This topic lists the API operations that are used to manage Message Service (MNS) topics.

Topic management

API Description
CreateTopic Creates a topic.
SetTopicAttributes Modifies a topic.
GetTopicAttributes Queries the parameters of a topic.
DeleteTopic Deletes a topic.
ListTopic Queries the list of topics.

Subscription management

API Description
Subscribe Creates a subscription.
SetSubscriptionAttributes Modifies a subscription.
GetSubscriptionAttributes Queries the parameters of a subscription.
Unsubscribe Deletes a subscription.
ListSubscriptionByTopic Queries the subscription list of a topic.

Message management

API Description
PublishMessage Publishes a message.

Notification management

API Description
HttpEndpoint Pushes a notification.

You can also use the Alibaba Cloud Management Console to perform the preceding operations. For more information, see Manage topics in the console.