DATASOURCE::CEN::CenInstances is used to query the details of Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances within the current Alibaba Cloud account.


  "Type": "DATASOURCE::CEN::CenInstances",
  "Properties": {
    "Filter": List


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
Filter List No Yes The filter condition. For more information, see Filter properties.

Filter syntax

"Filter": [
    "Value": List,
    "Key": String

Filter properties

Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
Value List No No The value of the filter condition. You can specify filter values based on filter keys. You can specify multiple filter values for a filter key. The logical operator among filter values is OR. If one of the filter values are matched, the filter key is matched.
Note You can specify up to five filter values for a filter key.
Key String Yes No The key of the filter condition. Valid values:
  • CenId: the ID of the CEN instance
  • Name: the name of the CEN instance

Return values (Fn::GetAtt)

  • Cens: the CEN instances.
  • CenIds: the IDs of the CEN instances.
Property Type Description Constraint
CenIds List The IDs of the CEN instances. None.
Cens List Details of the CEN instances. None.
Status String The state of the CEN instance. Valid values:
  • Creating: The CEN instance is being created.
  • Active: The CEN instance is running.
  • Deleting: The CEN instance is being deleted.
CenId String The ID of the CEN instance. None.
CreationTime String The time when the CEN instance was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ format.
Ipv6Level String Indicates whether IPv6 is enabled for the CEN instance. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
Description String The description of the CEN instance. None.
ResourceGroupId String The ID of the resource group to which the CEN instance belongs. None.
ProtectionLevel String The level of CIDR block overlapping. None.
Name String The name of the CEN instance. None.
CenBandwidthPackageIds List The IDs of bandwidth plans that are associated with the CEN instance. Example:
[ "cen-xxjsjfkffkfkfjkf****" ]
Tags Map The tags that are added to the CEN instance. None.


  • JSON format

      "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
      "Parameters": {
        "Filter": {
          "Type": "Json",
          "Description": "Filter value when querying resources"
      "Resources": {
        "ExtensionDataSource": {
          "Type": "DATASOURCE::CEN::CenInstances",
          "Properties": {
            "Filter": {
              "Ref": "Filter"
      "Outputs": {
        "Cens": {
          "Description": "The information about Cens.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "CenIds": {
          "Description": "The list of The Cen instance ids.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
  • YAML format

    ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
        Type: Json
        Description: Filter value when querying resources
        Type: DATASOURCE::CEN::CenInstances
            Ref: Filter
        Description: The information about Cens.
            - ExtensionDataSource
            - Cens
        Description: The list of The Cen instance ids.
            - ExtensionDataSource
            - CenIds