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PrivateLink:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Apr 28, 2024
This product(Privatelink/2020-04-15) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (11370001915) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


OpenPrivateLinkServiceOpenPrivateLinkServiceActivates PrivateLink.
CheckProductOpenCheckProductOpenQueries whether PrivateLink is activated.

Regions and zones

DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries available regions and zones.
DescribeZonesDescribeZonesQueries a list of zones in a specified region.

Endpoint services

CreateVpcEndpointServiceCreateVpcEndpointServiceCreates an endpoint service.
UpdateVpcEndpointServiceAttributeUpdateVpcEndpointServiceAttributeModifies the attributes of an endpoint service.
GetVpcEndpointServiceAttributeGetVpcEndpointServiceAttributeQueries the attributes of an endpoint service.
ListVpcEndpointServicesListVpcEndpointServicesQueries a list of endpoint services.
DeleteVpcEndpointServiceDeleteVpcEndpointServiceDeletes an endpoint service.

Service whitelists

AddUserToVpcEndpointServiceAddUserToVpcEndpointServiceAdds an account ID to the whitelist of an endpoint service.
ListVpcEndpointServiceUsersListVpcEndpointServiceUsersQueries the whitelist of an endpoint service.
RemoveUserFromVpcEndpointServiceRemoveUserFromVpcEndpointServiceRemoves an account ID from the whitelist of an endpoint service.

Service resources

UpdateVpcEndpointServiceResourceAttributeUpdateVpcEndpointServiceResourceAttributeModifies the attributes of a service resource that is added to an endpoint service.
AttachResourceToVpcEndpointServiceAttachResourceToVpcEndpointServiceAdds a service resource to an endpoint service.
ListVpcEndpointServiceResourcesListVpcEndpointServiceResourcesQueries the service resources that are added to an endpoint service.
DetachResourceFromVpcEndpointServiceDetachResourceFromVpcEndpointServiceRemoves a service resource from an endpoint service.


DeleteVpcEndpointDeleteVpcEndpointDeletes an endpoint.
CreateVpcEndpointCreateVpcEndpointCreates an endpoint.
UpdateVpcEndpointAttributeUpdateVpcEndpointAttributeModifies the attributes of an endpoint.
ListVpcEndpointsListVpcEndpointsQueries a list of endpoints.
GetVpcEndpointAttributeGetVpcEndpointAttributeQueries the attributes of an endpoint.
ListVpcEndpointServicesByEndUserListVpcEndpointServicesByEndUserQueries a list of endpoint services that can be associated with the endpoint created within the current account.

Endpoint connections

EnableVpcEndpointConnectionEnableVpcEndpointConnectionAccepts connection requests from an endpoint.
UpdateVpcEndpointConnectionAttributeUpdateVpcEndpointConnectionAttributeModifies the attributes of an endpoint connection.
ListVpcEndpointConnectionsListVpcEndpointConnectionsQueries endpoint connections.
DisableVpcEndpointConnectionDisableVpcEndpointConnectionRejects a connection request from an endpoint.

Endpoint zones

AddZoneToVpcEndpointAddZoneToVpcEndpointAdds a zone to an endpoint.
ListVpcEndpointZonesListVpcEndpointZonesQueries the zones of an endpoint.
RemoveZoneFromVpcEndpointRemoveZoneFromVpcEndpointDeletes a zone of an endpoint.

Endpoint zone connections

DisableVpcEndpointZoneConnectionDisableVpcEndpointZoneConnectionDisconnects an endpoint from a connection in the specified zone.
EnableVpcEndpointZoneConnectionEnableVpcEndpointZoneConnectionAccepts a connection request from an endpoint in the specified zone.
UpdateVpcEndpointZoneConnectionResourceAttributeUpdateVpcEndpointZoneConnectionResourceAttributeModifies a service resource of a zone to which an endpoint connection belongs.

Security groups

AttachSecurityGroupToVpcEndpointAttachSecurityGroupToVpcEndpointAssociates an endpoint with a security group.
ListVpcEndpointSecurityGroupsListVpcEndpointSecurityGroupsQueries the security groups that are associated with an endpoint.
DetachSecurityGroupFromVpcEndpointDetachSecurityGroupFromVpcEndpointDisassociates an endpoint from a security group.

Tags & Resource group

UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from one or more endpoints or endpoint services at a time.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to resources.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to resources. You can call this API operation to add tags to one or more endpoints or endpoint services.
ChangeResourceGroupChangeResourceGroupModifies a resource group.