the value of the parameter is an array and obtains the first value of the array. This expression works the same way as args0[0]. This expression does not start with a period (.).
  • .get(0) : indicates that the value of the parameter is a list and obtains the first value of the list. This expression works the same way as args0.get(0).
  • .get("key"): indicates that the value of the parameter is a map and obtains the value of the key in the map. This expression works the same way as args0.get("key").
operator String rawvalue

The operator. Valid values:

  • rawvalue: direct comparison.
  • list: whitelist.
  • mod: mods 100.
  • deterministic_proportional_steaming_division: percentage.
value String test

The value of the parameter. This value is compared with the value that is obtained based on the expr and index parameters.

cond String ==

The comparison operator. Valid values: >, <, >=, <=, ==, and !=.

type String N/A

This parameter is not returned for Dubbo services.

name String N/A

This parameter is not returned for Dubbo services.

CreateTime Long 1619007592013

The timestamp when the canary release rule was created. Unit: milliseconds.

UpdateTime Long 1609434061000

The timestamp when the canary release rule was updated. Unit: milliseconds.

AppId String 3faaf993-7aed-4bcd-b189-625e6a5a****

The ID of the application.

ErrorCode String Null

The error code. Valid values:

  • If the call is successful, the ErrorCode parameter is not returned.
  • If the call fails, the ErrorCode parameter is returned. For more information, see the Error codes section in this topic.
Code String 200

The HTTP status code. Valid values:

  • 2xx: The call was successful.
  • 3xx: The call was redirected.
  • 4xx: The call failed.
  • 5xx: A server error occurred.
Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the information of the change order was queried. Valid values:

  • true: The information was queried.
  • false: The information failed to be queried.


Sample requests

GET /pop/v1/sam/tagroute/greyTagRoute?GreyTagRouteId=1 HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "9D29CBD0-45D3-410B-9826-52F86F90****",
  "Message" : "success",
  "TraceId" : "0a98a02315955564772843261e****",
  "Data" : {
    "GreyTagRouteId" : 16,
    "Name" : "rule-name",
    "Description" : "test",
    "ScRules" : [ {
      "path" : "/path",
      "condition" : "OR",
      "items" : [ {
        "type" : "cookie",
        "name" : "test",
        "operator" : "rawvalue",
        "value" : "test",
        "cond" : "==",
        "expr" : "N/A"
      } ]
    } ],
    "DubboRules" : [ {
      "serviceName" : "",
      "group" : "DUBBO",
      "version" : "1.0.0",
      "methodName" : "echo",
      "condition" : "OR",
      "items" : [ {
        "index" : 0,
        "expr" : ".name",
        "operator" : "rawvalue",
        "value" : "test",
        "cond" : "==",
        "type" : "N/A",
        "name" : "N/A"
      } ]
    } ],
    "CreateTime" : 1619007592013,
    "UpdateTime" : 1609434061000,
    "AppId" : "3faaf993-7aed-4bcd-b189-625e6a5a****"
  "Code" : "200",
  "Success" : true

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidParameter.NotEmpty You must specify the parameter %s. The value of the %s parameter is invalid. This parameter cannot be left empty.
400 InvalidParameter.Obviously The specified parameter is invalid {%s}. The value of the {%s} parameter is invalid.
400 InvalidParameter.WithMessage The parameter is invalid {%s}: %s The value %s of the {%s} parameter is invalid.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.