Please click here for complete instructions on the use of the delivery center.
There are four templates in Delivery Center, Basic Delivery Process, Delivery Process with Double Check, Delivery Process with Signing a Contract, Delivery Process with Step-by-Step Implementation and Confirm.
Here, we only take Basic Delivery Process as an example to show how to complete the delivery of products in the delivery center.
At the very beginning, please log into you account, and go to ACPN.
Log in to the Alibaba Cloud International site ( by using an Alibaba Cloud account. On the homepage, click Console in the upper-right corner.
In the Alibaba Cloud Management Console, move the pointer over the icon in the upper-left corner and click Marketplace.
In the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace console, click Delivery Center in the left-side navigation pane.

Basic Delivery Process
Step 1:
The customer enters the contact information and demands for the service products.

After the customer enters the information that is required by Step 1, the entered information appears to ISV.
The ISV starts to deliver the service after it receives the service demands.

After the service process ends, the following page appears in Delivery Center to the customer.