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Simple Log Service:Data structure of an alert monitoring rule

Last Updated:Oct 26, 2023

This topic describes the data structure of an alert monitoring rule.


nameStringYesThe ID of the alert monitoring rule. The ID is displayed in the URL of the rule.
displayNameStringYesThe name of the alert monitoring rule. The name is displayed in the alert list.
stateStringNoThe status of the alert monitoring rule. Valid values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
typeStringYesSet the value to Alert.
descriptionStringNoThe compatibility field. Set the value to an empty string.
scheduleScheduleYesThe check frequency-related settings. For more information, see Schedule.
configurationConfigurationYesThe detailed settings of the alert monitoring rule. For more information, see Configuration.


typeStringYesThe type of the check frequency. Log Service checks query and analysis results based on the frequency that you specify. Valid values:
  • FixedRate: Log Service checks query and analysis results at a fixed interval.
  • Cron: Log Service checks query and analysis results at an interval that is specified by a cron expression.
  • Weekly: Log Service checks query and analysis results at a specified point in time on a specified day of each week.
  • Daily: Log Service checks query and analysis results at a specified point in time every day.
  • Hourly: Log Service checks query and analysis results every hour.
intervalStringNoThe fixed interval. Examples: 5m and 1h.

If you set type to FixedRate, you must configure interval.

cronExpressionStringNoThe cron expression, which can specify an interval accurate to the minute. The cron expression is based on the 24-hour clock. For example, 0 0/1 * * * specifies that Log Service checks query and analysis results at an interval of 1 hour from 00:00.

If you set type to Cron, you must configure cronExpression.

dayOfWeekIntegerNoThe day of the week. Valid values: 0 to 6, which specify Sunday to Saturday.

If you set type to Weekly, you must configure dayOfWeek.

hourIntegerNoThe hour. Valid values: 0 to 23, which specify each hour in a day.

If you set type to Weekly or Daily, you must configure hour.

runImmediatelyBooleanNoSpecifies whether to run the alert monitoring rule immediately after the rule is created.


versionStringYesSet the value to 2.0.
typeStringYesSet the value to default.
dashboardStringNoThe alert history dashboard. Recommended value: internal-alert-analysis.
queryListAlertQueryYesThe list of query statements.
groupConfigurationGroupConfigurationYesThe settings of group evaluation. For more information, see GroupConfiguration.
joinConfigurations[]JoinConfigurationNoThe settings of set operations. For more information, see JoinConfiguration.
  • If you specify only one query statement in queryList, you do not need to configure joinConfigurations.
  • If you specify two to three query statements in queryList, you must configure joinConfigurations to associate the results of the query statements. For more information, see Multi-set operations.
severityConfigurations[]SeverityConfigurationYesThe trigger condition. You must specify at least one trigger condition. For more information, see SeverityConfigurations.
labels[]TagNoThe label. For more information, see Tag.
annotations[]TagNoThe annotation. For more information, see Tag.
autoAnnotationBooleanYesSpecifies whether to allow the system to automatically add annotations.
  • true: If you use this value, the system automatically adds annotations such as __count__ to alerts. This is the default value. For more information, see Auto-Add switch.
  • false: If you use this value, the system does not automatically add annotations to alerts.
sendResolvedBooleanNoSpecifies whether to trigger a recovery alert when an alert is cleared.
  • true: If you use this value, a recovery alert is triggered when an alert is cleared. For more information, see Recovery notifications.
  • false: If you use this value, no recovery alerts are triggered when an alert is cleared. This is the default value.
thresholdIntegerYesThe threshold based on which an alert is triggered. If the number of consecutive times that the specified trigger condition is met reaches the specified threshold, an alert is triggered. The system does not count the number of times when the specified trigger condition is not met.
noDataFireBooleanNoSpecifies whether to trigger an alert when the condition for no data is met.
  • true: If you use this value, an alert is triggered when the number of times that no data is returned exceeds the value of Threshold of Continuous Triggers. If multiple query statements are executed, the number of times is counted based on the results of set operations that are performed on the query statements. For more information, see No-data alert.
  • false: If you use this value, no alerts are triggered when the condition for no data is met. This is the default value.
noDataSeverityIntegerNoThe severity level of an alert that is triggered when the condition for no data is met. For more information, see Alert severities.
policyConfigurationPolicyConfigurationYesThe settings of the alert policy. For more information, see PolicyConfiguration.
tags[]StringNoThe type of the custom alert monitoring rule.
Note This field is supported in Log Service SDK for Java V0.6.74 and later.


storeTypeStringYesThe type of the data source for the query. Valid values:
  • log: Logstore data
  • metric: Metricstore data
  • meta: resource data
regionStringYesThe region of the project in which the query is performed.
  • If you set storeType to log or metric, set region to the region of the project.
  • If you set storeType to meta, set project to an empty string.
projectStringYesThe project in which the query is performed.
  • If you set storeType to log or metric, set project to the project.
  • If you set storeType to meta, set project to an empty string.
storeStringYesThe Logstore, Metricstore, or resource data on which the query is performed.
  • If you set storeType to log, set store to the name of the Logstore.
  • If you set storeType to metric, set store to the name of the Metricstore.
  • If you set storeType to meta, set store to the name of the resource data.
roleArnStringNoThe Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role that is required to access data. For more information, see Configure access control policies.
queryStringYesThe query statement.
  • If you set storeType to log or metric, set query to the query statement.
  • If you set storeType to meta, set project to an empty string.
timeSpanTypeStringNoThe type of time. For more information, see Time ranges of query statements.

If you set storeType to log or metric, you must configure timeSpanType.

startStringNoThe start time.

If you set storeType to log or metric, you must configure start.

endStringNoThe end time.

If you set storeType to log or metric, you must configure end.

powerSqlModeStringNoSpecifies whether to enable Dedicated SQL. Valid values:
  • auto: The system automatically enables or disables Dedicated SQL.
  • enable: Dedicated SQL is enabled.
  • disable: Dedicated SQL is disabled.


typeStringYesThe type of group evaluation. Valid values:
  • no_group: Query and analysis results are not grouped.
  • custom: Query and analysis results are grouped based on the custom field that you specify.
  • labels_auto: Query and analysis results are automatically grouped.

    This value is supported only for metrics.

fields[]StringNoThe field based on which query and analysis results are grouped.

If you set type to custom, you must configure fields.


typeStringYesThe type of the set operation. Valid values:
  • cross_join: Cartesian product.
  • inner_join: inner join.
  • left_join: left join.
  • right_join: right join.
  • full_join: full join.
  • left_exclude: left exclusion.
  • right_exclude: right exclusion.
  • concat: concatenation. The system traverses all datasets in sequence.
  • no_join: no join. The system uses only the first dataset.
conditionStringNoIf you set type to inner_join, left_join, right_join, full_join, left_exclude or right_exclude, you must configure condition. Example: $ == $1.ip.


severityIntegerYesThe severity level of an alert. For more information, see Alert severities.
evalConditionConditionConfigurationNoThe trigger condition. For more information, see Syntax of evaluate expressions.
evalCondition.conditionStringYesThe expression that is used to match data.
  • If you do not need to match data, set the value to an empty string.
  • In other scenarios, set the value to an expression. Example: errCnt > 10.
evalCondition.countConditionStringYesThe expression that is used to match the number of data entries.
  • If you want the trigger condition to be met when data is returned in query and analysis results, set the value to an empty string.
  • In other scenarios, set the value to an expression. Example: __count__ > 3.


keyStringYesThe name of the field.
valueStringYesThe value of the field.


alertPolicyIdStringYesThe ID of the alert policy.
  • In simple or standard mode, set the value to sls.builtin.dynamic, which is a built-in dynamic alert policy.
  • In advanced mode, set the value to the ID of the alert policy.
actionPolicyIdStringYesThe ID of the action policy.

In advanced mode, if the alert policy does not use a dynamic action policy, set actionPolicyId to an empty string.

repeatIntervalStringYesThe repeat interval. Examples: 5m and 1h.
useDefaultBooleanYesThe compatibility field. Set the value to false.

Reference data

Alert severities

Alert severityDescription

Time ranges of query statements

Custom-15mabsoluteA 15-minute period of the Time Frame type.
Custom-100s-20sA period of the Relative type that starts at the previous 100 seconds and ends at the previous 20 seconds.
Custom-60snowA 60-second period of the Relative type.
Custom-120mEmpty stringA 120-minute period of the Relative type.
Relative-100s-20sA period of the Relative type that starts at the previous 100 seconds and ends at the previous 20 seconds.
Relative-60snowA 60-second period of the Relative type.
Relative-120mEmpty stringA 120-minute period of the Relative type.
Truncated-15mArbitraryA 15-minute period of the Time Frame type.
TodayArbitraryArbitraryA period that starts from 00:00 on the current day and ends at the current time.
YesterdayArbitraryArbitraryA period that starts from 00:00 on the previous day and ends at 00:00 on the current day.