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:Update of billing details

Last Updated:Jun 25, 2023

To improve the efficiency of cost allocation and reconciliation, ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) optimizes the following displayed information on bills:

  1. From May 11, 2023, the codes of billable items remain unchanged, but the names of the billable items become more detailed. For example, for general transcoding of H.264 LD, the value of the Billing Item Code field remains H264.LD, but the value of the Billing Item field is changed from H264.LD to Regular Transcoding H264.LD. For more information, see Query bills.

  2. From 10:00 on May 25, 2023, the IDs of Resource Access Management (RAM) users are displayed in the Instance ID field. This helps costs to be properly allocated among RAM users. Sample value of the Instance ID field: 17************42;cn-beijing;ram-23************88. For more information, see Query bills.

During service upgrades, latency may occur when bills are updated. The actual time when bills are updated prevails. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding and support.