ALIYUN::EventBridge::Rule is used to create an event rule for an event bus.


  "Type": "ALIYUN::EventBridge::Rule",
  "Properties": {
    "Status": String,
    "EventBusName": String,
    "FilterPattern": Map,
    "Description": String,
    "Targets": List,
    "RuleName": String


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
Status String No Yes The status of the event rule. Valid values:
  • ENABLE: The event rule is enabled. This is the default value.
  • DISABLE: The event rule is disabled.
EventBusName String Yes No The name of the event bus. For more information, see Limits.
FilterPattern Map Yes Yes The event pattern. The property value must be in the JSON format. You can specify field values in the pattern in the following modes:
  • stringEqual
  • stringExpression
Note Each field in the pattern can contain up to five values.
Description String No Yes The description of the event rule. None
Targets List Yes Yes The event targets to which events that match the event rule are pushed. For more information, see Targets properties.
RuleName String Yes No The name of the event rule. For more information, see Limits.

Targets syntax

"Targets": [
    "PushRetryStrategy": String,
    "Type": String,
    "Endpoint": String,
    "Id": String,
    "ParamList": List

Targets properties

Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
PushRetryStrategy String No No The retry policy that is used to push events. Valid values:
  • BACKOFF_RETRY: backoff retry. A request can be retried up to three times. The interval between two consecutive retries is a random value between 10 and 20 seconds.
  • EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RETRY: exponential decay retry. A request can be retried up to 176 times. The interval between two consecutive retries exponentially increases to a maximum of 512 seconds. The total amount of time that can be used for retries is one day.

    In sequence, the intervals between two consecutive retries are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512 seconds, and remain 512 seconds until the last retry. The interval of 512 seconds can be used for 167 retries.

Type String Yes No The type of the event target. None
Endpoint String Yes No The endpoint of the event target. None
Id String Yes No The custom ID of the event target. None
ParamList List Yes No The parameters to be passed by events. For more information, see ParamList properties.

ParamList syntax

"ParamList": [
    "Form": String,
    "Value": String,
    "ResourceKey": String,
    "Template": String

ParamList properties

Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
Form String Yes No The transformation method. For more information, see Event target parameters.
Value String Yes No The parameter value in the transformed event. None
ResourceKey String Yes No The key of the resource involved in event transformation. For more information, see Event target parameters.
Template String No No The template based on which the event is transformed. None

Response parameters


  • EventBusName: the name of the event bus.
  • RuleARN: the Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the event rule. The ARN can be used for authorization.
  • RuleName: the name of the event rule.


JSON format

  "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
  "Parameters": {
    "EventBusName": {
      "Type": "String",
      "Description": "The name of the event bus."
    "Targets": {
      "Type": "Json",
      "Description": "The event target to which events are delivered.",
      "MinLength": 1,
      "MaxLength": 5
    "RuleName": {
      "Type": "String",
      "Description": "The name of the event rule."
  "Resources": {
    "Rule": {
      "Type": "ALIYUN::EventBridge::Rule",
      "Properties": {
        "EventBusName": {
          "Ref": "EventBusName"
        "Targets": {
          "Ref": "Targets"
        "RuleName": {
          "Ref": "RuleName"
  "Outputs": {
    "EventBusName": {
      "Description": "The name of the event bus.",
      "Value": {
        "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "RuleARN": {
      "Description": "The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the event rule. The ARN is used for authorization.",
      "Value": {
        "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "RuleName": {
      "Description": "The name of the event rule.",
      "Value": {
        "Fn::GetAtt": [