This topic describes the types of ApsaraDB for MongoDB events that CloudMonitor monitors and can be published to EventBridge.

Event types

The following table describes the types of ApsaraDB for MongoDB events that can be published to EventBridge.

Event type Value of the type parameter
A failure-triggered switchover occurs between primary and secondary instances mongodb:CloudMonitor:InstanceFailover
An instance failure ends mongodb:CloudMonitor:InstanceFailureEnd
An instance failure starts mongodb:CloudMonitor:InstanceFailureStart
A task-triggered switchover occurs between primary and secondary instances mongodb:CloudMonitor:InstanceSwitchover
The O&M operation on an instance is canceled mongodb:CloudMonitor:Instance[SystemMaintenance.ScheduledOperation:Canceled]
The O&M operation on an instance is performed mongodb:CloudMonitor:Instance[SystemMaintenance.ScheduledOperation:Executed]
The O&M operation on an instance starts to be performed mongodb:CloudMonitor:Instance[SystemMaintenance.ScheduledOperation:Executing]
The O&M operation on an instance is scheduled mongodb:CloudMonitor:Instance[SystemMaintenance.ScheduledOperation:Scheduled]

For more information about the parameters defined in the CloudEvents specification, see Overview.