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:Call examples of SDK for Node.js

Last Updated:Oct 30, 2023

This topic provides examples on how to call ID Verification - KYC (Global) SDK for Node.js. KYC is short for Know Your Customer.


  • Node.js 8.0 or later is installed.

  • Authentication is configured by using credentials provided by Alibaba Cloud. For more information, see Configure credentials.

Install the SDK

For more information about the source code of the SDK, see Alibaba Cloud Cloudauth-intl SDK for NodeJS.

We recommend that you use npm to manage dependency packages.

npm install @alicloud/openapi-client
npm install @alicloud/cloudauth-intl20220809@1.2.1
npm install @alicloud/credentials

Call examples

Call the Initialize operation

const {Config} = require("@alicloud/openapi-client");
const CloudAuth = require("@alicloud/cloudauth-intl20220809");
const Client = CloudAuth.default;

async function main(){

  // Build client
  const cred = new Credential();
  const config = new Config({
    credential: cred,
    endpoint: ""
  const client = new Client(config);

  // Build request
  const request = new CloudAuth.InitializeRequest({
    productCode: "KYC_GLOBAL",
    metaInfo : "{\"apdidT****.0.0\"}",
    merchantBizId : "***",
    merchantUserId : "***",
    docType : "01560001",
    docScanMode : "auto",
    returnUrl : "https://***",
    productFlow : "DOC_FACE",
    callbackUrl: "",
    callbackToken: "NY4******"

  // Invoke API
  const response = await client.initialize(request);

  // Get result

main().then(function (response) {});

Call the CheckResult operation

const {Config} = require("@alicloud/openapi-client");
const CloudAuth = require("@alicloud/cloudauth-intl20220809");
const Client = CloudAuth.default;

async function main(){

  // Build client
  const cred = new Credential();
  const config = new Config({
    credential: cred,
    endpoint: ""
  const client = new Client(config);

  // Build request
  const request = new CloudAuth.CheckResultRequest({
    merchantBizId: "XXXX",
    transactionId: "hks99********8f902",
    isReturnImage: "Y"

  // Invoke API
  const response = await client.checkResult(request);

  // Get result

main().then(function (response) {});