The following tables list API operations available for use in Message Queue for Apache Kafka.


Operation Description
GetInstanceList Queries Message Queue for Apache Kafka instances in a specified region.
StartInstance Deploys a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
ModifyInstanceName Changes the name of a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
CreatePrePayOrder Creates a subscription Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
DeleteInstance Deletes a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
UpgradePrePayOrder Upgrades a subscription Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
GetAllowedIpList Queries the IP address whitelist of a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
UpdateAllowedIp Modifies the IP address whitelist of a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.


Operation Description
CreateTopic Creates a topic.
DeleteTopic Deletes a topic.
GetTopicList Queries the topics in a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
GetTopicStatus Queries the status of a topic.
ModifyPartitionNum Changes the number of partitions for a topic.
ModifyTopicRemark Modifies the description of a topic.

Consumer groups

Operation Description
CreateConsumerGroup Creates a consumer group.
DeleteConsumerGroup Deletes a consumer group from a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
GetConsumerList Queries the consumer groups in a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance.
GetConsumerProgress Queries the status of a consumer group.


Operation Description
ListTagResources Queries the tags added to a resource.
TagResources Creates a tag and adds the tag to a resource.
UntagResources Removes a tag from a resource and deletes the tag.


Operation Description
DescribeAcls Queries access control lists (ACLs).
CreateAcl Creates an ACL.
DeleteAcl Deletes an ACL.

SASL users

Operation Description
DescribeSaslUsers Queries Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) users.
CreateSaslUser Creates an SASL user.
DeleteSaslUser Deletes an SASL user.