This topic describes how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI version 3.0.25 or later to call API operations related to stack policies.
You can call this operation to set a stack policy.
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
--RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the stack. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
--StackId | String | Yes | 4a6c9851-3b0f-4f5f-b4ca-a14bf691**** |
The ID of the stack. |
--StackPolicyBody | String | No | {"Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"Update:*","Principal":"*","Resource":"*"}]} |
The structure that contains the stack policy body. The policy body must be 1 to 16,384 bytes in length. You can specify either the StackPolicyBody parameter or the StackPolicyURL parameter. But you cannot specify both of them. |
--StackPolicyURL | String | No | oss://ros/stack-policy/demo |
The URL for the file that contains the stack policy. The URL must point to a policy located in an HTTP or HTTPS web server or an Alibaba Cloud OSS bucket. Examples: oss://ros/stack-policy/demo and oss://ros/stack-policy/demo?RegionId=cn-hangzhou. If the region of the OSS bucket is not specified, the RegionId parameter value is used by default. The policy can be up to 16,384 bytes in length and the URL can be up to 1,350 bytes in length. You can specify either the StackPolicyBody parameter or the StackPolicyURL parameter. But you cannot specify both of them. |
Sample requests
aliyun ros SetStackPolicy --StackId c18d62d8-51ce-4e8e-b8f6-e00be431**** --StackPolicyURL "oss://ros/stack-policy/demo"
Sample success responses
You can call this operation to query information about a stack policy.
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
--RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the stack. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
--StackId | String | Yes | 4a6c9851-3b0f-4f5f-b4ca-a14bf691**** |
The ID of the stack. |
Sample requests
aliyun ros GetStackPolicy --RegionId cn-beijing --StackId 939963e3-e84a-42a8-992b-c2474b75****
Sample success responses