This topic describes the common parameters of API calls for Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).

Common request parameters

Common request parameters must be included in all EDAS API requests.

Parameter Required Description
aliyun_user_ak Yes The AccessKey ID of the Alibaba Cloud account or Resource Access Management (RAM) user. You can obtain the AccessKey ID in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.
aliyun_user_sk Yes The AccessKey secret of the Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user. You can obtain the AccessKey secret in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.
region_id Yes The unique ID of the region where the OpenAPI Developer Portal is available. For more information, see EDAS-supported regions.

Authorize a RAM user to manage resources

You can call the EDAS API by using an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user. If you use a RAM user, enter the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of the RAM user and use the Alibaba Cloud account to grant the RAM user permissions to manage specified resources. For more information, see Manage RAM users.

Regions and endpoints

The following table lists the regions where the EDAS API is supported and lists the corresponding region IDs and domains.

Parameter RegionId Domain Domain (VPC) Description
China (Beijing) cn-beijing We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the China (Beijing) region.
China (Qingdao) cn-qingdao Not supported We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the China (Qingdao) region.
China (Shenzhen) cn-shenzhen We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the China (Shenzhen) region.
China (Hangzhou) cn-hangzhou We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the China (Hangzhou) region.
China (Shanghai) cn-shanghai We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the China (Shanghai) region.
Singapore (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 Not supported We recommend you use this endpoint to access EDAS in the Singapore (Singapore) region.