This topic describes how to use an asymmetric customer master key (CMK) to encrypt and decrypt data in Alibaba Cloud CLI.

Asymmetric encryption and decryption generally include the following steps:
  1. An information receiver distributes a public key to an information transmitter.
  2. The information transmitter uses the public key to encrypt sensitive information.
  3. The information transmitter sends the ciphertext that is generated from the sensitive information to the information receiver.
  4. The information receiver uses the private key to decrypt the ciphertext.


An asymmetric CMK is created in Key Management Service (KMS) by calling the CreateKey operation, with the KeySpec parameter set to a required asymmetric CMK type and the KeyUsage parameter set to ENCRYPT/DECRYPT.

Create a CMK of the RSA_2048 type:

aliyun kms CreateKey --KeySpec=RSA_2048 --KeyUsage=ENCRYPT/DECRYPT --ProtectionLevel=HSM

Obtain the public key

1. Call the GetPublicKey operation to obtain the public key of the asymmetric CMK.

aliyun kms GetPublicKey --KeyId=5c438b18-05be-40ad-b6c2-3be6752c**** --KeyVersionId=2ab1a983-7072-4bbc-a582-584b5bd8****

Expected output:

        "RequestId": "82c383eb-c377-4mf6-bxx8-81hkc1g5g7ab",
        "KeyId": "5c438b18-05be-40ad-b6c2-3be6752c****",
        "KeyVersionId": "2ab1a983-7072-4bbc-a582-584b5bd8****",
        "PublicKey": "PublicKey-Data****"
2. Save the public key to the file. PublicKey-Data**** is a placeholder. Replace it with the obtained public key.
echo PublicKey-Data**** >

Use the public key to encrypt data

1. Create a sample plaintext file plaintext-file.txt that contains "this is plaintext".

echo "this is plaintext" > plaintext-file.txt

2. Use OpenSSL to encrypt the file and write the obtained binary ciphertext into the plaintext-file.enc file.

openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -in plaintext-file.txt \ 
  -inkey -pubin \
  -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep \
  -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 \
  -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 \
  -out plaintext-file.enc

Call the KMS API operation to decrypt data

You must call the KMS API operation and use the private key to decrypt data.

1. Before you transmit the ciphertext over the network, encode it in Base64.
openssl base64 -in plaintext-file.enc

Expected output:

2. Pass the Base64-encoded ciphertext to KMS to decrypt data.
aliyun kms AsymmetricDecrypt \
  --KeyId 5c438b18-05be-40ad-b6c2-3be6752c**** \
  --KeyVersionId 2ab1a983-7072-4bbc-a582-584b5bd8**** \
  --Algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
  --CiphertextBlob 5kdCB06HHeAwgfH9ARY4/9Nv5vlpQ94GXZcmaC9FE59Aw8v8RYdozT6ggSbyZbi+8STKVq9402MEfmUDmwJLuu0qgAZsCe5wU4JWHh1y84Qn6HT068j0qOy5X2HIlrjsfCdetgtMtVorSgb3bbERk2RV67nHWrDkecNbUaz+6ik4AlZxv2uWrV62eQ9yUBYmJb956LbqnfWdCFxUSHH/qB5QCnLpijzvPmfNlZr653H4nF08gpZjnmlF4FjTu3i2mGLzK4J3Rh/l7PQHiVMdc4hSnXosg68QmMVdZBGLK9/cD9SYngPDiirU7z0q7GitdIeloyCAUDFyuQC6a+SqzA==

Expected output:

        "KeyId": "5c438b18-05be-40ad-b6c2-3be6752c****",
        "KeyVersionId": "2ab1a983-7072-4bbc-a582-584b5bd8****",
        "Plaintext": "dGhpcyBpcyBwbGFpbnRleHQgDQo=",
        "RequestId": "6be7a8e4-35b9-4549-ad05-c5b1b535a22c"
3. Decode the returned Base64-encoded plaintext in Base64.
echo dGhpcyBpcyBwbGFpbnRleHQgDQo= | openssl base64 -d
The following plaintext after decryption is returned:
this is plaintext