You can call ListClusterHost operation to query a list of cluster hosts, including their disk and CPU memory configurations.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. You can use OpenAPI Explorer to search for API operations, call API operations, and dynamically generate SDK sample code.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ListClusterHost

The operation that you want to perform. This parameter is required for API requests that you create by piecing together HTTP or HTTPS URLs. Set the value to ListClusterHost.

ClusterId String Yes C-D7CA98AAA96A****

The ID of the cluster. You can call ListClusters Interface to view the cluster ID.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the instance. You can DescribeRegions Interface to view the latest list of Alibaba Cloud regions.

HostInstanceId String No i-bp11vdyh3l6xvmnl****

The ID of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

HostGroupId String No G-A5EA210E15FC****

The ID of the host group.

HostName String No emr-header-1

The hostname of the server.

PrivateIp String No 192. ***. ***. ***

The internal IP address of the host.

PublicIp String No 47. ***. ***. ***

The public IP address of the host.

GroupType String No MASTER

Machine group type:

  • MASTER: The MASTER instance node.
  • CORE: CORE instance node
  • TASK: compute instance node
ComponentName String No HiveServer2

The name of the component.

StatusList.N RepeatList No ["NORMAL"]

Host status list:

  • NORMAL: The API group is normal.
  • RESIZING: Configuring
  • INITIALIZING: the instance is being initialized.
PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. Pages start from page 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries returned per page.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
HostList Array of Host

The information about the hosts.

ChargeType String PostPaid

The billing method of the instance. Default value: Postpaid. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go clusters
  • PrePaid: subscription cluster
Cpu Integer 4

The number of vCPUs.

CreateTime String 1599635156000

The time when the template was created.

DiskList Array of Disk

The list of disks.

BlockMountPoint String None

A reserved parameter.

Device String /dev/xvde

The name of the disk.

DiskId String d-bp1aq78lhbig6iel****

The ID of the disk.

DiskMountPoint String None

A reserved parameter.

DiskSize Integer 80

The disk capacity.

DiskType String CLOUD_ESSD

The type of the disk. Valid values:

  • CLOUD_ESSD: Enhanced SSD
  • CLOUD_SSD: Cloud SSD
  • CLOUD_EFFCIENCY: Ultra disk
Event String Local disks damaged due to system maintenance isolation

The name of the disk O&M event.

Type String data

Specifies whether the disk is a data disk or system disk.

EmrExpiredTime String None

The time when the EMR cluster expires. A reserved parameter.

ExpiredTime Long 32493801600000

The time when the host expires.

HostGroupId String G-A5EA210E15FC****

The ID of the host group.

HostInstanceId String i-bp1cfwf2cwgji7ds****

The ID of the ECS instance.

HostName String emr-header-1

The hostname of the server.

InstanceStatus String NORMAL

The status of the ECS instance.

InstanceType String ecs.mn4.xlarge

The instance type of the host.

Memory Integer 16

The memory size of the host. Unit: GB.

PrivateIp String 192. ***. ****. ***

The internal IP address of the host.

PublicIp String 47. ***. ***. ***

The public IP address of the host.

Role String MASTER

The role of the host in the cluster:

  • MASTER: The MASTER instance node.
  • CORE: CORE instance node
  • TASK: compute instance node
SerialNumber String 3c2a5078-778d-4c18-87e4-1a38fbcb****

The serial number of the host.

Status String NORMAL

Host Status:

  • NORMAL: The API group is normal.
  • RESIZING: Configuring
  • INITIALIZING: the instance is being initialized.
SupportIpV6 Boolean false

Specifies whether the IPv6 protocol is supported.

Type String VM

The type of the host.

ZoneId String cn-hangzhou-i

The ID of the region where your project resides.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.

PageSize Integer 10

The maximum number of exceptions on each page.

RequestId String 50F7151C-915D-4576-A291-833E8D193853

The ID of the request.

Total Integer 12

The total number of hosts that you have queried.


Sample requests

&<common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON Syntax

    "PageSize": 10,
    "RequestId": "50F7151C-915D-4576-A291-833E8D193853",
    "PageNumber": 1,
    "Total": 12,
    "HostList": {
        "Host": [
                "Status": "NORMAL",
                "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
                "PublicIp": "47.***.***.***",
                "Memory": 16,
                "CreateTime": 1599635156000,
                "Cpu": 4,
                "HostInstanceId": "i-bp1cfwf2cwgji7ds****",
                "Role": "MASTER",
                "Type": "VM",
                "HostGroupId": "G-A5EA210E15FC****",
                "SerialNumber": "3c2a5078-778d-4c18-87e4-1a38fbcb****",
                "PrivateIp": "192.***.****.***",
                "ChargeType": "PostPaid",
                "InstanceStatus": "NORMAL",
                "ExpiredTime": 32493801600000,
                "SupportIpV6": false,
                "EmrExpiredTime": "None",
                "InstanceType": "ecs.mn4.xlarge",
                "HostName": "emr-header-1"
                "DiskList": {
                    "Disk": {
                        "DiskType": "CLOUD_ESSD",
                        "Type": "data",
                        "DiskMountPoint": "None",
                        "Device": "/dev/xvde",
                        "BlockMountPoint": "None",
                        "DiskSize": 80,
                        "Event": "",
                        "DiskId": "d-bp1aq78lhbig6iel****"