If you use Logtail to collect logs, you can use the processor_rename plug-in to rename fields. This topic describes the parameters of the processor_rename plug-in. This topic also provides examples on how to configure the plug-in.

Important You can use form configuration to add Logtail plug-ins only if you select Kubernetes - Standard Output in the Import Data section.

Entry point

If you want to use a Logtail plug-in to process logs, you can add a Logtail plug-in configuration when you create or modify a Logtail configuration. For more information, see Entry point.

Usage notes

Important Logtail V0.16.28 and later support the processor_rename plug-in.

Form configuration

  • Parameters
    Set Processor Type to Rename Fields. Then, configure other parameters based on the following table.
    Parameter Description
    Original Field The original fields to rename.
    New Field The new names of the original fields.
    Report Original Field Missing Error Specifies whether to report an error if the raw log does not contain the original fields.
  • Configuration example
    The following example shows how to rename the aaa1 field to bbb1 and rename the aaa2 field to bbb2.
    • Raw log
    • Logtail plug-in configuration for data processing Rename fields
    • Results

Editor configuration in JSON

  • Parameters
    Set type to processor_rename. Then, configure other parameters in detail based on the following table.
    Parameter Type Required Description
    NoKeyError Boolean No Specifies whether to report an error if the raw log does not contain the original fields. Valid values:
    • true: reports an error.
    • false: does not report an error. This is the default value.
    SourceKeys String array Yes The original fields to rename.
    DestKeys String array Yes The new names of the original fields.
  • Configuration example
    The following example shows how to rename the aaa1 field to bbb1 and rename the aaa2 field to bbb2.
    • Raw log
    • Logtail plug-in configuration for data processing
            "detail": {
              "SourceKeys": ["aaa1","aaa2"],
              "DestKeys": ["bbb1","bbb2"],
              "NoKeyError": true
    • Results